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Gabapentinoids Ran out of Gabapentin, feel a seizure could happen


Feb 14, 2019
I need some serious help here..

I’m technically coming off Etizolam Librium phenibut Gabapentin and Lyrica.. I was taking 900 mg Gabapentin the last 3 days but ran out and I seriously feel like absolute garbage ..

My brain is fuzzy mush my anxiety through the roof and I feel I could seize..

The only possible thing that could help me till Wednesday would be alcohol.. I go back to work Monday.. wtf do I do?
You're coming off all of those at the same time? Or just the gabapentin?

Don't use alcohol. It will lower your seizure threshold.

My Librium taper ended Monday all the other things were heavily abused prior to this week for the last 6 months
So really just the gabapentin for the last 6 days? 900mg per day?

Yes was holding me pretty fine I mean my last phenibut was like over 2 weeks ago now but that was up to almost 10 g a day, haven’t had Lyrica since then too.. but I was on a Etizolam binge I killed 100 mg in 10 days went to detox and went from 100 mg Librium to 10 mg in 10 days now I’m 24 hours off anything, I really can’t drink alcohol? It’ll worsen it?
Yes was holding me pretty fine I mean my last phenibut was like over 2 weeks ago now but that was up to almost 10 g a day, haven’t had Lyrica since then too.. but I was on a Etizolam binge I killed 100 mg in 10 days went to detox and went from 100 mg Librium to 10 mg in 10 days now I’m 24 hours off anything, I really can’t drink alcohol? It’ll worsen it?
The problem with alcohol if you're in seizure territory is you'll fall asleep and can wake up in seizure 6 hours later because it leaves your system so quickly.

It temporarily lowers chance of seizure, but then raises it more than it was before a few hours after you stop drinking.

Alcohol half life is only about 45 minutes.

Plus if you're in gaba withdrawal from other drugs it just makes you feel like shit anyways even during the buzz. I'm not experienced with gabapentin, but in my experience using it in benzo withdrawal was always a horrible decision.
The problem with alcohol if you're in seizure territory is you'll fall asleep and can wake up in seizure 6 hours later because it leaves your system so quickly.

It temporarily lowers chance of seizure, but then raises it more than it was before a few hours after you stop drinking.

Alcohol half life is only about 45 minutes.

Plus if you're in gaba withdrawal from other drugs it just makes you feel like shit anyways even during the buzz. I'm not experienced with gabapentin, but in my experience using it in benzo withdrawal was always a horrible decision.

Thanks for the solid advice I will try and just push through it
The problem with alcohol if you're in seizure territory is you'll fall asleep and can wake up in seizure 6 hours later because it leaves your system so quickly.

It temporarily lowers chance of seizure, but then raises it more than it was before a few hours after you stop drinking.

Alcohol half life is only about 45 minutes.

Plus if you're in gaba withdrawal from other drugs it just makes you feel like shit anyways even during the buzz. I'm not experienced with gabapentin, but in my experience using it in benzo withdrawal was always a horrible decision.

Also have to factor in a rebound anxiety from alcohol
I need some serious help here..

I’m technically coming off Etizolam Librium phenibut Gabapentin and Lyrica.. I was taking 900 mg Gabapentin the last 3 days but ran out and I seriously feel like absolute garbage ..

My brain is fuzzy mush my anxiety through the roof and I feel I could seize..

The only possible thing that could help me till Wednesday would be alcohol.. I go back to work Monday.. wtf do I do?

Go to the hospital. There's nothing anybody on here can do to help.
properly decarbed amanita and kava are two things i know can help. @Snafu in the Void is absolutely correct about the booze. it will make the situation worse.
US hospitals suck bro I’ve been literally in a seizure and they wouldn’t give me benzos lol theyre garbage.

I feel bad for people who require medical attention in the US. The prices are fucking insane. I recently learned it costs like $1000+ for an ambulance to the hospital (plus more again the further away you live from the hospital).

My friend got very sick while in the U.S. visiting relatives and literally booked an immediate emergency flight back to the UK (and in first class, so she had space and comfort while ill) because all of that STILL cost only a fraction of what it would have cost her to stay in a U.S. hospital for a few days and have them run tests etc,
I'm pretty sure they can't come after you legally in the U.S. for hospital bills tho. I paid my hospital bills in 2006 by talking them down from almost 400k to like 95k, but less than a decade later I had another ~100k of new hospital bills that I still haven't paid, and my credit is good now, and I'm not getting bills from them.
I'm pretty sure they can't come after you legally in the U.S. for hospital bills tho. I paid my hospital bills in 2006 by talking them down from almost 400k to like 95k, but less than a decade later I had another ~100k of new hospital bills that I still haven't paid, and my credit is good now, and I'm not getting bills from them.

I haven’t paid a ambulance bill or hospital bill from a forced trip yet, totaling around $20,000. Me neither. So it’s almost dumb you really don’t actually need to pay them it just goes to collections and they give up eventually