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Gabapentinoids I've heard of gabapentin potentiating DXM but what about the other way around?


Jan 14, 2022
I took 1800mg Gabapentin last night and it didn't really do much. Took 60mg DXM at some point well after the peak and it seemed to bring on the effects suddenly as if my tolerance was lower, this has happened with an OPMS Gold before as well. I wasn't feeling my Gabapentin and suddenly I was, with an added boost of feeling nice. Shit, I should've gone and grabbed some of those tonight actually given I'm in a PTSD spell... Maybe tomorrow or something, place is about to close. I'll run my script out of Gabapentin if I try taking it recreationally tomorrow though, it'll have to be like half phenibut half gabapentin.

I like gabapentin way more although at low doses it does feel more like gabapentin, like 600. I can get a refill on the 21st but that's 9 days before the 30 day supply is up and I don't want my doctor, who has already ghosted me for weeks and keeps not refilling my Valium which I actually do need to think I'm abusing the Gabapentin. I am, but I was playing around to find what I should do with it, and that is use it only twice a week rec max. You just can't get around that tolerance. I'd freshly been tapered off before the last script too.

I fucked up big time the first few days and went back down to the prescribed 900mg dose, then I was retarded and took 3g last Saturday... went back down to 900, and one night I took just 600 hours before bed and woke up to SEVERE withdrawals. Hell, what am I saying, I didn't sleep hardly at all. I took 7 grams of kratom and my restless legs didn't stop.

I figured with the shit fresh in my blood I'd be OK, but I guess unless I also have kava I can't get away with that because the shit knocks me out hard and works similar to gabapentin/benzos, more gabapentin. I did have kava that night but just 20g medium grind, which is way, way weaker than micronized. I should have some come tomorrow as it's only 3 hours away in Jersey. It's expected date is Monday, usually things come early although lately USPS seems to as if trying to be more accurate delay shit. I had something an hour away from me and they still waited the whole weekend to put it back in transit.
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