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Opioids Withdrawal - Keep Busy or Try and Relax?


Apr 29, 2018
Do you find it more helpful to try and relax and do nothing during withdrawal or try and keep busy to keep your mind occupied?
Physical activity if you can force yourself to do it is the best. Laying in bed will make it all worse.

I remember just walking for miles and miles all day during my first time kicking after about 7 years on them.

Physically exerting the body through exercise will help you get a little hit of endorphins (endogenous opioid receptor binding peptides your body makes)
Exercise and keeping your mind occupied on something else works well.
Just sitting and overthinking makes it worse imo
Try to relax. Keep busy is soooo uncomfortable.like a spun crack head. Sweaty, agitated, speedy, weirding people out, short temper, etc. do a fast run, jog for a bit to get the natural endorphins & Phenylethylamine going, potent painkilling & anti anxiety properties

try to relax……

Clonidine 0.1mg tablets are a MUST. 3 daily, then 2 daily, 1/2 twice daily, 1/2 before bed
Diazepam 5 or 10mg tablets, morning & before bed
Pregabalin 150mg capsules, morning & before bed
Cannabis Indica 5mg oil under tongue before bed

all 4 drugs taken together in a hybrid cocktail 🍸…..Clonidine, Valium, Lyrica, Indica …..Wow, melt into the couch in comfort. Id even add Methadone 2mg tablets morning & before bed, then 1mg, then 0.5mg

a smooth reduction minimizes uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms and a warm blanket of comfort

OR……Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 24-30mg administered IV injection combined with a tiny bump of Cocaine or Ritalin in same rig. A potent Speedball :)

Oral Speedball: Methadone 100mg & Methylphenidate (Ritalin) 60mg in same glass of OJ …..light meal…..then Ethanol - Gin 3.oz cocktail X 3-4 drinks over a few hours