• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

⫸STICKY⫷ ★ Dream Journal : Share your dreams ☯


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
★ DREAM JOURNAL: Share your dreams ☯

Greetings Fellow Oneironauts!!!

Dreams are such a universal and intriguing (not to mention downright bizarre) part of the human experience that I thought it would be cool to have a thread devoted to it. I will be posting my own dreams and I would love to hear yours as well. Any other dream-related discussion is welcome as well: Lucid dreaming, hypnogogic phenomena, night terrors, sleep paralysis, questions, concerns, advice, etc.

My nocturnal adventures have been fascinating me as long as I can remember (close to 50 years now), with dreams that range from utterly mundane to cinematically epic! Since posting every dream I have would be quite monotonous, I will mainly limit my input to recent ones that I think you might find interesting.

Here are three examples that I've had in the past year or so...

A Good Dream: "The Lucid Dream House"

I found myself in a large bedroom that I didn't recognize, with one of those devices that projects moving stars on the walls and ceiling. I realized that I was dreaming and decided to explore the rest of the house.

The living room contained a sit-down driving arcade game from the 1980's or 90's, which was right by the stairs leading down to the basement. I went downstairs and found it decorated with items that appeared to be from around the 1700's. The ones that I remember are crowns and decorative Faberge-type eggs. There was a musical instrument that was played like a piano, but was basically an engraved silver plate that pulled out like a drawer. As I began to play it, two young women in very antique-style dress sang a song that went something like, "Why have you come here? Is that the crown that you wish to wear?". It had a tune like the "One, two, Freddie's coming for you..." song from Nightmare on Elm Street, but a bit faster and not as creepy.

I went back upstairs and stepped outside, which was off of the bedroom where I started. All I found was a plain looking back yard with nothing of particular interest, so I came back inside. I decided to walk through the house once more and found everything to be exactly identical to the first time, which I found fascinating. The stars on the ceiling, the driving game, the old-time basement... they were all still there.

(From there it went on to a couple other scenes, but my lucidity faded and the dream ended shortly afterwards.)

A Not-So-Good Dream: "Am I in Hell?"

I found myself outdoors in some kind of post-apocalyptic wasteland at night, and it was snowing. I walked up to some bar/restaurant with the lights on and people inside, which appeared to be the only sign on human life in this otherwise dark and desolate environment. I entered the building, but everything turned sort of two-dimensional like a cardboard cutout, then disappeared.

I was back outside and being followed by two blue, female, ghost-like entities. I was partially lucid by this point and suspected that I may be dreaming, so I turned away from them and tried to wake myself up. (Since I was very young, I have always done this by closing my eyes and shaking my head back and forth in the dream.) This time it didn't work though. I looked behind me and found the same exact blue ghost ladies still pursuing me. I asked them if I was dreaming, but they just looked at me with evil grins. I asked them if I was dead and in hell, and they did the same. This time though, they opened their mouths and an icy mist came out. (There was a commercial for breath mints or chewing gum a few years back where the people breathed a vapor like this.)

I tried looking away and waking myself up a few more times, to no avail. I was so mindful that I remember thinking this clearly: I must be either dreaming, hallucinating, completely psychotic or truly in hell (like real, literal, bible-type hell). I was beginning to doubt that it was just a dream because I've always been able to wake myself up in the past. I knew that I hadn't taken any hallucinogens before bed, and I was pretty sure that I wasn't delusional enough to be imagining the whole thing. That left hell as my only option.

(Words cannot convey how utterly terrifying this was. I was absolutely convinced that whatever was happening, this was my new reality and there was no way out of it... possibly for eternity!)

The blue ghost ladies finally disappeared, but I was still trapped in this desolate nightscape for a while longer. At some point it turned into a couple of "false awakenings" where I found myself safely back in bed, or so I thought. My room looked normal to me, but every time that I opened my door and stepped into the hallway, everything would become surreal and I would realize that I still dreaming!

(When I finally woke up for real, I felt a bit disoriented to say the least. For the first five minutes or so, I didn't completely trust the fact that I was really awake. I was half expecting to find myself back in the nightmare again!)

A Downright Trippy Dream: "Greeting Card Face"

I realized that I was dreaming and found a mirror to look in, which is one of my favorite lucid dream experiments. My body looked normal, but in place of my head was a greeting card about 2 feet high and 1 foot wide. Printed on the front was the following poem:

This is me laughing
This is me crying
This is me living
This is me dying

Below the writing was an animated cartoon. It depicted a small dog jumping onto a trampoline, doing a mid-air flip and flying through a ring of fire. Every time that it passed through the ring, the scene would repeat itself.

Sweet Dreams!!!
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I love dreaming. Mostly I am consciously aware that I am dreaming so I just go with it.
I love dreaming. Mostly I am consciously aware that I am dreaming so I just go with it.

Lucid dreams are awesome, and a lot of people tell me that they've never had one.

Do you ever try doing anything fun like flying or transforming your surroundings? Lately I've been having more fun just walking around and exploring. I try to do things like read billboard signs and peer inside cabinets, because my dreams are usually very detailed and I'm always fascinated by the crazy things that my subconscious never fails to conjure up!
Lucid dreams are awesome, and a lot of people tell me that they've never had one.

Do you ever try doing anything fun like flying or transforming your surroundings? Lately I've been having more fun just walking around and exploring. I try to do things like read billboard signs and peer inside cabinets, because my dreams are usually very detailed and I'm always fascinated by the crazy things that my subconscious never fails to conjure up!

I hav lucid dreams almost every night. Normally I try to think of stuff and it appears and I can use it. Anything I think of comes to me. Not alot though hahahaha, most of the time I am like "okay so I know this is a dream, I want a rocket launcher"....but then fuckall happens.
I hav lucid dreams almost every night. Normally I try to think of stuff and it appears and I can use it. Anything I think of comes to me. Not alot though hahahaha, most of the time I am like "okay so I know this is a dream, I want a rocket launcher"....but then fuckall happens.

Ha ha! Yeah, being aware that you're dreaming and actually being able to exert any control over them are two very different things indeed. I've gotten pretty good at flying (hence my name), but that's about it.

One time I tried to make a beautiful woman appear and got something that looked like a 3-foot tall muppet version of that green thing from Ghostbusters! I laughed so hard that I actually woke myself up laughing out loud.
Oh man dreams are weird! I want to contribute some to this thread but I haven't dreamed vividly in a while... too much partying I suspect. :\ Yet another reason to chill out a bit. When I get some time I'll write out some particularly memorable dreams from the past.

One time I tried to make a beautiful woman appear and got something that looked like a 3-foot tall muppet version of that green thing from Ghostbusters! I laughed so hard that I actually woke myself up laughing out loud.

Haha!! =D I'm literally laughing out loud too!

I bored myself awake in a dream once when I was a kid. It was like that Calvin & Hobbes panel where he's dreaming that he's counting all the rocks on Mars, and he wakes himself up. Except that in my case it was walking between a series of points. I kept doing it, and doing it, and doing it, until I got so bored I woke up.
Ha ha, I know, right? I don't think that I could consciously make some of this stuff up even if I tried. The "animated greeting card face" one really astonished me. I mean, it rhymed and everything!

I must have inherited my gift/curse of crazy dreaming from my dad, because my mom's are usually boring but a lot of his sound like bad acid trips or something. (He had one where he was making out with some girl, then she suddenly turned into a worm that was attached to the inside of his mouth!) Gee, thanks Dad... =D

When I get some time I'll write out some particularly memorable dreams from the past.

Awesome! I look forward to your contributions. I'm planning to go through my dream journals and post some of my "greatest hits" here as well.
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It's really interesting that you're able to read words in dreams because I've heard again and again from people that you can't read in dreams. Personally I have never encountered text in dreams, and I've even seen sheets of paper that I somehow understood, but there was nothing written on them, but the implication was that there was something written on them.
I had a dream that kidd rock did a song defending Donald Trump. I was reading this on my phone. kidd rock was sat on the edge of my bed with a few other people. I shoved him off and told him he was an idiot. We argued and I was like " we've been friends for 20 years, let's just agree to disagree " nah, we were gonna fight. He turned into a demon type thing much akin to crampus. I thought I'll never win. I grabbed loads of knives but I never found out what happened.

I don't even rate kidd rock.
It's really interesting that you're able to read words in dreams because I've heard again and again from people that you can't read in dreams. Personally I have never encountered text in dreams, and I've even seen sheets of paper that I somehow understood, but there was nothing written on them, but the implication was that there was something written on them.

I can usually understand written or printed text in my dreams, but the words are often misspelled or jumbled up a bit. Only occasionally are they perfectly legible like in the greeting card dream.

Also, they usually change if I turn away and then look back at them. That's actually one of the "reality checks" that lucid dreamers use to tell if they're dreaming. Another one is to count the number of fingers on each hand, because they're rarely correct and often change as well.

I'm about to flip through some of my dream journals and start picking out some of the best (or worst!) to post here. Stay tuned, my friends...
i dream i'm m 'deaf and dumb' but can actually hear and speak just fine but don't wanna be found out a fraud by sayinh some shite excuse lel
I am going to try to get as much detail down as possible here. Just woke up from a long and quite vivid dream.

The whole dream took pl;ace in this mountain place that bears resemblance to where I live, but is also different. Pretty sure I've been there before in my dreams, but the thing about dream worlds is that sometimes you just plop in there complete with past experiences that I'm not sure whether were invented or have actually been experienced before. In any case, it felt quite familiar. The first half of the dream is indistinct to me, but it involved me and my brother going around and preparing for winter or something like that.

But I remember the second half well. We were camping at the base of a tall mountain. My brother had gone to climb the mountain. He had left a while ago, and then this guy who I knew to be a bounty hunter walked past the campsite. For some reason, I knew he was after my brother. So I went off after him, hoping to reach the top before him. The climb was arduous, it wasn't technical climbing, but more like pulling yourself up with rhododendron branches through a jungle. It really was quite a fun climb, and before long I passed the bounty hunter. I played it cool and pretended I was just another climber. He was having difficulty with it and swearing to himself. I asked him if he was having a nice day and if he didn't enjoy this nice view, and he was like, fuck this, I'm going back down, it's not worth it.

After some more struggle to reach the top, which really I found very fun, I got there. The view was staggering, it was as if I had ascended Mount Everest, I could see the curvature of the Earth. But instead of my brother, there were these... things. They seemed really familiar, they seem familiar to me now but it's hard to describe them or this next part. I realized that throughout my whole dream, I had been reading the flows of intention of (people? the world?), I could see them and interpret them. With them I could tell what was going to happen in the future, I could predict what choices people would make. It was this feeling of knowing, along with a visual representation, like waves of color yet invisible, that interacted and their interaction allowed me to understand. Up at the top of the world where I was, I became aware of separate entities that were talking about this force. I don't think they could see me. I interpreted them as sort of bearded giants, though they, too, were invisible. They were "talking" about how they were going to stop using these waves to determine events because it was too easy for people to read them sometimes. Then they took them away and I felt so blind, I realized I had been about to use them to find my brother and now I had absolutely no idea where he could be. Then I woke up.

There was more to it than that, I am not really satisfied with my description but it's the gist of it. There was also a whole first half of the dream with other people in it and other things going on, but that part is lost. The stuff about feeling the flows of intention was really trippy, I have these vague impressions of what that was like but it was some sort of process foreign to my brain right now. But at the time it felt so real and self-evident.
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Last night I had a really vivid and nice dream. In it, I was hanging out with my girlfriend at my house, and I took AMT (one of my favorite drugs). I fully felt it, it was like the best AMT high ever, I felt so lovey and rolly and beautiful. My friend Robbie called and said he was gonna come over later. After a while my girl and I decided to go out to eat, so we walked somewhere into this strip mall area (no relation to a real place as far as I know), and came to a bar place that we had been to before. In it we asked the bartender for more AMT, and she pulled out a little box of drugs and gave us some. Then after a while she left for the night and this other guy took over. He was cool, but I asked him for just a little more and he gave it to me and then told me it would be $10. I was a little peeved because in the dream, I guess we were really good friends with the bar owners and had never been asked for money.

Then I woke up for real, to my alarm, but I stayed up until 3 last night recording with my band, so I went back to sleep. Back in the dream, the reality was that I had dreamed the bar trip, so I was still on my original dose of AMT. Me and my girl were having a great time, and eventually we laid down in bed, because she was tired. I was waiting for my friend to arrive, and he was taking forever, so I dozed off (in the dream). The sleep felt SO GOOD, in the dream within a dream, I was dreaming that I was hanging out with my friend (the one who was coming over)'s girlfriend (another friend of mine) and this other guy, and we were having an awesome time doing rolling-style activities, where she gave me some more AMT. Then I woke up (in the dream) and was like, man, that's 2 times I've woken up and dreamed I was given more AMT, oh well at least I really did take my favorite dose and that's still going on.

Then my friend arrived finally in the dream. He brought his band-mates who are also my friends, and they said we should all go to their place. My girl wanted to sleep but she said I should go and have fun. Right about then I woke up for real, and my first thought was... oh man, all those false wake-ups... the real one is my least favorite. Not only am I not on the greatest AMT high ever, but I've gotta go to work and I'm late. :p

But yeah, it was such a fun dream, and interestingly, for the second time in a pretty short amount of time, I actually totally felt a drug in my dream. I had SUCH a nice high, it was great. :)
Ha ha, that's awesome! I've missed out on any dreams the last few nights for a couple of reasons.

First I had to get dental impressions, which nearly sent me into a full-blown panic attack that I kept thinking about at night. (Basically they cram a metal hockey puck in your mouth, then fill the rest of it with some kind of glue from a caulk gun and you have to lie still until it sets, feeling like you're choking and unable to swallow. My nose was stuffy too so I could hardly breathe.)

Then last night I had a splitting sinus headache and vertigo that gave me "bed spins" even though I was completely sober. I feel good today and I'm looking forward to some good REM-rebound sleep! I picked up some skullcap and mugwort and stuff, for tea and maybe to smoke a little before bed too. Oh yeah, and it's my 3rd day without a cigarette so I'm wearing a nicotine patch.
Damn that sucks, hope you get back on the dream track. :) I quit drinking except occasionally recently where before I was drinking pretty heavily on many nights. I've been lightly waking up right before dawn almost every night and then dreaming really vividly until I get up. It's pretty cool. :) I had another vivid one last night but I got up immediately and had to do work so I forgot all about it.
Hi Dreamflyer
I am a lucid dreamer as well
I don't keep a journal of them. They are often devastating bad dreams. I am not a current substance user (except caffeine n cigarettes).

I just wanted to mention I'm able to read extensive blocks of text in dreams tho they are often nonsensical.
I also experience character-merge. This is VERYoften. A person starts out as being say , my dad. I look away for a moment n he then my brother or my ex husband. ..... males stay male and females stay female. Age-merging happens ALOT. I can be talking to my daughter (she'll appear to be 14 or so) ... I look away and she is now preschool aged .

The most disconcerting part of my dreams is my Awareness the whole time that it is definitely a dream, but I am privy to information : should I TELL my parents "I know when and how you're going to die. We need to plan/ make changes "..... (in real life my parents are indeed dead now ).
And no matter what the dream entails for adventures or activity I am NEVER given the chance to warn / tell / advise my parents about their deaths. Incidentally my parents always appear to be 40-50 years old. Their ages never change but theiridentities might merge into others.

I've never read up on Interpreting dreams because I do not believe anyone but the Dreamer of the dream could possibly know it's true meaning.
Also-- are you a Bob Dylan fan? He has a great song entitled "Series of Dreams". The video is good too.
I love hearing about your dreams, dreamflyer. :) You have a gift for describing things in a visceral way that puts you (the reader, me in this case) right there inside your head.

Aren't dreams so crazy?? I love that I am finally able to have a good dream life again. It's so fascinating observing the way dreams flow, they're such a fluid thing where concepts blend freely in this very subconscious sort of way. It says a lot about the way the brain works IMO, even in ordinary consciousness. In ordinary consciousness our perceptions of the external world are still determined by the external world, but I find that my thoughts still work in a similar way as they do in dreams. It's just that in the dream, the entire scenario/"storyline" will change along with those branching thoughts. since there is nothing external to bounce it back off of.
ive always had extremely vivid dreams. vivid enough i have trouble telling whether im awake or asleep often.

the most recent one has been this.

I'm walking in a wooded area, not one im familiar with, doesnt look like the type of forests we have here in the midwest. Its late but not quite dark there's a slight chill in the air but not enough for it to be uncomfortable, just enough to tell you the seasons are changing. i feel pressure in between my shoulder blades as im walking... moreso being walked. I walk into a clearing and then i feel pressure on the back of my knee and a hand on my shoulder forcing me to my knees. Sitting there i hear the sounds of a creek burbling and small animals rustling in the brush. I smell the strong musk of the life around me and a hint of salt in the air. I feel the pressure of cool steel on the back of my skull, i close my eyes and for the first time in years i feel at peace. I hear a shot ring out and everything goes black. i see all of the bad things ive done, i see the people i loved who once loved me, and then i wake up. this has been a recurring dream since i got clean september 5