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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy DMXE (3-me-2′-oxo-PCE, deoxymethoxetamine) Thread

Wow... there are like 20+ MXE Big and Dandy threads
I still haven't found the final one.... I have also been reading various drug threads on bluelight and this has got to be one of the longest Big and Dandys out there HOLY SHIT it must be extremely amazing. I can't believe nobody(vendor/china/labs) until now has realized what a cash cow opportunity vending some at a high margin is.
Also, I feel like if one had a couple million dollars and knew about the RC scene... You could vacation to another country, meet up with chemists and lab type people, create a legitimate company and higher lawyers... Sign contracts... And now you are operating like the reptiles, the canadian's, or the guys in NL/EU who've been around forever.
Anyways, I've been researching compounds to order and using bluelight/reddit anecdotes as info. Well this solidifies what I'll find when I come across a magical compound. This has got to be the most discussed molecule on bluelight
Oh wow I may have found the final one, it's 17 and the last discussion is in 2020. Hmmph! Was hoping there was recent discussion, can't wait to find out if the new source is legit!!
Dont think so but im hoping someone will send some in, will have to go off bioassay for the time being. The vendor im getting it from is one of the best in the business so im pretty sure it is what he says. His reputation is great and he regularly gets very intetesting drugs.
I mean chromatography analisys or similar. Just bioassaying you cant really discern MXE from DMXE, for example
I mean chromatography analisys or similar. Just bioassaying you cant really discern MXE from DMXE, for example
I'd disagree on that - DMXE has a warm, hazy vibe where MXE is more euphoric and building -

DMXE also has a very distinct smell in every synth I have tried, MXE largely does not.

There are a fair amount of overlapping features but I would be very surprised if it turned out what I have received is not MXE, based on my (admittedly limited, but relatively recent) experience with it, as well as with DMXE and MXiPr.
Discerning DMXE from MXE is like discerning 2cc from 2cd. They are incredibly similar compounds that is near impossible to discriminate from bioassays.

Is like discerning 9mm from 10mm just by eyesight. Surely some could do it but most will be just guessing. You really need a ruler to really be sure.

In any case, for me DMXE is close enought so personally I dont miss MXE so much and if maybe DMXE was the fisrt that appeared and MXE was the novel maybe we will be asking for DMXE. Being so incredible similar the push for the original is not that there. BUt if analysis confirm that the nex MXE is indeed what they say and cost the same as DMXE, surelly I would get a nice load of it
Peculiar example you pick there. For me 2C-C and 2C-D feel miles apart.. like I wouldn't even have guessed some people could have a hard time distinguishing them.

In the same vein Hamilton Morris claims never to get paranoid from weed!
is like discerning 2cc from 2cd. They are incredibly similar compounds that is near impossible to discriminate from bioassays.
Would definitely be able to distinguish these two. Never tried DMXE, but all the 2c's ive tried are very unique.
Would definitely be able to distinguish these two. Never tried DMXE, but all the 2c's ive tried are very unique.

Id be able to tell also, probably even if given 2C-C and not told what it is. One of my favorite drugs and its headspace has its own unique flavor for sure. The main similarity between it and 2C-D is the duration. But i find 2C-D in lower-medium doses to be a little bland compared to the other 2C-x. But now if you take over 100mgs it will blow your mind. I can take 30-40mgs of 2C-C and trip pretty hard like an absolute +++.
Tried searching the thread with no luck, sorry if this has been answered already - is DMXE safe combined with benz?
Tried searching the thread with no luck, sorry if this has been answered already - is DMXE safe combined with benz?

Physically safe yeah, but not really advised to take them concurrently because it can lead to compulsive redosing of the Dissos if your prone to these sorts of things. Which unfortunately i am and id gotten myself into a real shitstorm cuz of taking Clonazepam, DMXE and 3-MeO-PCE combined.

Years later im just finally recovering from the damage that day caused to my life did time in jail cuz of that day and everything. Id be very careful if i was you if you have any compulsive nature with benzos in particular. Ive used them to sedate me at the end of a PCP analog binge and it worked, but a slippery slope indeed.
Okay, thank you @cosmic charlie
Totally compulsive with everything. I am trying to get rid of the benz after a kinda short but intense run with them. Had grand mals before and I am tapering. Sidenote I guess. Thanks.

EDIT: Sorry to hear about what happened to you. I hear you on the slippery slope. Be well.
I wanted to let people know that I've recently recieved a contaminated/impure sample of DMXE from one of the European retailers that seems have good reviews and is one of the listed retailers for the same main European wholesaler has has been around for years, so I suspect that that all the retail vendors selling from the well known European wholesaler are likley to have this issue.

The DMXE is a beige or tan colour and has a noticeable unpleasant smell which suggests impurities or solvent apon opening the bag. This is despite their NMR stating that the purity is quite high. When I sampled 40mg insuflated there was not a really bad burn up the nose but it had an aweful smell when snorted and nasty taste from the drip that meant I couln't do any more. The smell/taste form snorting remindind me of somewhere between burn tire rubber and burnt plastic. I instead opted to do a small sample of their white coloured 3-Me-PCPy (despite it also having a different solvent type smell on opening the bag (somehere closer in smell to kerosene or turpentine). At least the unwashed 3-Me-PCPy didn't smell/taste disgusting up the nose like the unwashed DMXE. Although the 3-Me-PCPy did burn quite strongly and even seemed to make the burn sensation that went into the nerve in my nose a fairly strong burning a sensation that turned into a numbing of that side of my nose and into the teeth nearby. I'm interested to see if acetone washing helps with this too or if the burn and numbing is more due the the compound.

Over the next few days I acetone washed the DMXE and was pretty shocked to see the acetone (which was clear) washing out some junk and turning a brownish yellow colour. I had to do repeated washes of acetone until the acetone washing was clear and no more yellow/brown washed out. I descided to keep the jar with the dirty yellow acetone and let it fully evaporate outside to see what junk it collected. There was a dark brown gunk left in the bottom of the glass jar.

Overall the colour of the washed and dryed DMXE didn't turn white but still had an beige/tan colour although I think it lightened it up a bit. It definatley removed lots of nasty smell and I'm waiting till my next trial with this washed DMXE to see if it has removed the disgusting burnt rubber type smell/taste when insuflated that made it impossible for me to hit an effective dose.

Below is a photo of the original unwashed DMXE product photographed on top of white paper for colour reference so you can see it's beige/tan colour.

Below is a photo of the jar of acetone with the yellow junk in it that washed out of the DMXE. NOTE this left a dark bown amount of residue when all the acetone evaporated off! A piece of white paper towel is behind the clear glass jar to help show the colour.

Note I also ordered some 3-Me-PCPy and although it had a clean white appearance, it too had a distinct solvent smell apon opening the bag that was different from the DMXE. So I've also done an acetone wash on the 3-Me-PCPy. This seemed to improve the smell a lot but I've not yet tried insuflating since washing the 3-Me-PCPy.

I just wanted to warn people that this isn't the first time now I've reported on the so called reputable European vendors showing good GC/MS or NMR results but some of their batches clearly seem to need an acetone wash to be usable or to help remove impurities.
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Quote by Hexagon Sun: Discerning DMXE from MXE is like discerning 2cc from 2cd. They are incredibly similar compounds that is near impossible to discriminate from bioassays.
Like the other people reported above. I too find it very easy to differentiate 2C-C from 2C-D at least when we are talking about 2C-C at doses of 50-100mg+ compared to 2C-D at 50-75mg+ with little to no tollerance. 2C-C in my experience and the experience of close friends who've tried it with me is one of the most visual of the shorter duration 2C-x compounds IME. Once you hit the dose that is visual 50-100mg for me personally I find it's very visual with often visuals that remind me of a 3D eye magic pop out book that you use with with those red and blue glasses as a kid. Wheras 2C-D at say 75mg just seems to have visual distortions like the walls appearing a bit wavey and not straight. I think the main issue here is that PiHKAL reported doses of 2C-C that were far to conservative (low) to hit the range where it gets visual. I class the short lived 2C-x compounds as "eye candy" (as in not a deep emersive trip) these compounds are 2C-C, 2C-B, 2C-D. They all seem to last about 4-8hrs at full dosages. I find 2C-B the most overrated and the least visual of those. The longer duration 2C-x compounds I find far more imersive trip and often very visual at doses of between 10-25mg such as 2C-I, 2C-E, 2C-T-2, 2C-T-7 (and 2C-P athough I've not yet been game to try it considering it's reported to be even longer lasting than 2C-E and much more potent). I'm not going to say the shorter ones or the longer lasting ones are "better" or "worse". It's just a personal preference for the time you have on hand, the set and setting and whether you are up for a full on long and intense trip or a shorter, often more softer, gentler as I call "eye candy" trip that's often more forgiving especially for those new to psychedellics or with past experiences of tramatic trips that where too high in dose or bad set and setting.
Here's my update after re-trying the acetone washed DMXE shown two posts above. I weighed out 100mg and insuflated about half by eye. (Not that I would reccomend this but my tollerance is quite high with dissos and my past experience with 40mg was very mild). Anyway the main reason for my post is to let you guys know of my results after multiple washes of acetone (until the the acetone no longer was coming off brownish yellow and was finally clear), the end product was dried on a heat mat for 24 hrs to further assist in drying off any excess solvents.

The multiple acetone washed & dryed product didn't have much of a stinky, sharp smell when opening the bag and smelling it. The stuff was still really nasty to snort though. It's not a strong burn but there is just this really annoying burnt rubber type smell that sits in the sinuses and produces a foul drip in the back of the throat. It's hard to say how much this affects my psychological effects, but when coming up on this I seemed to get a somewhat short but otherwise seeming pleasant come on in the first few minutes where is was diffucult to focus. However the whole time during the first 15-30mins I just wanted to wash out my sinuses and the smell and taste were so disgusting. I've done well over half a dozen different RC dissos and so far only MXPR has needed an acetone wash (It massively improved it from burning like hell and having a disgusting petrolem like smell/taste in the back of the throat to basically no nasty burn or bad smell/taste).

I think it's best to be aware that this DXME (from a European retailer listed from one of the main European wholesalers), seems to be too impure for me to be able to snort it at any worthwhile dose. since all the yellow/brown sh*t that washed out seemed to make no difference on the disgusting smell/drip when snorting, I'm not confident to know what the hell type of impurites are still in this product after multiple acetone washes. So I have some concerns about the safety or risks that could be associated with unknown impurities if I continue to use this product. If I do however it will have to be via another ROA's such as oral and I'll report back here..

I'm not sure if this was a side effect or just my own body issues but I got very a very itchy scalp & itchy skin. I'm wondering if there was some histermine interaction as this type of thing happenes to me on opiates/opiods sometimes. It resulting in me having to massage my itchy skin with a non scratching hair brush (the ones with the litte plastic balls at the ends of the brush bristles).

(Edit - 31/May/2024: Cleaned up a bunch of typos & mistakes. Sorry about that)
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@Ekstasis-//7, did you try any previous batches of DMXE? If so, would love to hear your opinions of this batch vs the more recent batches.

IME, the past several popular batches of DMXE match your description of this newer one -- they were all a tan/beige/yellow fine sand-like powder, strong chemical smell (older batches, more yellow in color, were described as "smelling like a pack of freshly opened pokemon cards", more recent batches were more brownish but still a very particular chemical-y smell/drip). They've all given some discomfort when used intransal, the more recent batches worse than the yellow pokemon IME, but all not as bad as something like 3-meo-pcp. They did have a bad taste/drip though.
@Thisisnew: Sorry for the late reply. This is the only batch of DMXE I've tried so I can't compare to other batches.

If anyone wants my 2cents though I thinks it's a bit concerning to hear you say there have been multiple batches and they haven't sorted out the impurity issues.

In my mind an acetone wash is I believe a basic routine process done by pharmacuital manufacturers. Seeing yellow or brown colour and nasty smell wash out doing an acetone wash and having a disgusting burnt rubber smell when snorted, makes me wonder how are these European sellers still selling such poorly synthed product, let alone the posting NMR results showing no obvious impurity which makes me wonder if the NMR results are fake.
Totally with you there. Unfortunately, the lack of competition results in no incentive for increased purity.