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Recovery The 2024 Recovery Thread


Bluelight Crew
Apr 26, 2006
Welcome to the 2024 Recovery Thread.

Last year's thread can be found here.

What we do here?

Pretty much just share where you are at today in your recovery, and if you have anything going on with your life that is threatening your recovery then this is the place to do so. ❤️
Me, personally. I'm not doing well. Got in a pretty bad car accident about 2 days ago. Totalled my car, and now going through the process of getting into it at the tow lot.
Back at zero again.
Hey, trying to think positive. I'm trying at least.
Welcome to the 2024 Recovery Thread.

Last year's thread can be found here.

What we do here?

Pretty much just share where you are at today in your recovery, and if you have anything going on with your life that is threatening your recovery then this is the place to do so. ❤️
Me, personally. I'm not doing well. Got in a pretty bad car accident about 2 days ago. Totalled my car, and now going through the process of getting into it at the tow lot.
Back at zero again.
Hey, trying to think positive. I'm trying at least.

Hope you are OK buddy. ☹

I'm completely sober for a few days now. Done well maintaining a decent diet and exercise regime over the festives. No booze or any drugs that negatively affect me.

Craving a little smoke of weed today so bad. I might give in soon. Seem to have pulled myself away from the depths of dispair i was experiencing alot during 2023.
Hey, trying to think positive. I'm trying at least.

Oh my dear for goodness sake !! Gawwwd I hope you are alright.

. . . . And I can't even imagine totaling my car.

It only took a little over seven weeks to fix my car after a deer crushed my whole outside panel and took out the one headlight on the passenger side from front to back and landed on the antenna.

It's good now. I had deer hair sticking out of my door panels and yeah.

I hope that you will get well soon. Please be better. Maybe it won't happen again. Ouch !! Sorry.
Hi. So yes, I am trying to be peaceful calm and careful and try to stay as slowed down as possible. Meditate deep breath kind of thing.

I mean by doing this to try to pay attention and stay as safety first as possible.

Think something through before being irresponsible. Mostly be careful driving and avoid being under the influence or anything that would be very irresponsible.

So I am just trying to stay calm and be aware. And just at least try to pay attention. Lool. So when I was driving and a little ol deer hopped out in front of me and landed on my

antenna I wasn't even driving that fast but I was doing the speed limit. It is just one place where the road was in a mountain with a bunch of curves for just a third of a mile

long. I should have went slower just to be . .. . . . careful and safe but I wanted to hurry and get back.

I almost stopped to smoke first but decided to be in a hurry instead and just drive back. I always wonder . . . if I would've just stopped instead.

I most definitely would have been driving 5 under then for sure. jk

In Michigan. I shudder to think of that scene. **** see the right here and now or somewhere thread. :rolleyes:🐺
Oh my dear for goodness sake !! Gawwwd I hope you are alright.

. . . . And I can't even imagine totaling my car.

It only took a little over seven weeks to fix my car after a deer crushed my whole outside panel and took out the one headlight on the passenger side from front to back and landed on the antenna.

It's good now. I had deer hair sticking out of my door panels and yeah.

I hope that you will get well soon. Please be better. Maybe it won't happen again. Ouch !! Sorry.
I just hope you didn't eat it. I am joking. I have heard of a number of states legalizing the keeping of road kill deers and other animals
YUCK, for some reason even freshly killed by a vehicle, venison killed by a vehicle just seems wrong. I guess my neck just ain't red enough.
I am physically ill thinking about eating roadkill. Sorry about the rant but, I laugh and am slightly sickened when I hear about states passing laws on keeping roadkill, seriously.
Well I am being good, but it don't really matter, who wants to get clean and stay clean on here? Unfortunately not many.
It seems like Getting clean and staying clean is not a priority of many members here on Bluelight.
Does your doctor know if you run out of your prescription early ?! Or does your doctor know if you have any kind of side effects ?!

Just a little bit of relief is alright too for me because I don't have to worry about a bad withdrawal thrown into the mix.

I am just thankful for even a little bit of pain relief. It helps and I won't take too much that way.

Lately I have been trying different doses of Kratom for medicinal purposes as well as a lift in energy levels.

Even a little bit of it can be a bit strong sometimes.

I am trying to see if the benefits outweigh the side effects with Kratom though to see if it can help at all or not !!

So you seem to be taking quite a lot also. ❤️‍🔥
Are you being serious, or just laughing at me?
Well I'm flirting with disaster for sure. And I take less than you. But No. I would never laugh at you. I'm formerly from Michigan but the laughing doesn't hurt anymore.

Well at least you aren't laughing at me !! Or are you . . . :rolleyes:

I like you so much. <3

I was referring to myself as we . . . because I am the only one responsible for me. Or I do try to be. :(
Yea I’ve experienced this as well
I'm so scared BUT . . . the Kratom keeps the kindling from the gabapentin away and at bay.

If that even makes sense. 🤪:rolleyes:




Okay. I will try again. I have withdrawals from gabapentin right away. 🔥 But Kratom keeps them away

and helps the gabapentin to wear off smoother. 😲

and yes it's bad like that and i am having trouble like that. but it helps my inflammation and i get some energy to get up and go.

.. . . so far.
I'm so scared BUT . . . the Kratom keeps the kindling from the gabapentin away and at bay.

If that even makes sense. 🤪:rolleyes:




Okay. I will try again. I have withdrawals from gabapentin right away. 🔥 But Kratom keeps them away

and helps the gabapentin to wear off smoother. 😲

and yes it's bad like that and i am having trouble like that. but it helps my inflammation and i get some energy to get up and go.

.. . . so far.
Aw no worries amiga, do what you gotta do … I understand for sure. If it makes you feel better I think it didnt start messing with my tolerance until I started doing strong extracts & those 7 hydroxymitragynine 14 mg tablets … that’s what really started messing with my tolerance actually. I’m going to try to go back to just the leaves if I have to in between pain meds instead of all those stronger extracts I been messing with

Big hugs :)💕💜
and kratom has lots of side effects on me when i use it. but maybe i'm not used to it yet.

but the red works out much much better. than green and white.

it's interesting if not anything else. but i do think it just might be an anti inflammatory. lol. but so was ibuprophin.

so far i don't mind it as a tea. <3

am i being nice. cuase you know me. i gotta just try and try.

i hope this helps me. but i do have fun drinking the . . tea. (kratom)
oh mija

the gabapentin makes me sweat from withdrawals

i hate even thinking about it.

and it gave me heart pains. or something did. it was too strong in the heat.

it's too strong without Kratom 😭

i'm serious.

thank you so much !!!! <3
Well I guess I might try some tea right now to . . . . feel calm. Oh bouy. Here we go again.

But thank you Health and Recovery for support and keeping each other alert.

I appreciate you all !!!


6 months, 4 days sober (alcohol, selfishly abused a substance that should always be treated with respect) and would like to dedicate that to you guys. Harm reduction isn't always easy, but it helps knowing there are places like this forum to come (go?) to for support and advice.

Love to everyone going through this thing called life. Stay happy, healthy, and safe.