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Stimulants wtf @ friend

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Jul 13, 2008
trying to talk my friend out of a genius 8( plan he just had, he has add and gets medicine...he thinks hes gonna start going to a bunch of diff docs and getting more then 1 script for adderall..i'm trying to tell him its not gonna work and their gonna watn medical records etc. but he says he knows people that do it. Would this even work? its not even worth it I dont think for adderall right..I dont even know the street prices of the stuff he says he can get like X bucks a pill.
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Your friend is going to get into trouble.

Doctor shopping, which is what your friend is apparently planning on doing, is illegal, and depending on what state you're in...will get him caught very quickly. Adderall is a Schedule II controlled substance and prescriptions for it are monitored and recorded.

I don't know about pricing information as far as this forum goes....so a mod can answer that, but I won't even go there....
As said, it's a schedule II. This means it will be logged in pretty much every database the pharmacy is connected to and/or submits records to. If it were schedule III it might be a different story.

Alot of times local databases exist, as well as communication between pharmacies and doctors. I'd say it's possible if he really does his research, but isn't even worth it in the end. Seriously... doctor shopping for adderal?

I don't think it's in the forums interest for me to outline the best ways of getting away with doctor shopping. Just don't shit where you eat and be smart.

Tell him if he wants to make some money doctor shopping I would be more than welcome to shoot him in his foot.
if you want to know street prices people pay check out the price thread in here, outside of that thread no prices are allowed and theres no discussion besides people stating prices in there so make sure you read the original post with the rules.

what your friend wants to do could work but the chances of him getting caught are extremely likely and will happen within no time - ruining his chances in the future for proper medical treatment when he really does need it. tell him he's a fucking idiot for contemplating it and not to go through with it.

as neighbourhoodthread said, these scripts are monitored and and recorded as they're controlled substances which will have himself outed in no time at all. not a smart move by him.

anyway this is answered so i'm going to close this now. anything else you wish to ask, PM a mod and we'll reopen it for you.
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