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Misc Diabetics - How Long on Insulin Before You Stopped Gaining Weight?


Apr 29, 2018
I'm a type 3C diabetic. A very simplified version of that is that it's basically type one (but caused by pancreatic failure, not autoimmune, meaning I wasn't diabetic until my late 20s, a couple of years ago).

Been on Insulin since about a week before Christmas (both bolus and rapid-release). I was 105lbs when I started on the regular/proper insulin use and I'm up to 119-120 now. How long this shit gonna go on for? I was pleased at first because a grown-ass man weighing 105lbs is not good (even if I am only a dinky 5'6) but I've gained a - to me - satisfactory amount of weight now and would like the (swole gainz, but no 'cause it's not muscle) to stop now plznthanku.

a/n - Insulin is technically an "Other Drug" so seemed okay to post it here