• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

New, and happy to be here


Apr 19, 2024
Hey all...
If someone could point me to where I should be...
I'm in a bit of a quandary. I'm a chronic pain sufferer of twenty years, Opioids especially oxycodone and fentanyl is what works best for me so that I can have a life.
The clinic I have been going to is no longer there and I have been left high and dry. No other clinics in my area.
Don't know what i'm supposed to do....?

Thanks for your help
Glad to have ya and welcome.
The only thing I know to suggest is visiting a hospital because fentanyl and oxy can leave one in a very precarious position if cut off. Maybe they would be able to offer a valid alternative...?
Do you see a pain management Dr or other for the condition(s)? Someone in your locality would probably be able to help you on this moreso than here at BL.
I do hope you can get this sussed out quickly and safely in a relatively short time.
I don't know what to think of the med field these days or what they are thinking. A mess, imo, and navigation in these matters is getting to be more and more a pita.
Just hope you haven't gonna the past the point of wds stage as then this is gonna suck.ball the best and hope you come right. Not clued up with government medicinal system that said, so truly all the best

And welc9me to blueworld
Where in the world are you located? I bet there are people here who could help you to figure that out. I mean I think they could. I don’t think sourcing is allowed but asking advice isn’t sourcing right?
Where in the world are you located? I bet there are people here who could help you to figure that out. I mean I think they could. I don’t think sourcing is allowed but asking advice isn’t sourcing right?

His only option pretty much would have been to present at the nearest ER. As far as I'm aware if you tell them you're opioid-dependent, in acute withdrawal and concerned you might have complications, they have to medicate and observe you.
His only option pretty much would have been to present at the nearest ER. As far as I'm aware if you tell them you're opioid-dependent, in acute withdrawal and concerned you might have complications, they have to medicate and observe you.
not in the US. They consider it non life threatening and won't give you anything. They don't give a fuck. Same if you end up in jail. Too bad, so fucking sad is their moto. They must treat for alcohol and benzo wd tho.
welcome to Bluelight OP.