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Bupe Another Conspiracy: Sublocade Shots and THAT PAIN


Jul 6, 2018
This may be an issue exclusive to me, or a few people. I received a few Sublocade shots to get me off of Suboxone (I was stuck around 1mg/day). It worked! I tapered off the shots without too many w/d symptoms and now I'm opiate-free, aside from a few fuckups here and there. But goddamn, did those shots ever hurt like hell. Instant unbearable pain upon administration -- I wanted to knock the fucking syringe out of the nurse's hand! They obviously dreaded giving them too, the look on her face was priceless. Not only that, but for at least an hour afterward I would have recurring fits of massive, mind melting pain in the local area. Getting back to my car after the shot was an ordeal, as was trying to drive with the flareups.

My point: Why would they punish drug users like this? What the fuck is to be gained by adding the ingredients they add (they do, if you look into it) to make it so irritating? I get that they're trying to prevent desperate dope fiends from stealing and mainlining the shit, or whatever, but its really pretty horrendous. Just something I wanted to mention, to see if anybody else had experience with this. Fuck these drug companies. First our teeth, now this.
Wow. I've done my share of opioids but never shot up, nor used bupe. That's absolutely awful, though. It's like denatured alcohol, addicts need to be punished for having a problem, and the fact that they purposefully and knowingly put every person to receive their medication into seething pain, with a pain medication, ironically. Not really anything to add, I'm just surprised I hadn't heard of this shit.
This country HATES drug users. Especially opioid users.

Alcoholics are fine though. Gambling addicts are fine. Sugar addicts are fine. Porn addicts are fine.

But my god if you use opioids for better quality of life, you're just a criminal, lying, thieving "junkie" who needs "treatment".

I've never taken Sublocade, so I can't really say anything on the pain part. To me, I always viewed the shot/implant as a way to try & get people away from having any control over their meds. For example, a person on the strips/pills could theoretically play around with their doses. But some one on the shot/implant can't.
At my old clinic people were sold on it by not having to go to the clinic weekly.
They don't tell you that if you're ever in a situation needing strong pain meds (surgery etc..) they will not work because your receptors are saturated.
Bupe caused me bad anxiety so I couldn't take it and it didn't touch my pain at all and I still craved drugs.
Buprenorphine also causes increased cerebral spinal fluid pressure. This characteristic is unique to partial agonists only.

So governments, doctors & clinics think they're all doing everybody big "favors" for their health by keeping them away from the "big scary full agonist opioids", when in reality, their beloved partial agonist bupe has just as many health risks, if not more.
Buprenorphine also causes increased cerebral spinal fluid pressure. This characteristic is unique to partial agonists only.

So governments, doctors & clinics think they're all doing everybody big "favors" for their health by keeping them away from the "big scary full agonist opioids", when in reality, their beloved partial agonist bupe has just as many health risks, if not more.

What would be symptoms?
This country HATES drug users. Especially opioid users.

Alcoholics are fine though. Gambling addicts are fine. Sugar addicts are fine. Porn addicts are fine.

But my god if you use opioids for better quality of life, you're just a criminal, lying, thieving "junkie" who needs "treatment".

I've never taken Sublocade, so I can't really say anything on the pain part. To me, I always viewed the shot/implant as a way to try & get people away from having any control over their meds. For example, a person on the strips/pills could theoretically play around with their doses. But some one on the shot/implant can't.
Its not just your country, its all over the world I think. Were shit for much people.
They tried hard to get me to go on sublocaid as the first patient in my clinic. So glad I refused outright and my doctor just kind of half smiled like yea didn't think so.

Tried to butter me up and ish too, "you are like our model patient, if you do it other people will follow!" So use my imaginary 'rolemodel' status to lead the lemmings off the cliff; no thanks.

DeathIndustries - Cerebral and Spinal pressure; that is news. How significant of a concern is this and what problem(s) does it lead too?
They tried hard to get me to go on sublocaid as the first patient in my clinic. So glad I refused outright and my doctor just kind of half smiled like yea didn't think so.

Tried to butter me up and ish too, "you are like our model patient, if you do it other people will follow!" So use my imaginary 'rolemodel' status to lead the lemmings off the cliff; no thanks.

DeathIndustries - Cerebral and Spinal pressure; that is news. How significant of a concern is this and what problem(s) does it lead too?
Nice comparation with lemmings!
Never mind, sorry. I looked it up.

I don’t see where bupe could cause this though? Not that I doubt you. I’m just curious
I'm not sure exactly by what mechanism is causes it. But I've seen it listed in the pamphlet with my subs all the time.
They tried hard to get me to go on sublocaid as the first patient in my clinic. So glad I refused outright and my doctor just kind of half smiled like yea didn't think so.

Tried to butter me up and ish too, "you are like our model patient, if you do it other people will follow!" So use my imaginary 'rolemodel' status to lead the lemmings off the cliff; no thanks.

DeathIndustries - Cerebral and Spinal pressure; that is news. How significant of a concern is this and what problem(s) does it lead too?
The biggest concern would be for people who already have head & spinal injuries. I think the most common side effect would be headaches, head-pressure, cerebral spinal fluid leakage (usually a clear sticky liquid that drips out of your nose).

I've seen it listed in the side effects on the pamphlets whenever I pick up my bupe.

It also lists here as a side effect of Sublocade -

"Elevation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure: Buprenorphine may elevate cerebrospinal fluid pressure and should be used with caution in patients with head injury, intracranial lesions, and other circumstances when cerebrospinal pressure may be increased."

They don't mention there however that this effect is unique to partial agonists & not full agonists.
I'm not sure exactly by what mechanism is causes it. But I've seen it listed in the pamphlet with my subs all the time.

The biggest concern would be for people who already have head & spinal injuries. I think the most common side effect would be headaches, head-pressure, cerebral spinal fluid leakage (usually a clear sticky liquid that drips out of your nose).

I've seen it listed in the side effects on the pamphlets whenever I pick up my bupe.

It also lists here as a side effect of Sublocade -

"Elevation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure: Buprenorphine may elevate cerebrospinal fluid pressure and should be used with caution in patients with head injury, intracranial lesions, and other circumstances when cerebrospinal pressure may be increased."

They don't mention there however that this effect is unique to partial agonists & not full agonists.

I was very fuzzy when I switched to suboxone. So I don’t remember what I was even told about it, to be honest. At the time, I’m not sure I cared what the hell it did to me.

I’ve read a lot about it since then, but I’ve never come across that side effect. Not that I can recall anyways 😬

I have a few reasons I don’t like being on it but my main one is because i have to go to the pharmacy for witnesses doses daily.. because I’m also prescribed Valium. So… no carries. Ever.. unless I drop one med or the other.

It’s a law apparently.
