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Kava for relaxation/MAT/anxiety/cravings


May 3, 2024
What do we think about Kava Kava weather that be extracts or powder or nectar. Is there levels that actually help/ I’m new to kava and struggle with opiate and benzo addiction.. I’ve had minor effects so I know there’s something there. Just got a new extract nectar powder called Kava Hana. Drank one this morning felt kind of like matcha. Says stimulating though I noticed after I drank I guess some are more relaxing? Anyways looking for relaxation and ease of thoughts without narcotics. Please send experience with kava and other recommendations. Currently also experimenting with amnita muscaria and valerian root as well as California poppy. Pease and love
Hi. I used kava before I used anything else. I got from almalternative medicine doctor and ended up liking it very much because of its sedating effect. It was a liquid, I guess extract dissolved in alcohol and whatnot. Though the amount I had to take for it to show any effect was higher than what the doctor or the indications on the box recommended.

That's a long time ago, and I would like to try it again. But because I'm not sure of what's the best / most efficient form I'm curious of what others have to say. More so because by now I've been taking benzos for over 4 years and doubt I will get the same results from kava. But maybe it will help me keep my dosage down.

I started drinking Valerian root broth (I call it this because it looks like a witcht's pot when I prepare it). I haven't noticed any big effects, but somehow I think it's a question of how much and for how long. I ran out of the root trunk, but will definitely buy more.
I think Kava would be better. It’s stronger anxiolytic wise ime. I normally don’t recommend this but the kava sub Reddit is actually pretty decent and their faq page is really all you need.
What do we think about Kava Kava weather that be extracts or powder or nectar. Is there levels that actually help/ I’m new to kava and struggle with opiate and benzo addiction.. I’ve had minor effects so I know there’s something there. Just got a new extract nectar powder called Kava Hana. Drank one this morning felt kind of like matcha. Says stimulating though I noticed after I drank I guess some are more relaxing? Anyways looking for relaxation and ease of thoughts without narcotics. Please send experience with kava and other recommendations. Currently also experimenting with amnita muscaria and valerian root as well as California poppy. Pease and love
An experiment with Erythrina Mulungu would fit right in. Or an extract, but my latest batch does look like it but in effect's isn't remotely as effective. maybe inactive.

It used to be a very clean sleepaid to me. Not anything like a Benzo or GHB or even Melatonin. Last publication's show it has anti-convulsant, anti-anxiety, anti depressive effect's and is imo the best sleep aid I ever took. No after effect's, no supression of REM sleep and no morning grogginess.