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⫸STICKY⫷ SLR Birth Control FAQ!

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Jan 20, 1999
SLR Birth Control FAQ

Here in SLR, one of our more common requests of topics is about what birth control is more effective and possible side effects some fellow users have had using these forms of BC.

In this FAQ you will find information on
1) Abstinence
2) Condoms
3) Diaphragms
4) Birth control pills
5) Depo Provera (the shot)
6) IUD (Intrauterine Contraceptive)
6) The morning after pill
7) Abortions and other alternatives to undesired pregnancies

It is always good to consult your doctor about what form of BC is more suited for you. We are not doctors here in SLR, but would like to help provide information on the options out there and some self experience testimonials to go with it.

And you dont need to choose only one form. Some have a higher effective rate if used jointly with another form of contraceptive. And condoms can also be used to protect from STD's, which will be covered later.


SLR does not support nor condemn abortions. We believe that those decisions are best left to the partners involved.


Abstinence is not having sex. A person who decides to practice abstinence has decided not to have sex. To include oral,intercourse, or any sexual activity.

Pros - No chance of pregnancy and a very high success rate of not catching an STD!

Cons - Only virginity if you don't wanna be one, but then again, you wouldn't wanna be abstinent!

Abstinence is highly recommended if you wanna make a 100% sure you will not get/or impregnate someone.

Plus chances of catching most STD's is highly unlikely, as you are making contact between open pores and exchanging blood with another person virtually non-existent.


A male contraceptive designed to fit on the male's penis and prevent semen from being introduced to the females reproductive system.

If used properly, is 98% effective from preventing pregnancies.
Allows protection from STD's.
Comes in a variety of styles (Ribbed for her pleasure, warming sensations, etc etc) which allow for a variety of different experiences.

Can ruin the "moment" waiting for condom to be applied.
Loss of some sexual feeling during intercourse.
May cause rashes or irritations from allergic reactions to chemicals/material found in/on the condom.

Condoms have a history since before the 19th century. Manufactured by many brands, Trojan and Magnum are the more popular brands, they come made from various materials. Latex and synthetic are the more popular materials, however lambskin is used to make condoms for males with allergies to the previous materials.

Condoms not only prevent sperm from entering the female body,but also have other added values. Some have other lubrication (spermicide) which help prevent pregnancy. They can also be found "ribbed for her pleasure", provide a warming sensations, different flavors, to help make up for some of the natural feeling lost from wearing a condom.

As well as a high effective preventive of pregnancy, condoms have been found to be as high as 70% effective in preventing the passing of STD's. Which is a big bonus if you may have questions on your partners possibilities of being a potential carrier of any STD's.

Number one cause of failure is improper use of condom. Can be from tears,exposure to oils, and yes, even expiration dates. Contrary to popular belief, "Double-bagging" also increase the chances of pregnancy.


A thin rubber flexible dome inserted into the vagina over the cervix to prevent fertilization of the female eggs. If used properly can range from 86-94% effective in preventing pregnancy.

94% effective at preventing pregnancy
Can be inserted up to 2 hours prior to intercourse
Does not effect menstrual cycle
Does not effect future fertility
More than one usage

Lack of STD prevention
Requires fittings and occasional refitting
Allergic reactions

Diaphragms are inserted into the vagina to prevent sperm from fertilizing the eggs. Requires fittings form a doctor to make sure it is the proper size for usage. Inserting requires some form of lubrication and can be quite difficult at first.

Spermicide may be applied to help prevent pregnancy. However,if sex does not occur within 2 hours, more should be applied,as the spermicide no longer works after a 2 hour period.

It is recommended to leave a diaphragm in for 6-8 hours after sex to prevent pregnancy. Testing the diaphragm, by holding it to light or placing water inside to see if it leaks, is recommended to make sure that it does not fail.

Other things that can lead to pregnancy is improper placement,dislodging during sexual activities, and oiled based products, may compromise the effectiveness of the diaphragm.

STD's can still occur,due to exposure of wounds and genitalia. Another common side effect is bladder infections.

Birth control pills

45 years since approval by the FDA, oral contraceptives are the more popular and highly effective form of birth control. Easy to use,and takes away no feeling of intercourse. With over 40 brands, it's easier to find one that is suitable for your needs.

Pros and cons varies between brands.

Decrease in menstrual cramps and blood loss
Can be used immediately by breast feeding woman
Can help prevent some types of cancer
Helps control Acne

Nearly all are prescribed
No STD protection
Irregular bleeding patterns
Can involve headaches,nausea, and/or vomiting
Abdominal pain
Irregular mood patterns

Since the approval by the FDA in the 1960's, oral contraceptives have become a very popular form of birth control by females. By altering the female's body chemicals, the chances of pregnancy are highly reduced and nearly perfect. By dropping estrogen and progesterone levels and different stages of the female menstrual cycle, the fertilization of the egg becomes highly unlikely. No signals to the ovaries to release the egg is sent, as well as thickening of cervical mucus so the sperm can not reach the egg.

Due to the huge number of different brands out there, listing all would be fairly difficult.

The three more common types of pills are
1) Progestin-only pills or POP, which is ideal for breast feeding woman
2) Combination pills, pills containing a combination of estrogen and progestin.
3) Emergency contraceptive pills

Due to the variety and the many different adverse reactions that different pills may have on the female body (physically and emotionally) consulting a physician is highly recommended.
Have no fears, with so many brands, it's easy to find one that works for you and has little to no side effects.

One reason for use of birth control pills is to actually help control Acne, due to different chemical changes the pills have on the female body.

Even though vary safe, it's important to point out that there are slight risks involved.
Heart attacks
Worsen diabetes
Acceleration of gull bladder disease

It's also important to note that drug use (including illegal and tobacco and alcohol) can alter the effects of your birth control pills. Remember, pills alone provide NO PROTECTION FROM STD's!!

Depo Provera

Depo Provera (or DMPA or Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate) is a 3 month lasting hormone injection. Prevents the ovaries from releasing the eggs and is 97-99% effective.

Effective after 24 hours
No attention required
Decreases risk of ovarian and uterine cancers
No estrogen

Risk of osteoporosis
Loss of bone density
Irregular bleeding habits
Shot every 3 months
Most woman experience weight gain
No STD protection

The Depo Provera (DMPA) is a hormonal shot of synthetic progesterone delivered in the arm, hip,upper thigh,or abdomen. The increased level of progesterone, stops the ovaries from releasing eggs, cervical mucus to thicken, and uterine lining to change, preventing sperm to survive in the uterus.

The shot is injected within the first few days of bleeding and is effective within 24 hours. Every 3 months, a new shot is needed to keep the DMPA working properly. Pregnancy test are usually required before shot is administrated.

Approximately 70% of woman experience weight gain. Loss of bone density may also occur. Average weight gain is 5-10 lbs. Other side effects of Depo Provera can include headaches, nervousness, mood changes, bloating, decreased interest in sex, breast tenderness, acne, and back acne.

It can take 6 months for the drug to leave the body. For some woman, fertility returns soon, others, 6-18 months.

As noted, DMPA provides NO PROTECTION FROM STD's.

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

An Intrauterine Device (IUD) is inserted through the cervix and placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Lasting 1-10 years, they rate VERY EFFECTIVE (99.2-99.9% effective)

No attention
Sexual spontaneity
Long lasting
99% effective

No STD protection
Possible expulsion
Future fertility risks
Clinical visits for insertion and removals

The IUD is a very small device that is placed in the uterus. They work by changing the lining of the uterus and fallopian tubes affecting the movements of eggs and sperm and so that fertilization does not occur. There are two kinds; a Paragard or Mirena.

In order to receive one, a series of test are performed. Clinics require women to have check-ups prior to insertion. This can include a full medical, pelvic, and breast exam, with a Pap smear, STI check, and pregnancy test. All issues must be addressed before insertion, but the effects are immediate.

Insertion time ranges from 5-15 minutes,with woman experiencing cramping from the procedure. Ibuprofen can be used to help.

A woman should check the string, which hangs from the upper part of the vagina, for signs of impediment or expulsion. If you miss a regular period, a pregnancy test is recommended, as the IUD should be removed.

Longer, heavier, painful menstrual cycles can be experienced from having the IUD. Increased blood flow can lead to anemia.The Mirena can also cause ovarian cysts, headaches, depression, decreased sex drive, and high blood pressure.

As also stated, it offers NO PROTECTION FROM STD's.

For an excellent thread, follow this link.
Maiposa's experience with an IUD

The morning after pill

Emergency contraceptive (ECP's, morning after pills, or EHC in the UK) is a form of birth control taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse.

No prescription needed at most pharmacies (if 18 )
Fairly reasonable side effects (nausea, headaches, nothing sever)

The WORST effective rate out of the control methods (High is 89% )
No STD protection
Still relatively new drug,so not all side effects known

The "Morning afer pill" (ECP) is intended for use after unprotected sex in which the female may be afraid of conception. It is important to note that most pregnancies dont happen instantly. It can take days before conception occurs.

Depending on what part of the cycle the female is on the pill can work in a couple of different ways.

If taken prior to ovulation, it will prevent ovulating.

If ovulating has occurred, it can prevent sperm from reaching the egg.

The last method is if conception has occurred, it will prevent the embryo from planting in the uterus. This would be considered a very early abortion.

The FDA has approved that this drug be sold OTC. However expect to provide some form of identification. It provides no protection from STD's and is still relatively new, so not all side effects are completely unknown.

Conception and your Options

Upon conception, there are ultimately 3 different choices that are left between the male and female to decide.

Raising the child
Giving the child up for adoption
Abortion of the fetus


It is important to note, that Bluelight and SLR do not support nor condemn abortions. We are an information site dedicated to providing information and knowledge. Ultimately, the chocie is between the 2 partners involved.

After the conception of a child, many thoughts start to come into mind between the male and female. Ultimately resulting in one of three choices that will be made.

Raising the child and becoming a family, and family applies to many different situations.

Giving the child up for adoption. If adoption is desired, there are many organizations out there that will aid the mother in developing a healthy child and make any necessary arrangements.

The third, is to terminate the embryo, or abortion. Abortions can be performed up to the 23rd week of pregnancy.There are 2 forms,surgical and medical.

Surgical can be performed up to 23rd week of pregnancy. The most common is performed within 12 weeks, Manual Vacuum aspiration (MVA).

A medical abortion is effective in the first trimester and comprise of 10% of the abortions out there. They have a 92% effective result without the need of surgery.

Procedures are very safe and only have symptoms of soreness and some bleeding lasting a short period of time after the abortion process.

The number one concern for an abortion should be mental heath. Many people feel a sense of remorse and depression over the abortion of an embryo.

Below are some threads on adoptions and abortions.

Abortion thread from anonymous poster
Adoption thread

Let's not forget the Rhythm Method

The rhythm method is one of the first fertility awareness methods to be widely practiced. It is one of the oldest methods of natural birth control and by far one of the best-known forms of fertility awareness. Unfortunately, it is not necessarily the most reliable method of preventing a pregnancy.

Theory and Practice
The rhythm method is based on three ideas. Firstly, that women ovulate 14 days before menstruation begins, give or take two days. Secondly, that sperm can survive inside a woman for three days. And lastly, that an egg can only be fertilized within 24 hours of being released from the ovaries.

Based on these assumptions, the rhythm method requires a woman to count back 14 days from the first day of her period. This will presumably be the day on which she ovulated and will ovulate the following month. In order to avoid pregnancy, she will need to abstain from sex or use another form of birth control, like condoms, around this time.

While this method is fairly simple to follow, it is not necessarily applicable to all women. The first problem lies in the assumption that ovulation will always occur at the same time every month. While it would make life a lot easier for women if this were true, the reality is that the majority of women ovulate at a different time every month. Although they may follow a similar pattern, no woman has a menstrual cycle that is identical every month.

Another issue with the rhythm method is the belief that sperm are only viable inside a woman for up to three days. It has been found that sperm may be able to survive for as much as seven days inside a woman. Therefore, it would be necessary to avoid having sex for at least a week prior to when a woman believes ovulation will occur.

Moreover, this type of contraception offers absolutely no protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it will still be necessary to use a condom if you think you may be at risk of an STD.

The rhythm method has an average failure rate of 13 to 20%. It is not recommended for women who have irregular cycles or who do not have menstrual cycles that are exactly the same number of days every month.
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You should include the NuvaRing, my endo-pain-and-baby-preventer of choice. :)
I'd also love to read more about Implanon, the birth control implant from someone who understands them better than I do. They don't work for everyone, hormone wise, but it works really well for me.
Hi barn!

I was the original mod in charge of the BC FAQ. I am going to update this FAQ soon as I have learned there are more forms out ther....particularly pills for males!! Thats right MALES!!

I will look into Implanon and get all the facts I can!
Thanks fatallyflawed and Rogue Robot. It's something I think will help other BL'ers around here make a truly informed decision on contraception.
Hi barn!

I was the original mod in charge of the BC FAQ. I am going to update this FAQ soon as I have learned there are more forms out ther....particularly pills for males!! Thats right MALES!!

I will look into Implanon and get all the facts I can!

Ive had the implant...id be happy to answer any questions :)...also under the birth controll pill you might want to add that the proestogen-only pill will mean no period

Although it would be totally cool if guys could take some kind of pill, I feel like chances of remembering to take it for guys would be harder. Since women would be the ones to carry a baby, that would be more of an incentive to remember! IMO.

Anyways, I take Yasmin. Thinking about switching to the NuvaRing because I feel my moods tend to fluctuate too much..
Another little known side effect to the IUD is you have increased risk of bacteria vaginosis. I remember reading this a few years ago on a medical website, and the Nurse Practitioner that I go to said the same thing.
lol never knew that and nobody told me but ive had it for a while now n no problems :) i decided to get it when i forgot to take my pill one time....id rather risk an infection that could be treated with antibiotics then a baby anyday.....
Hi all! I think it is really really really important to include something about Natural Fertility Awareness (this is NOT the rhythm method) - particularly the device known as the Lady Comp. This is a brilliant way for women everywhere to take control of their contraception without using fake hormones or other potentially harmful chemicals/substances.

The Lady Comp has a success rate comparable to the contraceptive pill.

I myself wish to God there had been a more publicised awareness of this device before I took and subsequently went off the pill 7 months ago which has resulted in a pretty bad hormonal imbalance since (only now is it getting better). Please include something about these alternative methods, I think it's so important and empowering for women to understand their bodies and not feel pressured or as though they have to be on birth control to enjoy sex without using a condom.

Please please please mention this! Thanks

edit// I would like to add also, however, that, much like the contraceptive pill, the Lady Comp does not protect you against STDs

Oh, and I object to some of the information provided under the birth control pills. There are actually only one or two brands of the pill that are designed specifically to prevent acne. Most other brands can make it worse (and this was true for me - I had perfect skin, went on the pill and was covered in zits for months). Also, there is evidence that the pill can cause other types of cancers, as well as an increased risk of suffering from a blood clot, and cause permanently lowered levels of unbound testosterone (contributing factor to female sexual dysfunctions). Oh, and the pill actually made my periods much more painful and heavy! lol! Weird, I know.

^ I know this isn't true for every woman by any means, but I myself had a very strong negative reaction to the pill (and yes I tried several brands).
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$699 ?! no thanks bonsai and im living in the uk so im guessing id have to pay for shipping on top of that ridiculous price, lol I know you didn't decide the price but that is pretty shocking!
The Lady Comp has a success rate comparable to the contraceptive pill.

i read a little about it, and really other than a slight convenience factor, i don't get it. women can do this for the cost of a basal themometer and a calendar. Fertility Awareness or Symptoms Awareness Methods don't require an absurd costly piece of equipment.
what are people's experiences like with the ortho evra patch?
Would the powers that be please add information about pep (post-exposure prophylaxis)and sticky it. Since this a harm reducation site, I think it would be a great idea. Thanks
since i only cycle 2 to 4 times per year most of these methods dont apply to me and probably dont work.

i'm wanting more information about nuva rings and depo... but i am worried about acne problems if i do.

i've just been using condoms and suppositories such as encare.. i like them, they are a barrier and lubricant, and spermicide in one... and can be used with a condom...