Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

The meeting about family drama wasn't as bad as I had expected. The outcome wasn't necessarily positive, but at least nobody got hysterical.
The sun is shining.
The dogs are happy.
I have the freedom to chose not to work today (though I will).
Freedom is a great thing to have.
Though I wasn't super productive today, I'm fine with it. No feelings of shortcoming. I found someone who can help me with an interior design problem that's been bugging me since I moved into the new house four months ago. My chaotic finances are finally going back to normal.
Dogs behaved like the little angels they are.
Mom's feeling better.
Budah got a bath, wall got finished (pot/pan holder came off and left holes on in the wall had to fix it ffs). Done
Living life El loca I spose....
I didn't have a heart attack or failure it sure felt like I might of course that is when I hit my knees and pray when the pain is so scary I feel my existence might just drop lights out

So bizarre right after typing this having thought the symptoms were gone I got bit by an abrupt sharp acute out of nowhere pain Idk if it is skeletomuscular or organs and vessels whatever the hell it's torture

It passed in a second I don't want to know what it is like a cardiologist might diagnose they can't stop what is causing it I hit my knees right after and said a prayer of remorse for how I have lived/how I am

I am not in pain right now it passed gone again.

No point in seeing Urgent Care plus someone like me a doctor cannot help only a change of heart can so grateful despite this mess of a life at least it's not anything to cry about?
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I was refilling a normal, boring med this morning (Zofran) and the automated voice on the phone informed me that my testosterone could be refilled as well, which that lapsed two weeks ago but an angel at my now former doctor renewed my script, unbeknownst to me, for 4 months, so yay. 🙂

I was stressing how I'm going to finance a more or less impromptu move, occurring in eleven days, when my old job called me back today and asked me to work nine of those intervening eleven days because they're a total shit show right now. 😎

So yeah, it's been a not bad one. 👍
Just confirmed with my old boss at the job in the town I'm moving back to next week, that it's a go for me to come straight back to work there. Which, it's fast food, but it's a grand a week for fast food, so it'll do for now. 😉

Still a work in progress, but things are coming together on the move. I think i MIGHT be okay lol... 🤞
A grand a week. Sounds like a dream.
Now I understand how people can afford 1400 rent and salads for $20 per pound.

Though I guess it still depends on where you're living?

Anyway, happy things are working out for you @Psychlone Jack

Thank you. ❤️

Yeah, that kind of pay does make it a little easier to breathe, but it takes 65 hours a week lol. Honestly with my health taking precedence, I'll probably ask for about 50-55, at least starting off. I'll be in or around a small tourist city in the mountains so it ain't cheap, but that's nowhere these days, and the scene and scenery where I'm going make it worth it.
Thing is, you have the job. You can sort out the details later. Guess your new boss knows about your health issues? And sometimes working can have healing effects. More sonic you are in a place where people go to relax, because they aren't stressed all the time and passing that on to you.
I have finally found a solution for my wardrobe problem.
I found solutions for similar unimportant issues, too, but the wardrobe thing has been bugging me for days.
I got good news from an old friend.
I got to deliver some very, very good news earlier, to my mom.

I did the prodigal back to mom and grandma's joint house last summer after getting out from a long prison bid, and I'm moving out again next week, back up to the mountains. That's neither here nor there, but at the first of next year my mom and grandma are going to be selling this house and moving into the same region I'm about to be. They're actually away on a six day scouting trip right now, checking out different areas they're interested in buying in.

The other day, my mom mentioned how our neighbor's house, which just got listed and is similar to ours, is selling for a price much higher than she would have thought. It made her wonder, what with her semi-impending, move and all, just how much HER house might fetch. But of course she hadn't had the time to look into it lol. 🙄

Well, I checked the estimated value today while I was at work... lemme put it this way.

Long story short, unless the market crashes or the world ends in the next few months (and yes, I do realize both are in fact distinct possibilities lol), when my family sells their house in this city they hate next year, they'll be able to pay off this mortgage, move to a beautiful country house in the area of their dreams, pay for THAT house in full outright...

and turn a nearly $200k profit. 🙂

Gave me the warm fuzzies to be able to give her that news.
You are sweet 🥰

Aw thanks lol. 😅 ❤️

And I'm on a ROLL today lol, got some good news for me as I was typing out my last post. 😁

I got a return call from a message I'd left at lunch for my old peer support specialist, in the city I'm moving back to (I actually didn't know it was her at first lol, I'd gotten the number from a friend who is on her case load, so it was an unintentional reunion lol).

But a lot of fears just got put to rest, because they're going to help with everything. My bupe script is about to be free and just as hassle free again, medical care, they're even going to help me find a place to rent close to my work, and help me get my license back, which isn't much, just a medium fine.

But... fuck yeah. Just fuck yeah. ❤️