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Ethnobotanicals Lemon balm is anxiolytic!


Dec 27, 2005
I had some anxiety going on, so I decided to make tea of lemon balm. I crushed about 4 teaspoons of shredded lemon balm in a mortar to powder. Added boiling water and let it steep for a few minutes. After drinking it, I felt relieved from the anxiety. It felt like a low dose of benzo without the intoxicating effects. I'll be making this tea again! Have you noticed any psychoactive effects from lemon balm?
Lemon Balm (stimulating, mood-boosting anxiolytic)
Passion Flower (GABA-A agonist / PAM) just like benzodiazepines
Rhodiola Rosea (Mental stimulant & mood-boosting effects)
ALCAR (Mental Stimulant & energizing supplement)
Hopps (Herb in beer, subtle sedative & anxiolytic)
Magnesium Bisglycinate 200mg (prior to bed, anxiolytic, deep refreshing sleep)

…..there’s like 5-7 other supplements I have and all work. No placebo b.s. or fake crap

…..just like the opium poppy (Papavier Somniferum), Coca leaves, cannabis, Khat, Psilocybin mushrooms……all given to us mammals by Mother Nature. Grown naturally by that beautiful burning ball of gas in our solar system, the Sun :) …..the natural plants are POTENT AS F@Ck

2-3000 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia…….Papavier Somniferum with its natural alkaloids, Morphine, Codeine, theBaine, Papavier, etc …….the name they gave it translates into English as “Plant of Joy” lmao

F@ckn Ah ……..19/20th century pharmaceutical advancement, scientists isolated Morphine and synthesized Diacetylmorphine (Heroin) and isolated the Tropane Alkaloid Cocaine from the coca leaves ……refining it into its water soluble hydrochloride salt. Cocaine HCL a potent triple reuptake inhibitor and inverse agonist at the DAT/SERT/NET

Hypodermic needle invented……injecting Morphine Sulphate or Morphine Acetate (Heroin) directly into the bloodstream and BOOM ……an analgesic potency beyond anything seen before with an overwhelming Euphoric bliss of a warm blanket of security and pleasure

Brompton Cocktail & Speedball took it even further……..3 parts Heroin / 1 - 1.5 part Cocaine I.V. injection and it’s pure heaven