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Opioids Suboxone withdrawal/detox help


Sep 16, 2018
Hi team,

Quick background. Was on oxy for around 6 months last year and switched to Suboxone because I just was over being high all day long.
I started on 8mg of Suboxone and quickly realised that was way too much so I went straight down to 2mg and stayed there for a few months, fast forward to 4 months ago and I got down to 1mg per day (0.5mgs 2x per day) and my doctor has now stopped prescribing so I’ve got 2 days worth of subs left. I’ve been on subs for x1 year in total and the majority of that time I’ve been on 1mg per day.

My question is, how can I get through the withdrawal reasonably comfortably? I have the following drugs to use but am unsure if they will be helpful

Clonidine 0.1mg tablets x20
Zopiclone x1 7.5mg tablet
Temazepam(restoril) x20 10mg tablets
Loperamide - 200 tablets

I’ll be honest I’m horrified of going through the withdrawals, my body seems to go into withdrawal like 12 hours after my last Suboxone dose which I don’t understand how that’s possible. I have detoxed off oxy in the past but was simply too weak this last time and decided to go onto Suboxone but quickly realised that was a bad idea and now I’m in a position where I’m worried the withdrawal is going to be worse and drawn out,

Has anyone read about mega dosing vitamin c for withdrawal?
How did it go? Did ya make it? I'm on day 11 and feeling like a useless b. I'm going CT from a stupidly high dose..so sick of that shit though.