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Opioids Dihydrocodeine - dosage advice?


Jul 30, 2022
Hello all,

I have a ten-strip of 30mg Dihydrocodeine and was wondering what sort of dose would be appropriate for a nice high. Tolerance-wise, I've only ever had tramadol 50mg (think the most I ever took was 8, on a couple of different occasions) which I enjoyed, though this was around ten years ago so any tolerance built will now have vanished. Had a decent amount of booze with them too which didn't seem to do any harm.

Only opiod experience previous to that was morphine, with which I had a few of beers (was that a bad move for first opioid experience?) and was vomitting heavily, and I mean puking my guts up! Don't know whether the vomitting was due to to the combo, or the fact that the morphine was my first opioid experience, so a pretty strong onw too. I'd like to have a drink with the Dihydro, unless strongly advised otherwise. I do have a high tolerance for alcohol.

Any advice appreciated!
Fast acting dhc is wonderful, if u are occasional user 30-120mg provide very nice high, in its nature almost simmilar to morphine. And u don't have to worry about cyp2d6 enzyme like u have to with codeine and tramadol. And for heavy longtime users 300-600mg extended release = satisfied. 600mg to 1200mg = being so doped u are loosing consciesnes.
Extended release pills are felt after 30min, but it's stronger every hour with peak effects +- 3hours after consumption. I use only oxycodone, dihhdrocodeine and tramadol. 3 opioids that i like most and doing dihydro + reasonable dose of tramadol is fantastic.
The range from 30-120mg is quite a difference though isn't it 🤣

Which is the reason I made this post in the first place. I've only 5 pills left after giving some away to a friend. Intention is to try some tomorrow.... I'm thinking 75mg. Again, I'll ask.. should I be OK with a good few beers and a few double vodkas? I drink every night... and am also on a low dose (3x 5mg daily) of valium. I just don't want to fuck up and make myself sick...