• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

The Search for the Perfect Daily Drug - Valerian Root

@cdin I'm very interested in this.
I suffer a lot from the PAWS from GABA A and B agonists mainly benzodiazepines, and GBL.
I would like to try muscimol.
Can you give me more information about this?
How do you extract it from the mushrooms and what dosages are effective?
@cdin I'm very interested in this.
I suffer a lot from the PAWS from GABA A and B agonists mainly benzodiazepines, and GBL.
I would like to try muscimol.
Can you give me more information about this?
How do you extract it from the mushrooms and what dosages are effective?
That’s kind of a broader topic than a post reply can manage. If you search muscimol I answer some of these questions on the site - also there are many fantastic amanita groups on Facebook that have most of the pertinent info pinned. I don’t wanna hijack this thread w reams of Nita info also important to note - benzos are not gaba agonists - they are positive allosteric modulators PAMs. Small but highly relevant to your inquiries
Have "researched" valerian root and found it had properties ... just not enough (as I was on some heavy stuff then) but today I may get to "notice" the effects more.
Placebo...? Doubt it. I feel roots are needed. Just my opinion.
When I say roots i include all vegetation fwiw.
Be safe and happy whatever day this is.

Phone ...... smash it?
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