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"Tolerance Break" Modified for Physical Dependency?


Apr 29, 2018
I'm wanting to do a tolerance break with opioids, but cannot do it as a literal period of abstinence due to dependency.
Would taking just the minimum dose possible to stay well still work to reduce my tolerance noticeably?

And would a large dose once a day or several small doses work better or does it not matter? Like would one be better than the other if, say for example (actual drug and dose totally made up here for a hypothetical) I needed 6 Percocet a day to not be in withdrawal. Would talking all 6 once a day work better as it'd get my body used to going for longish periods without it but that daily dose would stop any withdrawal before it got bad and still allow me a small buzz once a day as a relief...or would taking one pill 6 times a day work better as my body would get used to smaller amounts in my system at a time?
Or does it just not matter?
If you are dependent on opiods I'd recommend weaning down to a lower dose and then either halting use or start using itermittenly.

If the DOA of the drug in question is long enough, I'd say go for it and do like 2 doses a day. I can't see anyone weaning off of any opiod with just 1 big dose a day. Most people I know that wean off opiods or opiates split up their original daily usage across the day.
Yeah, I would just start lowering your dose until you only require one or two small doses and then move onto to not using them and take a tolerance break.

I wouldnt do the many small doses idea, as then your brain is basically still very much dependent on it always being active.
Is that what you take? Would your body accept less, keep you out of withdrawal and would you be functional?

Say on 2/day? Would you not shit yourself but not get a buzz. If it's 6 it's 6.

Go as low as you can go but maintain function. Give it a couple weeks. What is the aim of your tolerance break?

Is that what you take? Would your body accept less, keep you out of withdrawal and would you be functional?

Say on 2/day? Would you not shit yourself but not get a buzz. If it's 6 it's 6.

Go as low as you can go but maintain function. Give it a couple weeks. What is the aim of your tolerance break?


No, but I take a combination of Codeine, Dihydrocodeine and Morphine so I used the example I gave just as that, an example, because including three different opioids would complicate the question too much.

The aim is to decrease my tolerance.
Yeah I get you.

I honestly don't know if that would work if you're tolerance will drop if you're still using. Maybe? I'd be interested if it did.

For me I think I really have to abstain completely to get my tolerance to go down.
No, but I take a combination of Codeine, Dihydrocodeine and Morphine so I used the example I gave just as that, an example, because including three different opioids would complicate the question too much.

The aim is to decrease my tolerance.
Should drop down to just one of those fr if you want to decrease tolerance, should help. Idk if that's possible for you but I would think it would help with tolerance levels to whichever you dropped, but idk. I don't think it's a hard science.
Should drop down to just one of those fr if you want to decrease tolerance, should help. Idk if that's possible for you but I would think it would help with tolerance levels to whichever you dropped, but idk. I don't think it's a hard science.

On day two. Feelin' okay so far. I think you're right about not taking multiple opioids at once. I have some morphine I'm keeping for emergencies (I have legit severe chronic pain ans cannot get by without morphine sometimes) but the last couple of days I've only been using Codeine (because it's the weakest).

So far the only issue is more what you'd associate with PAWS: namely boredom and apathy. Nothing seems as fun or entertaining.
I find tolerance breaks damn near impossible on opiates. Can you find something else to take away the cravings thats not an opiate while your not on? Something like Soma muscle relaxers, benzos, or maybe K? I realize this is not a fix for dependence but it should help take away the suck while things lower. Just rememerb it wont stay low for long unfortunately.
I find tolerance breaks damn near impossible on opiates. Can you find something else to take away the cravings thats not an opiate while your not on? Something like Soma muscle relaxers, benzos, or maybe K? I realize this is not a fix for dependence but it should help take away the suck while things lower. Just rememerb it wont stay low for long unfortunately.

I only have Gabapentin, but it's helping.
I'm wanting to do a tolerance break with opioids, but cannot do it as a literal period of abstinence due to dependency.
Would taking just the minimum dose possible to stay well still work to reduce my tolerance noticeably?

And would a large dose once a day or several small doses work better or does it not matter? Like would one be better than the other if, say for example (actual drug and dose totally made up here for a hypothetical) I needed 6 Percocet a day to not be in withdrawal. Would talking all 6 once a day work better as it'd get my body used to going for longish periods without it but that daily dose would stop any withdrawal before it got bad and still allow me a small buzz once a day as a relief...or would taking one pill 6 times a day work better as my body would get used to smaller amounts in my system at a time?
Or does it just not matter?

I would stay away from the big doses and trying to go longer.

I live most of my life doing what you are saying; getting tolerance erased by tapering down as much as possible. I actually surprised myself and completely kicked this time.

What I do is take the smallest dose possible; shortly BEFORE the withdrawal gets too intolerable.

Like if I know I’m going to feel at my limit of shittyness at 8 pm, I’ll dose smaller than I even beleieve will get me well at 6 or 7 pm. And most of the time that smaller dose I didn’t think would be enough actually is enough. Just tickle the receptors with the minimum amount. Accept that you will feel semi crappy most of the time.

I found that if I wait until I feel over my limit of withdrawl tolerability I end up taking a bigger dose and not making progress.

I get down from 30 mg methadone a day to half a mg per day all the time like this. It’s pretty easy…going from half a mg to 0 is the hard part though.

I would stay away from the big doses and trying to go longer.

I live most of my life doing what you are saying; getting tolerance erased by tapering down as much as possible. I actually surprised myself and completely kicked this time.

What I do is take the smallest dose possible; shortly BEFORE the withdrawal gets too intolerable.

Like if I know I’m going to feel at my limit of shittyness at 8 pm, I’ll dose smaller than I even beleieve will get me well at 6 or 7 pm. And most of the time that smaller dose I didn’t think would be enough actually is enough. Just tickle the receptors with the minimum amount. Accept that you will feel semi crappy most of the time.

I found that if I wait until I feel over my limit of withdrawl tolerability I end up taking a bigger dose and not making progress.

I get down from 30 mg methadone a day to half a mg per day all the time like this. It’s pretty easy…going from half a mg to 0 is the hard part though.
oh man methedone was the worst shit ever to kick. i felt nothing helfpul when i used it. it make me hate life as in dulled everything around me. I read so many ppl that love it. I was on50mg a day or maybe 60 but i never once felt any rec value, buzz, rush, etc. I did however have PC WD's that seemed to last for days. I tried switching to suboxone too soon like after 3-4 days. holy hell did i wanna die.
oh man methedone was the worst shit ever to kick. i felt nothing helfpul when i used it. it make me hate life as in dulled everything around me. I read so many ppl that love it. I was on50mg a day or maybe 60 but i never once felt any rec value, buzz, rush, etc. I did however have PC WD's that seemed to last for days. I tried switching to suboxone too soon like after 3-4 days. holy hell did i wanna die.
How much methadone dose were you switching to sub from after 3 days?

I considered trying sub sub 3 or 4 days clean after being at 0.5 mg per day but was still scared.

I agree it has zero recreational value and is a dirty feeling drug. I am scripted it for pain though and it’s pretty decent for pain; no temptation to abuse it because it sucks. Lasts a very long time. It’s got its pros and cons. Ideally I’d prefer extended release oxy but I live in America so we don’t have freedoms here.
How much methadone dose were you switching to sub from after 3 days?

I considered trying sub sub 3 or 4 days clean after being at 0.5 mg per day but was still scared.

I agree it has zero recreational value and is a dirty feeling drug. I am scripted it for pain though and it’s pretty decent for pain; no temptation to abuse it because it sucks. Lasts a very long time. It’s got its pros and cons. Ideally I’d prefer extended release oxy.
oh man....hmmm. its been about 7 years ish but i think i was going from 50mg methadone to 16mg sub. Dont quote me on that though as im ballprking because it was a long while back and I dont exactly recall how i switched. I can tell you after like 3-4 days WD i said fuck these things when i knew i was not going to die and i flushed 150 pills down the toilette.
sorry i was thinking you were planning for the future and might be able to order some of these in advance.

I have to stay away from benzo's anyway, I'm always worse trying to come off them than I am with whatever they are replacing. Like, I had a 5 and a half minute seizure coming of Xanax once (I actually have mild brain damage from hypoxia from it because you don't breathe during a seizure). I tend to get that "delusions of sobriety" on them too so while I'm thinking "Are these fakes? I feel normal", I look super fucked up to everyone else.

I would stay away from the big doses and trying to go longer.

I live most of my life doing what you are saying; getting tolerance erased by tapering down as much as possible. I actually surprised myself and completely kicked this time.

What I do is take the smallest dose possible; shortly BEFORE the withdrawal gets too intolerable.

Like if I know I’m going to feel at my limit of shittyness at 8 pm, I’ll dose smaller than I even beleieve will get me well at 6 or 7 pm. And most of the time that smaller dose I didn’t think would be enough actually is enough. Just tickle the receptors with the minimum amount. Accept that you will feel semi crappy most of the time.

I found that if I wait until I feel over my limit of withdrawl tolerability I end up taking a bigger dose and not making progress.

I get down from 30 mg methadone a day to half a mg per day all the time like this. It’s pretty easy…going from half a mg to 0 is the hard part though.

Sounds like a good plan. I've been taking a small dose (like, my actual prescribed dose) each time I feel withdrawal beginning. Well, not the second I feel less than 100% but as soon as I do a diarrhoea (lol) and feel clammy as they're always the warning signs I get that I need to take something or within the next hour or so Imma be feeling really rough.

Congrats on getting yourself clean! I can't do that because I have severe pain where I genuinely need opioids, but I wanna at least get down to where my prescription-doses are enough to keep me well and take the edge off the pain.
Sounds like a good plan. I've been taking a small dose (like, my actual prescribed dose) each time I feel withdrawal beginning. Well, not the second I feel less than 100% but as soon as I do a diarrhoea (lol) and feel clammy as they're always the warning signs I get that I need to take something or within the next hour or so Imma be feeling really rough.

Congrats on getting yourself clean! I can't do that because I have severe pain where I genuinely need opioids, but I wanna at least get down to where my prescription-doses are enough to keep me well and take the edge off the pain.
I have chronic pain too but it’s not musculoskeletal so it’s not constant.

It comes in cycles that last a few weeks to even months then shuts off. I’m sure it will flare up again one day and I’ll be back on this shit. It’s a vicious circle but at least there are windows of no pain.