• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

I will greatly miss @ControlDaddy


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I recently received a message from a close relative of @ControlDaddy advising that he died on December 15. He had not been a member very long on Bluelight but he had a very significant on me and was somebody I very quickly came to consider a friend. It did not take long for he and I to work out that we had common backgrounds in many respects but also sadly common pathologies. I think I spent more time talking with him in the short time he was here than I have with any other 5 members combined.

There is no denying @ControlDaddy was a very complicated character. Even without the stimulants he favoured he had a lightning quick mind and could see and happily argue both sides of any question simultaneously. He was also very prepared to push the experiential boundaries of stimulant use with others up for a party. I think a few people might have mistaken his character or intentions on occasion and I can’t speak for anybody’s experience of him but my own except to say that being misconstrued when high is a pretty common experience around here for many - which is why we all mostly try so hard to extend the benefit of the doubt to people who are struggling.

It was clear that @ControlDaddy began to struggle with his compulsions not long after he started engaging with us here. My understanding was he had had a fairly extended period of relative sobriety up to that point. Although his family acknowledges that he had a lifetime of struggling behind him they also wonder whether being here and engaging with some of us set in motion the decline that led to his tragic death: an anonymous death alone in a hotel room surrounded by the paraphernalia of his various vices/enthusiasms. It was weeks before his family could be located and informed I admit, that question from his grieving relatives led to some serious soul-searching on my part. As I guess it might some other current or former enthusiasts for the party and play lifestyle.

There is a terrible irony in the way this played out because, to the best of my knowledge, before he slipped away from us here @ControlDaddy put aside his anonymity and tried very hard to make a real-world intervention to help another member in crisis. If my understanding of some quite confusing real world events are correct his actions in aid of someone he really didn’t know demonstrated an extraordinary depth of character, a generosity of spirit, and great compassion. It is the greatest tragedy that there was not someone here able to at least attempt to do something similar for him in real life

Whatever anecdotes may float about regarding tweaked out behaviour I will always choose to remember him as a man of considerable ability and potential, who had suffered in all too common ways, blamed no-one but himself for his circumstances, and still maintained an enormous empathy for others he recognised as fellow travellers.

I don't even know what to say. He helped me out substantially, as I'm sure you know @Perforated.

He was smart, too, brilliant in-fact.

Just sad, really, really sad.

RIP Friend.

He was alright. I saw the conflicts play out but never really saw a ton of reason to start thrashing the guy. He was a solid member overall and all in all very knowledgable and caring in his own ways of communications through a broken glass. RIP.

There's been a few this last year now. I hope these shrines impress a message on the readers to reconsider this life. It's a solid chance to die before your time. Don't know what happened to controldaddy, but I have a guess it wasn't natural. Please be careful.
Rest in peace man.
A quality character, very smart ,I enjoyed his posts a lot and often wondered why he was only really here for a short time, but I also didn't have the full picture.

Adding to the very nice words of @Perforated it was also my own impression that he was a very compassionate individual who I saw investing time to help others by providing great insight on multiple occasions. ❤️
Yeah, I was definitely sad to hear about this when I did.

He had some problematic moments, but ultimately was a very interesting and clever guy. He definitely made a pretty big impact in the short month that he was here.

RIP and prayers up 🙏❤️
I recently received a message from a close relative of @ControlDaddy advising that he died on December 15. He had not been a member very long on Bluelight but he had a very significant on me and was somebody I very quickly came to consider a friend. It did not take long for he and I to work out that we had common backgrounds in many respects but also sadly common pathologies. I think I spent more time talking with him in the short time he was here than I have with any other 5 members combined.

There is no denying @ControlDaddy was a very complicated character. Even without the stimulants he favoured he had a lightning quick mind and could see and happily argue both sides of any question simultaneously. He was also very prepared to push the experiential boundaries of stimulant use with others up for a party. I think a few people might have mistaken his character or intentions on occasion and I can’t speak for anybody’s experience of him but my own except to say that being misconstrued when high is a pretty common experience around here for many - which is why we all mostly try so hard to extend the benefit of the doubt to people who are struggling.

It was clear that @ControlDaddy began to struggle with his compulsions not long after he started engaging with us here. My understanding was he had had a fairly extended period of relative sobriety up to that point. Although his family acknowledges that he had a lifetime of struggling behind him they also wonder whether being here and engaging with some of us set in motion the decline that led to his tragic death: an anonymous death alone in a hotel room surrounded by the paraphernalia of his various vices/enthusiasms. It was weeks before his family could be located and informed I admit, that question from his grieving relatives led to some serious soul-searching on my part. As I guess it might some other current or former enthusiasts for the party and play lifestyle.

There is a terrible irony in the way this played out because, to the best of my knowledge, before he slipped away from us here @ControlDaddy put aside his anonymity and tried very hard to make a real-world intervention to help another member in crisis. If my understanding of some quite confusing real world events are correct his actions in aid of someone he really didn’t know demonstrated an extraordinary depth of character, a generosity of spirit, and great compassion. It is the greatest tragedy that there was not someone here able to at least attempt to do something similar for him in real life

Whatever anecdotes may float about regarding tweaked out behaviour I will always choose to remember him as a man of considerable ability and potential, who had suffered in all too common ways, blamed no-one but himself for his circumstances, and still maintained an enormous empathy for others he recognised as fellow travellers.
beautiful heartfelt words
fucking hell first RIP of the year.

thanks @Perforated for the beautiful eulogy.

i had some interesting conversations with him, was wondering where he'd dropped off to. for some reason he wasn't on my radar as someone in imminent danger. really sorry to hear about this.
Wow terrible news, RIP

I didn't interact with him much but I remember enjoying his posts on this forum...he was a relatively young man too, that's so sad that he died. Like you mentioned Perforated, it really came through in some of his posts that he had a heart and wasn't just participating in the forum in a selfish, self-aggrandizing or trollish fashion...the fact that he genuinely cared about other people did come through in some of the interactions of his that I saw. Anyway RIP brother, your struggle is over now
Oh that’s fucked I was wondering what happened to him, he felt like he had major potential here.. Sad stuff :(

It's quite sad to see another thread here.
Rest in peace @ControlDaddy 🌹

Thank you for writing up this excellent, beautiful shrine post in his memory, @Perforated. Best wishes to CD (up in heaven/the next life/etc), to his family, and to yourself.

My heart goes out to an eloquent Masshole gone too soon.
It's a bit funny that this guy was considered a nuisance, and now he's on his way to become a BL-saint.

I talked at length to CD. He was funny.
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