• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets Life is better with CATS !!


Oct 25, 2022

Just kidding. Life really is better with CATS !!

my family got a black kitten back in the day and it was the craziest thing i've ever encountered. it would climb up my entire body really fast while i was standing and attack me. i really didn't like it, it was so aggressive but i was afraid if i moved it the wrong way it would break because it was so small, so i basically just had to let it attack me... it started to piss all over the floor and spread the piss out in large circles all over the floor almost like it was trying to make art. we got rid of the cat after a couple weeks. it was mostly scary. i thought maybe it was some type of schizophrenic cat spirit that wanted to meet me as a schizophrenic at some points. i also thought one of my dogs might've had a spirit that i had known, but that's also kind of a long and sad story i don't like to tell.... anyways, i'm not sure if that black cat got to be a cat for very long. it didn't seem like the type of thing anybody would be able to put up with.

has everybody seen this video of a cat and a crow that encounter eachother? totally makes me convinced that people and animals carry different types of energy that we are unable to scientifically document...

Doesn't sound to me like there was anything wrong with that kitten.

Kittens have tiny razor sharp claws and they like to climb people and scratch people. That's totally natural. As far as the piss goes, they are super easy animals to toilet train. They toilet train themselves. All you have to do is put a litter down and keep it fresh... but it will take a good month or two. When an animal pisses on tiles or concrete or floorboards, it is going to spread out into a big circle. Same thing happens if a human pisses on the floor.

Sounds like you were experiencing high levels of anxiety. I don't know your story. Are you schizophrenic?

I had a deaf albino cat called Cloud many years ago. She was a very scratchy cat, but she was fucking awesome. Very eccentric little animal. I loved her to bits until one day I ran over her while on LSD (me, not the cat).

I've had about 8 cats in my life, including the two kittens Sweetheart gave birth to... even though I gave them up around 6 weeks old.

When I lived in Africa, we captured a stray kitten. It was following it's mother around, but there was no love or support there. The mother was very sickly looking. So, we grabbed this kitten and fattened it up and taught it to wee in a litter then we gave it to a little girl.

Strays can be difficult. Kitsly (the name we gave our rescue kitten) was very scratchy, like Cloud. She was a feisty little cat. Tons of personality. Lots of energy.

I have loved all my cats.

Two of them are still with us, although one of them has lost a leg now and is getting quite old and sick.

Doesn't sound to me like there was anything wrong with that kitten.

Kittens have tiny razor sharp claws and they like to climb people and scratch people. That's totally natural. As far as the piss goes, they are super easy animals to toilet train. They toilet train themselves. All you have to do is put a litter down and keep it fresh... but it will take a good month or two. When an animal pisses on tiles or concrete or floorboards, it is going to spread out into a big circle. Same thing happens if a human pisses on the floor.

Sounds like you were experiencing high levels of anxiety. I don't know your story. Are you schizophrenic?

I had a deaf albino cat called Cloud many years ago. She was a very scratchy cat, but she was fucking awesome. Very eccentric little animal. I loved her to bits until one day I ran over her while on LSD (me, not the cat).

I've had about 8 cats in my life, including the two kittens Sweetheart gave birth to... even though I gave them up around 6 weeks old.

When I lived in Africa, we captured a stray kitten. It was following it's mother around, but there was no love or support there. The mother was very sickly looking. So, we grabbed this kitten and fattened it up and taught it to wee in a litter then we gave it to a little girl.

Strays can be difficult. Kitsly (the name we gave our rescue kitten) was very scratchy, like Cloud. She was a feisty little cat. Tons of personality. Lots of energy.

I have loved all my cats.

Two of them are still with us, although one of them has lost a leg now and is getting quite old and sick.
yeah. i have schizophrenia. i wasn't experiencing it much at the time, but the cat made me super nervous. one of my dogs actually ran into me while it was chasing me around the yard and my knee went out and i fell on the dog. it broke it's leg and had a lot of trouble after that, so i was always super nervous about the cat.. we gave it back to the breeders that gave it to us. hopefully it got a good home then. i always assumed it must've been too crazy for anybody to handle and it got put to sleep.
Life is exactly equal with or without cats

That's the impressive thing
Cat friend sending love on my chest

Would be a relief if she left too

"You can live with them, you can live without them"

Like women in reverse
Depends on whether they're currently acting adorable / minding their own business somewhere, VS lying down on your keyboard / waking you up at some ungodly early hour using your stomach as a trampoline while yelling for breakfast / insisting on doing their business under the kitchen sink despite you having bought TWO litter boxes / being generally infuriating.
that thing where they'll sit in a corner of the room blankly staring at you while you're trying to jerk off and it REALLY puts you off your stride.

I like an audience.