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Why Fentanyl dificuld to buy in Europe

It is starting to turn up in the gear and also can be purchased via dealers (or dealers that claim to have it - I've never wanted to try it). As many have pointed out, we don't want it as it is destructive and horrible, but it has been found in heroin samples along with other ultra-potent synthetic opioids. Fentanyl has even turned up in cocaine in the British Isles.

I've never heard anything good about it so take the advice in this thread and stay away and hope that it isn't going to hang around for too long, although I fear its gonna start making its way into the heroin supply over time. Easier to manufacture, smuggle, ridiculously potent, will get customers high and the profit margins will be huge compared to beloved Afghan brown. I'm clean off it but as I say to everyone, test any gear with caution (i.e. smoking a small amount before jamming what should be a normal dosage into a vein) and get on a script as a back up! Methadone is horrible but even that is better than dying at the hands of greedy, selfish cunts. I recommend buprenorphine and especially Buvidal which is a very long half-life version of bupe that slowly releases over about 6 weeks so that any withdrawal effects should be minimal. It is a life saver and I would say that anyone who is serious about getting off H should go for it.

Stay safe and don't create a demand for fentanyl! Horrible shit, as well as xylazine which is also turning up in bags!
Even smoking a small amount is no guarantee of safety, as a fatal dose of fentanyl is microscopically small, so if cut badly, the same sample can contain a hot shot. Best way to judge it, is to dissolve a few supposed doses in a known volume and test with say a 5% dose (solutions contain an equal distribution of dissolved solids). Only problem is heroin hydrolyses in solution fairly quickly, so a days worth is the most you can reasonably prepare.
Thanks for the deep insight, I was in east London to see a friend and I couldn't believe what I saw as I walked down the high street, a van pulled up after sundown unloading a bunch of women apparently mostly EU especially Romanian, I mean the whole stretch of the road was filled. I could see some community outreach workers giving out condom's and such...The whole Albania thing is new to me, I've Always thought it was Brazilian's who were the big shots in London.

the xylazine and nitazenes are really scary, I mean it's everywhere from Dublin to Eastbourne...I just wonder is this something already added in the country of origin or something dealers are using to cut with here in the UK. It seems like it doesn't matter what it is, benzo or heroin they'll lace it as long as it's sedating. Ugh 😩
Nitazenes are really powerful agonists and aren't readily substituted by methadone, like heroin.
Bad shit all round
Who would want fentanyl?

Stronger doesn't always mean more euphoric or better feeling.

Diacetylmorphine is still far superior to fentanyl, even though technically less potent.

Fuck fentanyl & fuck those in power who allowed it to happen in the first place

These super potent synthetic agonists are nothing but ways to get people into crippling physical dependencies, without any of the positives that heroin, oxycodone, etc.. bring.
Even smoking a small amount is no guarantee of safety, as a fatal dose of fentanyl is microscopically small, so if cut badly, the same sample can contain a hot shot. Best way to judge it, is to dissolve a few supposed doses in a known volume and test with say a 5% dose (solutions contain an equal distribution of dissolved solids). Only problem is heroin hydrolyses in solution fairly quickly, so a days worth is the most you can reasonably prepare.
You're right. Trouble is people are gonna do it anyway. I'm trying really hard to get to get adequate testing equipment for users (I work in harm reduction). People should be able to test their shit and there is no route for them to do that because if they have a habit, every grain of that brown powder is precious so they wont send anything to wedinos.org for example.

Anyway I appreciate your posts and your knowledge.
Realistically, the vast majority of users are not going to test their stuff.

I'm not judging here, I do a fat line of coke as soon as I get my hands on a bag of it. If I was American there's a good chance that I'd be dead.

Plus there's the fact that a lot of users who've been doing synthetic opioids for a while find heroin to be weak and unsatisfying, they don't even want the real stuff
Here in the states our heroin is laced with fentanyl just ask for "breezy"
Realistically, the vast majority of users are not going to test their stuff.

I'm not judging here, I do a fat line of coke as soon as I get my hands on a bag of it. If I was American there's a good chance that I'd be dead.

Plus there's the fact that a lot of users who've been doing synthetic opioids for a while find heroin to be weak and unsatisfying, they don't even want the real stuff

Realistically, the vast majority of users are not going to test their stuff.

I'm not judging here, I do a fat line of coke as soon as I get my hands on a bag of it. If I was American there's a good chance that I'd be dead.

Plus there's the fact that a lot of users who've been doing synthetic opioids for a while find heroin to be weak and unsatisfying, they don't even want the real stuff
i agreed with u, BUT i do know once they get break from fetty, let say for a week break, their tolerance drops and they can go back to heroin and use agin, it wil be back to normal! unfortunley, majority of addicts found it hard to stay off fetty for a week due to unbearable withdrawl from fetty probably 100 time worse than heroin?
You should be lucky. Fentanyl is a curse which is found in almost any drug even meth nowadays and it kills people on a daily basis. Imagine how insane it is that a barely visible amount can kill you! But I imagine that Europe will see fentanyl eventually as well. It was just the Mexican cartels who jumped onto that train first.
There have been a lot of ODs in the small city in England UK and four fatal ODs in five days the first two in one day, the authorities say that the heroin is laced with synthetic opioid pronitzerine and nitizerine, it was sold to the local users from London county lines gang. Other than the deaths one male was seriously ill and quite a few others have had problems, the occasional
fatal OD isn't uncommon in the area , two to three a year , but four in five days is mad, noticed lots undercover police recently, not the plain clothes type but ones dressing rough and acting gangster.
There have been a lot of ODs in the small city in England UK and four fatal ODs in five days the first two in one day, the authorities say that the heroin is laced with synthetic opioid pronitzerine and nitizerine, it was sold to the local users from London county lines gang. Other than the deaths one male was seriously ill and quite a few others have had problems, the occasional
fatal OD isn't uncommon in the area , two to three a year , but four in five days is mad, noticed lots undercover police recently, not the plain clothes type but ones dressing rough and acting gangster.
I guess this kind of thing is going to draw police attention and action and they have to be seen to be doing something, especially if the local and national media are on the case.

But how can you tell they are police if they are going in for the 'method acting' approach by the sounds of it?
Its a pretty close-knit drug community in Colchester Essex United Kingdom. And there has been some bods in some known areas who look rough but they have not been seen before. I can spot the police pretty well in the area , some more than others. I have a good memory for faces , and I have observed uniformed police and plain clothes many times over the years , due to run ins with them and being arrested aswell, but also the authorities also announced that they have equipment to intercept communications of dealer lines it's called operation orchoi a communication evedroping op in which they work with the capital city Londons police force in conducting eves dropping, on the dealers in London accessing thier phones even burner phones and tracking them in my small city 90 miles away, also no doubt revenge attacks stabbings and turf rivalry between gangs/,lines will possibly increase. There is usually an average of three to six murders a year in this city , which doesn't seem much compared to other United Kingdom cities but they are much larger. I personally have only done horse six or seven times, i don't like the effect but offer me a line or kilogramme of cocaine I will do the lot aswell as ecstasy pills MDMA, and speed but never opioids of any type
I personally have only done horse six or seven times, i don't like the effect but offer me a line or kilogramme of cocaine I will do the lot aswell as ecstasy pills MDMA, and speed but never opioids of any type
Why do you keep trying it then if you don't like the effect?

Just a heads-up as I've heard this 100's of times friend. If you carry on trying opiates you're highly likely to develop an issue.