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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Opioids Mitragynine / 7-OH Dosing???

Tried 2 O.P.M.S. BLACK capsules. Contents on the back reveal a whopping 148mg(48%) mitragynine and <7mg of 7-OH per capsule. About 1.5 hours in, either mixed mu agonism with nmda antagonism or mu agonism, but noticeable tingle in lower extremities that i only get with ketamine or very rarely achieved through very strong opiates nowadays. Had i taken the 3rd one, i would have probably had to take a nap.

This is quite remarkable only because i have only been off of my suboxone a few weeks and i have a somewhat perma-tolerance from years of suboxone use.
How did you IV 7oh? What was the process for preparation?
I can say with confidence that OPMS black has little to none of 7-OH. The packaging lies.

I've tried 7g of leaf on its own, I think it tests at 15mg mit and .5mg 7OH per gram and that
That's impossible.

0.05% of 7-OH per gram would be a stretch as well

almost all the 7-OH is created by in vivo metabolization of mitragynine in the liver