Playlists The Share A Playlist Thread


Staff member
Dec 25, 2003
I love listening to people's playlists because it more roundly helps express personality through music than a single song or genre.

For anonymity's sake, this should help:

So, share your favorite playlists. It can be one you created or something someone else did that speaks to you.

YouTube, Spotify, Tidal—et al.
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It’s just that I took the time to write down every song as they came on during a listen through. Since added more songs. Some Tom petty off the wildflowers album a Black Sabbath song
I was kidding, brother. Which Black Sabbath song, or is that coming with the second part?
Here's a nice playlist thread for y'all

Black Sabbath - war pigs
Jesses girl is on there
This would be tough for me to do. On Pandora, I have 12 playlists with over 20 songs each...the largest has 249 songs.
The two I listen to most: "My Classic Rock" with 115 songs, and "Bonamassa and Other Blues" with 55 songs.
I almost never watch TV, which gives me more music time.
I'm a big Phish head but got started with Jerry and GD in the 90s. Because of this also jazz and bluegrass became a favorite. I later began listening to rap, even though I live in DC "chocolate city" lol with DJ Screw and the Htown scene. Didn't listen to Wu Tang until late 2000s with Raekwon Cuban linx 2, now I'm a WU junky!

Fast forward after my woman passed in 2018 it's been mostly 70s R&B and anything else that pulls at my heartstrings.

Cool, I'm definitely going to do this. I've been meaning to for Krinkle's thread too but I can't seem to find it.

that Blend works meh so far - but i do really like it but they need to refine it a little - when it gives you a new blend, there's just too many of the same songs from the last blend and i have a huge spotify library - im hoping with time, it gets better because it's super cool if you blend with somebody who has a big library also

very cool tho i do like it
If anyone likes sad boy hip hop/rock fusion amd music about addiction I recommend Juicewlrd. He has an amazing singing voice...not just a rapper.

Im purley a dance music fan...but his music spoke to me and told my story in a way no artist had. He doesn't glorify addiction at all. He tells the truth about it. He passed from his addiction and was honest about the pain it brings

"I took my demons into the bank of life and made the biggest deposit." -JW.

Some of my favorites about addiction.

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I would love any tools/services for anonymous playlists. I thought I figured it out, but alas, I was mistaken.
I'm in love with these icy vocals :heart5:

And in case you like atmospheric black metal (this one actually sounds relaxing)
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