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Misc Induced paralysis pre-surgery


Feb 11, 2022
A few months ago I was operated on for knife wounds. I noticed the feeling of paralysis in my body for less than 2 minutes after the drug was administered (my eyes were closed during the paralysis) shortly before surgery. Looking at the medical notes for the "visit" on the "EPIC" patient portal I noticed that I had been given rocuronium, which I suspect to be the causative agent of the paralysis.

The wikipedia article for "Rocuronium bromide" stated that "Since 2016, rocuronium bromide has been the standard drug, along with propofol, administered to patients for euthanasia in Canada.", also stating the states of Ohio/Virginia/Florida had switched to it (as part of a combo of drugs) for lethal injection (2016, 2012, and 2017 respectively).

I apologize for getting off track. But my question was: has anyone else been awake in the state of paralysis for a period of time before being sedated (from any drug, not just rocuronium bromide) for surgery? Was your experience negative or positive? It might sound weird but I found the paralytic effect mentally/emotionally relaxing (not in any pain/anxiety at the time) even if it was only for a few seconds. I wanted to know about anyone else's experience.
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That sounds like a really potent drug. I don't know too much about it or anything really.

But I wonder why they chose to give you that.

If it does cause paralysis, it would probably kill Me. But that's just my opinion.

I have been put out from anesthesia many times. It's like death to me.

And is just my opinion because I really don't know how to explain death then.

Sounds very interesting however. Why would they use that particular injection

is what intrigues me. Okay !!
"Rocuronium is a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocker widely used to produce muscle relaxation to help facilitate surgery and ventilation of the lungs in elective and emergent situations."

It's a safer curare derivative. Remember curare, the Amazon dart poison? It works by relaxing all muscles including the lungs. When they noticed that a curare victim lived just fine when ventilated, they began using derivatives to relax all muscles during surgery. Yes, they use it in executions where they obviously don't ventilate.

As long as they ventilate you, there are no adverse effects.
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"Rocuronium is a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocker widely used to produce muscle relaxation to help facilitate surgery and ventilation of the lungs in elective and emergent situations."

It's a safer curare derivative. Remember curare, the Amazon dart poison? It works by relaxing all muscles including the lungs. When they noticed that a curare victim lived just fine when ventilated, they began using derivatives to relax all muscles during surgery. Yes, they use it in executions where they obviously don't ventilate.

As long as they ventilate you, there are no adverse effects.
Thanks for the info.
I get sleep paralysis sometimes when I'm startled awake, where I can't move my body for 20 seconds or so. I've gotten used to it, but I definitely don't find it pleasurable in any way. More like frustrating and slightly claustrophobic.

I've had an intense fear of being paralyzed but conscious during surgery ever since I read an article many years ago about it happening to someone. I would've been utterly freaked out if paralysis set in before they put me under!
Sleep paralysis is always terrifying for me. I don't really see demons and shit all that much. More realistic dreams, which are even scarier to me for some reason.

A common dream I will have during sleep paralysis is that I drink, smoke, or snort something and then I immediately become paralyzed in my dream. It's very frightning and weird.

The other most common sleep paralysis dream I have is I become paralyzed but can hear other people walking around and talking outside my room, inside my room, or even standing next to my bed. All while I'm paralyzed and can't even move my head to look.

But on another note, I'm now 100% convinced that the vast majority of alien abduction stories, particularly ones where people are abducted out of their bed at home, are just sleep paralysis episodes that confuse people.