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How do I drain a bad arm abscess??


Nov 9, 2020
Ok so I have a reoccurring abscess on my arm that’s extremely painful. I try to pull out as much gunk as I can but it’s at an awkward angle. Idk what to do. Advice? I’m using a 31g rig to try n drain it.
Ok so I have a reoccurring abscess on my arm that’s extremely painful. I try to pull out as much gunk as I can but it’s at an awkward angle. Idk what to do. Advice? I’m using a 31g rig to try n drain it.
Go to the doctor and get antibiotics, it could be MRSA. At least go to an Urgent Care, which will cost more.
I can’t bc then I’d have to explain the needle marks on my arm.
Can you post a pic of it so we can see how bad it is? Being honest with a doc can go a long way, they've seen it all. They can't report your medical records to your place of employment. If you are on prescriptions then yeah I guess you could lose those depending on what they are. My advice is to not fk around with a recurring abcess, it can get extremely bad. Put shame/pride aside and just be honest with the doc, it could save your arm.
Can you post a pic of it so we can see how bad it is? Being honest with a doc can go a long way, they've seen it all. They can't report your medical records to your place of employment. If you are on prescriptions then yeah I guess you could lose those depending on what they are. My advice is to not fk around with a recurring abcess, it can get extremely bad. Put shame/pride aside and just be honest with the doc, it could save your arm.
How do I post a picture? I just finished draining it somewhat so it’s not as painful or full but by morning it’ll be full again red and angry. I just put my thermometer on it and it’s got a 100.9 fever.
Hate to break it to you but you really need to go to a doctor. They'll know you're using needles but that doesn't matter other than it making you feel uncomfortable. People can and do die or lose limbs from infections, and the fact that it is hot is very concerning. Don't wait, this could be a matter of life or death, or life or loss of limb.
yes doc, but warm salt water, raw potato slice, dont pick or dont push so much.spreads infection in healthy tissue, but i worked with abcesses in cats, and i irrigated the opening with saline, but the antibiotics are crucial for many , youre arent a feline but your immune system is fightin hard for you, eat right no alcohol with antibiotics, prep that tummy w. garlic water! water water water. tumeric, but you might not have access to high quality, is the wound close to a wrist joint or you elbow? wear gloves and you can scrub them nails real well, others can scratch when sleeping, stay sterile until doc appt!
is pus, yellow or green, cheesy like that of a cyst, or white n runny?? get well soon
yes doc, but warm salt water, raw potato slice, dont pick or dont push so much.spreads infection in healthy tissue, but i worked with abcesses in cats, and i irrigated the opening with saline, but the antibiotics are crucial for many , youre arent a feline but your immune system is fightin hard for you, eat right no alcohol with antibiotics, prep that tummy w. garlic water! water water water. tumeric, but you might not have access to high quality, is the wound close to a wrist joint or you elbow? wear gloves and you can scrub them nails real well, others can scratch when sleeping, stay sterile until doc appt!
is pus, yellow or green, cheesy like that of a cyst, or white n runny?? get well soon
It’s on the top of my arm by my shoulder on the side where you get shots. It’s yellow runny gunk.
Yellow gunk means infection dude. I have to echo what others have said, you really must go to a doctor to get it cleaned out properly and get antibiotics for it. It is extremely unlikely that it's gonna just fix itself and go away. You could even go to the ER and get it seen to. Either way, who cares what the doctors/nurses are going to think. It's their job to heal and fix medical problems, NOT to judge patients. Depending on the doctor, sure, they may try to lecture you or counsel you about stopping IV use, but ultimately it's up to you if you listen to their advice or not.

Regardless of all of that......you need to see a doctor.
Yellow gunk means infection dude. I have to echo what others have said, you really must go to a doctor to get it cleaned out properly and get antibiotics for it. It is extremely unlikely that it's gonna just fix itself and go away. You could even go to the ER and get it seen to. Either way, who cares what the doctors/nurses are going to think. It's their job to heal and fix medical problems, NOT to judge patients. Depending on the doctor, sure, they may try to lecture you or counsel you about stopping IV use, but ultimately it's up to you if you listen to their advice or not.

Regardless of all of that......you need to see a doctor.
Yeah I know, it comes n goes but I’ll likely go to the doctor
So yellow gunk is dripping from an infection and you're still thinking whether you should go to the ER or not cause they might judge you,? Do you wanna lose your limb? Or die? Get there now.
Nothing is dripping out
It’s on the top of my arm by my shoulder on the side where you get shots. It’s yellow runny gunk.
ty for reply . i wish to advise. but dont want to tell what to do with alot of natural remedies, cause i might hurt you if you heed my potions and have allergic reactions but you need irrigation possibility and damn antibiotics, but if viral no antibiotics unless severe bacterial infection, just saying dont take friends. family antibiotics, tho staph and MRSA are bacterial
I had an MRSA infection in hospital in an abscess caused from keyhole surgery and after ignoring it for just a week as normal post-operative pain I ended up in intensive care and isolation ward for almost 3 months, was given the Last Rites by a priest since I was so close to death, and finished with a hole in me roughly the size of a tennis ball.

And that was all under the best medical care possible. If I’d been another 24 hours ignoring it I’d be long dead.
It’s on the top of my arm by my shoulder on the side where you get shots. It’s yellow runny gunk.
If it's over 1cm in diameter go.to.the.fucking.doc.

I had an MRSA infection in hospital in an abscess caused from keyhole surgery and after ignoring it for just a week as normal post-operative pain I ended up in intensive care and isolation ward for almost 3 months, was given the Last Rites by a priest since I was so close to death, and finished with a hole in me roughly the size of a tennis ball.

And that was all under the best medical care possible. If I’d been another 24 hours ignoring it I’d be long dead.
Yeah I've heard some crazy abcess cases. A friend of mine would have died if he hadnt gone to the hospital, docs told him he's fucking lucky to be alive