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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Concerta (162mg ORAL - First Time) | Kinda Terrible


May 19, 2024
I haven't tried many stimulants out there but by far my favorite is meth. So, during my current (half-assed) attempts to stay sober from it, or rather just find anything else to do, I decided to try Ritalin for the first time. Moral of the story? Don't chase something that isn't meant to be as strong as the other drug.
~7:00PM - Took 1x54mg (Alza 54mg, possibly XR?). Beforehand, I chose to attempt to crush the pill but was only successful in taking off it's reddish-orange coating, which I believe might've just kind of made me hopeful that it would kick in faster? Felt placebo-like effects within 5-10mins of dosing.
~7:30-8:00PM - Effects are very bleak but just barely noticeable. I was reading at the time, and I felt a slightly elevated level of focus/interest in the book. Nothing too crazy though. Once I started noticing it however, I began having very faint physical 'tweaks'? Most likely just me kind of filling the blanks with what I'm used to (with stimulants). At this point I feel very underwhelmed and generally disappointed, so I pop another 54mg XR pill.
~8:30PM - No real mental euphoria, and definitely none on the physical side. I began just kind of doodling at this point, which I quickly realized I was hyper-focusing on, which was a pleasant feeling admittedly. Very slight music enhancement as well. Nothing too crazy, just noticing bass more often and kind of physically flowing with it? However you'd describe that.
~9:00-9:30PM - Still feeling underwhelmed from unrealistic expectations, I took yet another 54mg pill. Now, instead of gradually feel the kind of "come up", so to speak, I immediately felt a strong physical reaction. HIGH elevated heartrate, slight physical tweaking, and a little mental boost. At first this felt fairly nice, but very quickly it just turned into too much uncomfortable physical sensation.

I wanted to continue writing it based on time but the rest of it kind of goes this way. I'm starting to feel anxious from the stimulation at around 10:30-ish PM, so I decide to lay down (as if that has ever worked with stimulants, lol), and just immediately began to get hit with a fair amount of paranoia.
Eventually from 11:00PM to ~7:00AM today, it was just strange visual hallucinations in the dark, extreme paranoia, and a constant tachycardia/high heartrate.
So, if I dialed it back more and demonstrated better self-control, it would've been much nicer honestly.

In moderation, I'd say this is 5/5 if you're using it to study or to lock in, but for recreation I'd say it sits at about a 2.5/5.
I don't even like coffee, unless im sedated as fuck from some other shit and don't wanna nod for a while. General question; what type of enjoyment do you derive from stimulants?
I don't even like coffee, unless im sedated as fuck from some other shit and don't wanna nod for a while. General question; what type of enjoyment do you derive from stimulants?
I've always been a lowkey anti-social person who, in all honesty, didn't really do shit growing up. So past meth being very cheap and accessible in my area, it gives me unbelievable euphoria and a sense of accomplishment (if you call running around all hours of the night as something accomplishing)