• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Random Which serial killers or true crimes intrigue you?

Ted Bundy of course! Like killing was 80% of his life. How can anyone enjoy something so much that it's literally all he's doing?? I don't believe the 33(?) body count. He had to of been in the 3 digits.
Manson was kind of like evil Jesus...it's interesting how effective he was at brainwashing people and creating die-hard disciples. That's one of the puzzling mysteries regarding Manson imo, is how such a skeezy career criminal dude could seduce people who had no criminal history or proclivities for violence, and get them to commit horrific acts. I guess a lot of it had to do with the context of the time, the mid to late 1960s and the summer of love, west coast hippy scene etc...and Manson just had unique skills when it came to dispensing powerful mind-altering drugs and manipulating people

There's just a bunch of other interesting avenues that the Manson case goes down too, a lot of mysteries that are still unclear to this day...such as the inexplicable leniency that local law enforcement in California treated Manson, as well as Manson's federal parole officer etc. (Manson's federal prison file was supposedly several inches thick!) It's been speculated on that Manson was a confidential informant for some agency within the federal government, including possibly even the CIA, which was conducting domestic operations within the United States during the Johnson administration. Manson also had contact with clinics in the bay area which received funding from the federal government and conducted experiments with stimulants and psychedelic-hallucinogens during the 1960s, and it's also been speculated that some of these pharmacologists (and Manson's own parole officer, who was a Ph.D student studying the effects of drug use) were basically using Manson and his "family" as a real-life science experiment

And then of course there's the cultural aspect, with Dennis Wilson and the drug-addled orgies at Spahn ranch lol

Definitely a strange case but interesting to read about and develop off-the-wall theories
Luka Magnotta... I watched Don't Fuck With Cats on netflix and have to say it was a really good documentary. I feel like he could have gone on to be a bigger serial killer.
You know Leather Face and Ghost Face aka Scream were based on real people.. So either of those guys
I am intrigue by the East area rapist, original night stalker (this is not Richard Ramirez), or the golden state killer. How did he break into 200+ homes, rape and kill people yet he is still not caught?

John Wayne Gacy and Dahmer intrigue me because they had all of those bodies, and probably killed more than were found?

Richard Ramirez was fucking hot. I want him to cum in my throat, snap my neck and dump my body in a septic tank.
You know Leather Face and Ghost Face aka Scream were based on real people.. So either of those guys

Leatherface extremely loosely, though. Psycho, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Silence of the Lambs were all based on the same guy (Ed Gein). Them is three VERY different movies. Never trust "based on a true story" when it comes to Hollywood, no more so than with horror movies.
I have nothing to do with this video, the content, the guy in it or anything, but this is really interesting if you are into True Crime:

If you liked that, there's this by the same dude:

His Iceberg video on disturbing movies is excellent, also.

convicted of manslaughter instead of murder because they could not find the body and he claims he accidentally killed the 9-year-old victim by giving her an overdose of temazepam. no way.

The oral LD50 of Restoril was 1963 mg/kg in mice, 1833 mg/kg in rats, and >2400 mg/kg in rabbits.

photographed his victims using positive film. he develop that at home? totally possible, but an intense project if he wasn't otherwise a photographer. before digital cameras, did serial killers demanding resolution above what polaroid offered all have in-home darkrooms?

Although Cash said he witnessed Strohmeyer restraining Iverson and admits his friend told him about the murder, there is no Nevada law requiring Cash to report the crime and he was not charged.


In the weeks following Strohmeyer's arrest, Cash told the Los Angeles Times that he did not dwell on the murder of Sherrice Iverson. "I'm not going to get upset over somebody else's life. I just worry about myself first. I'm not going to lose sleep over somebody else's problems." He also told the newspaper that the publicity surrounding the case had made it easier for him to "score with women." Cash also told the Long Beach Press-Telegram: "I'm no idiot ... I'll get my money out of this."