  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Gaming RE4 is dog shit as a RE game, but fine as a game in general...

Plane N SIM Pill

Mar 25, 2016
RE4 doesn't have bugger all to do with any of the prior RE games, besides Leon being the main character.

Even so, he's really so different in 4, compared to 2.

I do love RE4. Don't get me wrong. It's fun and all. But I definitely feel like it's not a "real" RE game, mainly because the plot is about these Las Plagas things and a cult, while previously, each storyline concerned the Umbrella Corporation making viruses, Raccoon City getting wiped out, and zombies killing people. Etc.

So how the heck is RE4 linked to all of that? Even RE5 had better links to the series than RE4 does. IMO.
as old school where am I, the films with Mina Milkovicki were a gamechanger. They shaped CGI, semi-linear stories familar to videogames as State of Decay, Dying Light dead island and rising i dont even go lengths..