Songs that remind you of drugs


Staff member
Jun 6, 2011
What songs are tied to specific drugs for you, for whatever reason?

No rain by blind melon will always make me think of cocaine , because their cd was in my truck during my first real coke binge . On that same CD: Hawthorne Heights, Green Day, oasis, mgmt, etc.

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I'd say weed and Modest Mouse - The Moon and Antarctica in terms of a Fall record, more october than anything else.
Jack Daniels and Weezer's Blue album.
Nicotine and Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself, any sort of classic rock and cigarettes really.

Boards of Canada and weed definitely.
^^ The whole Trainspotting original soundtrack is pretty classic tbh.
Tbh man, it was not related to the film for me, just the song and memories and addiction...and what I learned.

..but for sure was a good show ;)
Now THIS is a thread I can get behind ?

I would say pretty much anything by Acid Bath. I found them when I was 15. I had been getting high on mass doses of my mood stabilizers and pills out of the medicine cabinet. I'd veg out and dream about the day I could finally shoot up. It is such a shame that they're no longer around. Louisiana "death blues" is not a very common genre. "When the Kite String Pops" is a fantastic album. Dax was on heroin when he wrote and recorded.

There aren't a lot of versions on YouTube, so please excuse the quality.
My case was very polarised.
Was lucky, I guess, as the worst points were the worst.

Van Zandt was addicted to heroin and alcohol throughout his adult life. At times he would become drunk on stage and forget the lyrics to his songs. At one point, his heroin habit was so intense that he offered Kevin Eggers the publishing rights to all of the songs on each of his first four albums for $20.[38] At various points, his friends saw him shoot up not just heroin, but also cocaine, vodka, as well as a mixture of rum and Coke.[39] On at least one occasion, he shot up heroin in the presence of his son J.T., who was only eight years old at the time.[21]

As a result of Van Zandt's constant drinking, Harold Eggers, Kevin's brother, was hired on as his tour manager and 24-hour caretaker in 1976, a partnership that would last for the rest of the singer's life. Although the musician was many years older than he was, Eggers would later say that Van Zandt was his "first child."[38] His battles with addiction led him to be admitted to rehab almost a dozen times throughout the 1970s and 1980s.[40] Medical records from his time in recovery centers show that he believed his drinking had become a problem around 1973, and by 1982 he was drinking at least a pint of vodka daily.


it aint partying until you take so many drugs that you too question how much youve consumed is it?