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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Drug Culture *Social* v. Cultural Learnings for the Benefit of Bluelightistan

Indeed, I would pay money to see that!
Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live
Did a little bit yesterday and damn if it wasnt a shitty drug. Im aiming for 12 weeks atleast now.
I have ADHD and was prescribed Adderall at one point and Vyvanse at one point. In those forms I've found them to be the most helpful of drugs as long as I took as prescribed, really the only thing that can get me right in the head. But chronic redosing and being generally careless with it, can definitely lead to some big crashes. I personally never really abused amphetamine, only methamphetamine, which is a much different beast. Not sure what form of speed you're dabbling with, but I have faith you can keep your distance from it.
The fucking weed & alcohol snob club of <snip> is maybe the worst of all drug groups. We dont have crackheads though.
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laughing at the realization that these days I only log on bl to document every bender i go on and it's accompanying spun thoughts XD

just coming off a cute club night at nowadays, heard some wicked DJ sets, lots of very creative mixing and eclectic selections, Adam Pits came to NYC again and I got to shoot the shit with him! honestly, that venue is why i moved to New York, it's the perfect club! nowhere else like it. it was a 24h party and i only made it until 8am and had to throw in the towel, my friends got a good night's sleep and rolled in at probably 10am, def a better idea but the DJs i liked were on at night so I did a solo rager, shenanigans aplenty
as far as drugs go i was partying with a 1/4 hit of very high quality acid with ketamine and cocaine throughout. the ket is lovely, the coke is so very mid. I miss the blow in california, it was outstanding very consistently, east coast coke IME tends to be cut more often than not, but is available on demand within 30 minutes in NYC so I guess it does the job. I tested it and at least there's no fentanyl in it, just inert cut

This K is pretty nice, I love it when actual S-isomer comes around. I'm not sure what most people are selling as K, but it's usually not what i want, and often feels dirty. I like my K to be clean, light, trippy, and not sedating while still being a bit anxiolytic and calming; the perfect drug, truly

slept and went straight into the studio with my leftover drugs for hours, now forcing myself to put the rest away, smokin a spliff, took a kpin and drinking some kratom, bout to pop a melatonin when I feel the residual stimulation fade completely and sleep for as many hours as possible before i work in less than 12 hours
:roll eyes:
How the fuck can you get addicted to the ocd side of getting drugs?? Like it brings meaning? Was life always so boring and shit but I just now realize after its almost "too good" compared to earlier? Like how its alot better now but it feels the opposite cause I cant remember the 6hour waits and not being able to save any and then stress about that. Like its gotten so good I cant see the big picture of how good it really is cause the past is a distant fractured memory.
Depending on the patch theres a rush. Sometimes a psychological rush even if the patch is only alp/flualp.

Anyway, it always affects behavior so I assume it still works injected atleast with ksalols.

I put 0.2ml alcohol and 2ml+ water.