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Where do you go when...


Feb 4, 2009
When the dog bites, when the bee stings...(The sound of music)

Do you go somewhere when you're feeling down?
Like I used to go for a drive to clear my head. Or a jog. Now sometimes I just go to the loft. I guess some could call it meditation. I was having a normal chill day until my partner got snippy with me. So now I'm laying down in the loft fortress watching the clouds drift by.

Where do you go or what do you do when you're feeling kinda down?
Yep for me it's the drive too, along with music to fit my tone or mood.

Or say if the moon is out, I'll just sit with seat back and smoke a blunt or joint while staring at stars or moon with said music.

Another great place is where I grew up at my parents place..a beautiful set of woods to get away and just immerse myself in nature, usually with hallucinogens or greenery.
The basement where I can sit on my computer, drink coffee, and flip back and forth between forums.

I also like taking walks at parks to cope with stress.
I have enough connections that I can in some sense pick who I want to be around depending on the situation. Getting lost in a book also helps tons!
into my own mind. no joke.
if i feel really bad i need to either dive headfirst into it and blow it up and imagine i'm going through the worst case scenario of that feeling until it kind of blunts.
or i need to disengage myself from the situation that caused the feeling, and have imaginary people live through imaginary, but similar situations. that way i can see things in a more objective way and find solutions and the bad vibes then become someone else's.
sounds crazy? maybe. but i've been told by more than one mental health pro that it's a very healthy way to deal with bad stuff. it's kind of how kids do it.
into my own mind. no joke.
if i feel really bad i need to either dive headfirst into it and blow it up and imagine i'm going through the worst case scenario of that feeling until it kind of blunts.
or i need to disengage myself from the situation that caused the feeling, and have imaginary people live through imaginary, but similar situations. that way i can see things in a more objective way and find solutions and the bad vibes then become someone else's.
sounds crazy? maybe. but i've been told by more than one mental health pro that it's a very healthy way to deal with bad stuff. it's kind of how kids do it.
Thats really interesting! I had never heard of doing that before, I'll have to try it, thanks.
Thats really interesting! I had never heard of doing that before, I'll have to try it, thanks.
Good luck. It's not something I learned, it's kind of what I've been doing since I was born and never forgot. But I;m pretty sure you can (re)learn to to this, just needs some imagination and focus.
A walk most of the times. Optimally a sunny day but there have been many nights....
I guess my issue is I can find no comfort zones that don't bring the opposite (sometimes discomfort).
Still looking myself.
And I get the snapping out that's when I usually step out for a minute or two.
How's things now?
Typically I just put my headphones in and take long walks while listening to my favorite music. Lately I've been feeling sick and too weak to get out as much as I need to though :(