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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: aLL aBoArD tHe MoThErShiP 👽🛸


Bluelight Crew
Sep 6, 2015

I smoked 30 mg of DALT yesterday. It was nice. I probably wouldn't normally say much about it but it's such an uncommon substance.

My reactions to smoking synthetic base tryptamines compared to other people are night and day compared to those for DMT. My smoked DMT trips usually seem weaker than what other people describe and come with a very unpleasant body load that mostly makes me not like the experience. My smoked synthetic base tryptamines trips usually seem stronger than what other people describe and are usually very pleasant and smooth. I really like smoking synthetic base tryptamines and a lot of the things I've ever experienced that were alike how people describe smoking DMT actually happened for me on them instead despite not having experienced those things on DMT myself.

DALT was subtle for me as its reputation seems to suggest from scarce reports, but it felt to me like that might be at least in part just from it needing a higher dosage than other similar things for a comparable level of effects; I think I'll smoke 50 mg next time and see how that theory holds up. The heaviest part of the effects lasted for around twenty minutes, the full duration beyond an afterglow lasted around an hour, and I felt good for the rest of the day and still feel good now, similar to smoking other synthetic base tryptamines in that regard. Body load was negligible, some effects like dry mouth might have been present in retrospect but nothing really above that.

Sensory distortion and patterning was light, but present and colorful. It's not one of those tryptamines that seems visually subtle to the point of being grayscale, it just comes out slowly and in the edges of things, more alike LSD than DMT in that way. The imagery in its patterning can get very vividly detailed though, more alike other base tryptamines than other psychedelics in general. The most memorable thing for me in that way from this trip was a point where I was seeing a pattern across my field of vision made of beautiful purple flowers that looked kind of like roses, and they were moving like a standard repeating mandala or gear-like pattern, but they were very clearly well-defined flowers, not just flower-shaped. This was while lying in bed in the dark and the pattern was less than half opaque but very stable and visible. The flower theme reappeared later in the shower when I briefly felt like a flower spawned and blossomed on top of my head.

When I was still in bed and had first smoked it, I initially closed my eyes and got a cartoonishly colorful and stylized but realistically detailed vision of entities ripping me apart and pulling out my insides. It felt like the stereotypical DMT hyperspace story of having an surgical operation performed on you during an alien abduction but not in a clean and clinical way and not as alien, it felt more like being toyed with by human-like cosmic entities acting like wild animals but more cruel, at least one of whom I recognized. The imagery was immersive but not transporting, I was still lying in bed watching a transparent vision behind closed eyes, but feeling like I was a part of that vision still. It did not last long and broke up into still notably detailed but weaker visuals that dispersed more into the general patterning that remained in the edges of things for the rest of the trip. I do remember at some point before I got out of bed, there were visions of women joined together in a half-helix structure of a kind I've seen when smoking salvia on LSD before, each one with a hand outstretched to grab the ankle of the one above them forming an infinite chain, and I reached my hand out to join them and became part of the chain.

The trip was pleasant, fun, and refreshing. I find DALT to be a very calming substance that actually reduced the anxiety I felt before smoking it, something that I've found to be true of MET as well. The trip was somewhat weird but in a playful way that was recognizably psychedelic, and not as distinct from the classic psychedelics as something like DPT which it does have some other similarities to such as in the calmness relative to the base DMT. I came out of it feeling like I had some good thoughts and personal insights and was in a better mood than I went into it in, which was already okay. I spent much of the night catching up on new Rick and Morty episodes I hadn't seen yet with a friend with good immersion.

DALT is a very interesting drug to me. Scientific data suggests that its affinity for 5-HT2A receptors is only about twice as high as its affinity for dopamine transporters and only about three and a half times as high as its affinity for kappa-opioid receptors (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6230509/). It also has slightly higher affinity for norepinephrine transporters than for dopamine transporters and its affinity for the serotonin transporter is higher than any of these, about four and a half times more than for 5-HT2A receptors. It also has an interesting monoamine receptor agonist profile, with high relative affinity for various receptors like 5-HT1A, 5-HT2B, alpha2A-adrenergic, and D3, along with high affinity for both sigma-1 and sigma-2 receptors. I'm glad to have the chance to experience it and try to understand how that pharmacological profile translates into subjective activity.

That's about all I've got to say about it.
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Just took 50mgs of Memantine this time, pretty sure it's gonna have a good deal more to show me this time. Might even take a little more this afternoon if I feel inclined, have the day off work. Not really in a rush to push this one and I also am spending the day with my girlfriend and she wants to go and buy a Christmas Tree and go out to eat so I don't wanna be too far out there. Generally tho I find this one super easy to be on public on.

Similar to a PCP analogs in that way except this doesn't make me act like a wizard and it less manic/delusional. But who knows what happens when people take these monster doses like I see on Reddit 250-300mgs, one guy got stuck in a trip for almost two weeks. Now that just seems bonkers to me at this point and very cautious dosing it, I'm quite enjoying it in these lower amounts and I have a way too intense job physically to be heavily dissociates for days, I'd chop my fucking finger off or something when I'm cooking.
Took another three tablets so that brings me up to 80mgs and my first full on recreational dose. Have a really nice body high building over the last few hours and I feel very euphoric. It's been three hours since the first dose so I'm pretty sure this is about where that one will take me and I could handle a bit more. I'm going to be doing my first dose of the 1,4-BDO around 12:30pm so I'm expecting them to synergize quite nicely. Only side effect is some mild head pressure but I took a Tylenol and the positives far outweigh the negatives.

After today I am going to take a couple days off tho and then start back with one or two tablets a day so I can conserve my stash. Plan on getting some more in the coming weeks for the purpose of assisting me in my Opioid Taper, I'd only do these higher doses once in awhile after this. It's a nice drug, been watching this documentary about Rolling Stone magazine and find it very engaging. My girlfriend will be here around noon, can't wait to see her.

<It like I'm floating almost, with soft breeze blowing through me. Get this effect from Dissociatives at times and love it, so peaceful. This song right here blends into it nicely. I'm in my element right meow>

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Just took another couple and brought it to an even 100mgs. Feels so damn good right now, just straight bliss. Honestly this is going to be one of my new goto drugs, so glad I found a decent Dissociative I can take while I'm in this place. The light headache I had completely vanished and I have no nausea or anything, just lovely high. The music sounds so good, like wow Im just grooving with my headphones on smiling from ear to ear 😍
I'll also add, you'll probably be high for a solid 2 days from that dose so please consider that when taking more. You've already taken more past your initial dose a couple of times... you said a slow workup, but it went from 30mg to 100mg from one day to the next. Just please, please be careful, my brother. <3
Yes, my friend I shall be careful. Dear Lord peaking right now on both the GHB and Memantine and feels incredible, hedonistic goodness. Making out with my girlfriend feels so good, everything is flowing so beautiful. This combo is fucking incredible seriously. Got 100mls of that stuff too so lucky, I'm not taking anymore Memantine I promise. This is plenty strong.

I'm just where I need to be 🤗
I have done alot of psychedelics and 5meo would be by far the strongest. But in all my dmt and k holes I had some k holes that have blown my mind far deeper than even DMT, where i honestly thought i would be forever damaged and left a drooling psychotic mess, that k hole made me become sober and never want to hole or trip again.

Just wondering would you guys say your disso holes have been deeper than DMT?
I have done alot of psychedelics and 5meo would be by far the strongest. But in all my dmt and k holes I had some k holes that have blown my mind far deeper than even DMT, where i honestly thought i would be forever damaged and left a drooling psychotic mess, that k hole made me become sober and never want to hole or trip again.

Just wondering would you guys say your disso holes have been deeper than DMT?

Fuck yeah, my most intense drug experiences of my life have all involved some type of Dissociative. But when you mix in a psychedelic as well it gets really special, like 4-AcO-DMT and a high dose of K/MXE sorta drug is so mind-blowing. Some of my most precious memories were formed while I was on these drugs. I'm sorry they have been hard on you @TripSitterNZ, maybe you need to dose lower or play around with different compounds?

I've had some really tough times cuz if Dissos in the past but it was always because of something strange I did in public or around a girlfriend. I've never had a bad trip on Dissos where it left me feeling traumatized, or had a bad trip on psychedelics for that matter as well. Just love going to swirlZville so much. But back on topic , personally I have never truly broken thru on DMT like I hear other people talk about all it really is visual candy and an alien headspace. I've gotten much more out of the 4 substituted tryptamines generally.
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K hole on shrooms or acid changed my life forever.

K saved me from suicide and depression and PTSD.

But my last ever k hole I went on a hell ride through infinity into the darkest realities where i met demonic entities and encountered the devil on a k hole lol. That shit was 10x even more scary than my worst trip on acid to hell.

Maybe in a few years ill come back to tripping. But for now im sober.

K-hole imo beats the shit out of DMT breakthrough. Some k holes can be pretty lack luster but fuck me you never know what you are getting into.
For me when I do Ketamine or the like I have these trips where I feel like I am disconnecting from our everyday reality and tapping into the true source. Like I am discovering the most important secrets you can ever imagine and this is the key to it all. And you all need to know this because it is so important and I try to bring it back but articulating the experience is so difficult. Like one time on O-PCE I broke thru to this realm where I was just pure energy/consciousness and I was no longer in a human body. My whole life had been leading up to this moment.

I was traveling through these frames of images and it was like turning pages in a book of life, didn't have to be mine. But it was a story and so profound and beautiful. These drugs give me an deep love for life and humanity. Honestly I feel like Dissociatives are the way in which we will find the answers all people seek, where we come from and where we will go when we die. We merge into that cosmic machine and become another cog in it's wheel of time.
The reference point inevitably inferred from being that one point that happens to be the reference for you, simply ceases to be the only possible point of reference. Not as a cute idea. As a quite undeniable fact. As an matter of observation. It can become a matter of trivial perceptual sense that of course the universe is a panopticon, a many-view.. further more consisting of agents granted independence only by virtue of utter and complete cooperation of universal forces. Only interconnected parts can conspire to individuality. There's really no other physical configuration imaginable for conjecturing disconnection as a given. Therefore any accurate model can't quite adhere to individual free will, neither to determinism, funnily enough.

Yes everything looks so sharp and clean through the lens of dissociatives. But is it enough? We live in the age that psychedelic use has been normalized, to the point that we have a slew of CEO's having been willing to cough up the 5000$ needed to fill their dead psyches with ayahuasca. Did they adopt a psychedelic worldview? No, the typical response has been the leverage of yes wacky visions but into their old capitalist-extractionist spiel. Even the very brightest mind of silicon valley did not return from the jungle with a plan for selling humanity a notion of much needed de-growth.. instead only more technosolutionism, boyish physics projections deliberately blind to global society's actual energy store, our ever declining "EROEI" (energy return on energy invested).

Not so long ago you used to be able to score a conversation with Einstein, and have your mind blown. Nowadays you can score conversations with our present day Einsteins, and apprehend that the global fragmentation of academic knowledge even nullifies their authority. That it's simply impossible to specialize without losing track of general developments.. that's it's simply impossible to develop without giving up on specialization. What even is the present day ecological secret agent? It's not the grass-roots hero recycler, mathematically. It's not the intellectual hypocrites depending on fossil fuels for chemical adjustment of their information processing systems. It's not the average DMT tripper. Is there any fixed form at all we can point to yet? Or is the sustaining self something we're still re-imagining ourselves towards on a daily basis? On a forget-yesterday-today-all-is-different-again basis?
This stuff truly does go on forever I am still completely out there, had a really amazing day tho redosed G like maybe four times. The way these two mesh together is really exquisite, I don't even know where one ends and the other begins at this point. Already can foresee myself not getting any sleep tonight even the G itself causes literally zero sedation on this it's only a euphoria enhancer.

Couple hours ago me and my lady were playing around and I got probably the best orgasm from oral that I ever have in my lifetime, serious. Craziest part is normally I can never ever finish when I'm on Dissos and it's frustrating at times. But this stuff isn't like that at all, either it doesn't disconnect you from your body as much as other Dissos or the G just pulled that outta me. When I closed my eyes I saw incredible multicolored patterns strobing beneath my eyelids, it honestly rivals an MDMA peak I'm shitting you not.

The only other drug experience I could compare this to would be Ephenidine and GBL combo I did a couple years ago. It is remarkably similar to that but I would say that this much easier going in nature, tho that time I did do the EPD/GBL with some n,n-DMT/BOD/DOC/4-AcO-DMT later on dosing myself for a couple of days I was binging. That was a seriously wild ride, this is nowhere near as psychedelic obviously but from what I remember when I had the Ephenidine and GBL in me alone, this tonight is quiet close.
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This guy makes the best GHB musik, evah 😍

Just got back to the crib, heated up some of the Thai food I brought back that was amazing Panang Curry that was probably one of the best things I have ever tasted in my life seriously. So glad I saved the rest to finish off later. This is the first time I have gotten Thai Food since I left Brooklyn and honestly this restaurant is almost as good as Song, which was a few blocks away from where I used to live and is very popular Thai Restaurant in NYC I'd highly recommend.

That place was so incredible and eating out on the back patio was really nice atmosphere wise. I'd like to go up there and eat again for old times sake. But anyways this place around here is top notch as well and I'm gonna order from the with GrubHub everytime we are at the hotel for now on. It wasn't cheap and that's for sure, like 46 bucks for the two of us but well worth it. I'm gonna remember this night forever.
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Holy fuck I actually slept for 4 hrs can you believe that, amazing. Woke up completely blasted and perma grinning tho, lol. I'm gonna be okay tho I don't have work until 4pm and even in this state of be fine cooking right now my faculties and motor control are perfectly intact. And I have quite a bit of experience working in restaurants on Dissos strange enough.

If I didn't have that BDO I deff would have been up all night, I feel so euphoric right now and that is deff triggering it I'm sure. Gonna do some more after I get my Methadone I'm waiting in line right now. After today tho I am seriously stopping the G until next weekend. After today it's gonna loose most of this loving mojo to the same degree cuz of rapid tolerance development, Xorky was completely on point about that as usual. Gonna lay down again once I redose and see if I can squuze some more ZZzz'z...
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Well i slept all morning/afternoon pretty much and woke up twenty mins ago feeling right as rain. Gonna be getting ready to head off to work. Been finishing up up watching this series my girlfriend turned me onto that so good, ill save the last episode for when i get home from work. You guys should really check it out what a masterpiece.


Well im off for the day, what a great time i had it was a great reintroduction into tripping after my long break. Thinking i will compile my posts in the social into a report on the combo and through it up in the TR's section and on Reddit for any curious minds in the future, ill format it tommorow before work and add and subtract parts where need be and use it as a reference point.

enjoy your day 😌
Holy fuck I actually slept for 4 hrs can you believe that, amazing.
I can definitely believe that as 4 hours unconscious is the norm for a ghb knockout, which I'm gonna go out on a limb thinking that's what went down

Great drug but gotta be absolutely on it regarding dose/time etc
I can definitely believe that as 4 hours unconscious is the norm for a ghb knockout, which I'm gonna go out on a limb thinking that's what went down

Great drug but gotta be absolutely on it regarding dose/time etc

Ohhh it was absolutely a G'out and i did it on purpose...

Know that may sound sketcky too some but as you dont go super crazy with the amount it pretty safe, i think. Mean i know i wouldnt be feeling as great as i do right now without all the sleep i got, i did it again couple hrs later and got another 4 so im doing good. Absolutely feel like im on drugs still but this disso is very lucid and i can navigate easily right now. Im totally glowing right now like forceful pure happiness which is wonder could see this being an incredible antidepressant for some especially with the long duration im expecting to feel like this for awhile.

One interesting phenomena of the Memantine forgotten to mention is how it made my entire body feel as if it was a mirror reflecting the world. Like i literally was having these moments numerous times in my mind where i was seeing everything going on out viewed from a perspective where i was looking at my skin and for instance we drove and i could see all the cars and scenery on my skin sorta like an out of body experience in a sense, it was so wild. Never had that happen to me on another drug before now.

Honestly i find the difficult experiences people report on Erowid about this drug puzzling to me now. Cuz it literally felt amazing to me the entire time i never once had a single negative emotion or any fear. That being said i have pretty significant experience navigating really heavy dissociative/psychedelic experiences so im sure that plays into it as well. Gonna not take any for some days at all tho and let this seep outta my system and then go back to taking 20mgs a day again to help with my withdrawals.

Only gonna go on a trip with this occasionally cuz im sure it puts up a hell of a tolerance and the next one may lack the same shimmer if i do it again too soon. Have to clock in ten mins from now and im looking forward to a chill day, its raining here all day so i hope it will be nice and slow and i can groove out to my music playing on my portable speaker while im cooking the normies their meals.
I used GHB almost daily for at least two years as a sleep aid. Tolerance crept up slowly but inevitably. That led to the prior effective dose no longer knocking me out but instead just being a really good time. After a while, I realized that I was getting mildly anxious and uncomfortable several hours before my nightly dose everyday, which wasn't great. I never saw it as addictive, but it ended up being slipperier than I thought. Now it's no longer something I use as a daily sleep aid or really keep around at all. If it weren't such a pain to get, I'd probably pick up a tiny amount here and there for its pro-sexual effects, but it is a pain. If I can't be responsible with having it in bulk, then I suppose I don't need it at all anymore.
@Cosmic Charlie I'm a little uneasy about your recent flirtations with dissos. Aren't dissos and benzos in the danger zone for you? I feel like when you use other drugs, you're able to enhance your life and enjoy it to the fullest, but when you start playing with dissos and benzos things inevitably start to stray towards less healthy outcomes.