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Health Wich are the best movies to watch under psychedelics ?

I am embarrassed to say I never really watched a movie on a psychedelic. But two times come to mind. A midnight showing of Fast Times At Ridgemont High when it first came out in the theaters. But I was already coming down. Another time in Long Beach CA a few friends of ours were watching his bosses house as they were on vacation. So we took some blotter and put on The Man With Two Brains. I was a little too high to sit there. But at that time I was chipping heroin. So I snorted two balloons of some of that good Southern California brown heroin and had my first psychedelic nods.

What Dreams May Come is probably a movie that had me tripping without a substance. Waking Life too.

But even without tripping I am going to look at the suggestions in the thread.
For going dark, Gaspar Noé never fails. Dude took Ayahuasca and was like: "meh, just a mindfuck".
Then went on to bestow the world with cutting-edge cinema.

"Enter the Void" is already mentioned, I watched that one on MXE, at the end I believed the protagonist got reincarnated into me, lol.

I watched "I Stand Alone" once, which is a bit of a repressed memory.

Recently I watched his film about a dance party where the drinks got spiked with LSD:

True nightmare fuel!

He has made more films in the meanwhile, but gotta be in that special kind of mood to check 'em out because Gaspar Noé's talent is to make oneself feel violated by watching. So beware, especially on psychedelics.
Not for the feint of heart but if you got balls and mushrooms go for this one haha…I’d say with a trusted friend or two and a trip sitter though someone might freak out if they can’t handle their shit but bro this is cool asf I’m shrooms…if you are in a dark place in your life I’d suggest not to but if you are doing well all things considered then I’d say yeah watch this man on shroooms

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oh and definitely Enter the Void (2009)

very very emotionally intense movie and great visuals, insanely trippy while on LSD in ways you wouldn't except

if you haven't heard of it, the whole movie is a play on the pseudo-scientific idea that within the moments before you die, you experience an endogenous DMT like trip, reliving your entire life as an infinite fractal hallucination frozen in time

It's very trippy, the entire movie is literally a trip manifested on film, but also very emotionally intense to watch while high on psychedelics. The movie produces the entire gamut of possible human emotion, especially if you're tripping. Unique experience for sure.

every psychonaut should see it

That sounds amazing

Shit I’m about to watch that shit tonight cuz they actually did research on that I thought but they just don’t know what the role of the DMT is yet??? It’s on tubi and I think that’s free with ads

But in the movie it’s different right? We just hypothesized it right now tho?
The Matrix
The Fifth Element
Beetle juice
Edward scissor hands
Never ending story
A space odyssey 2001...
Larry Carlson should make a movie already. He has enough stuff on his youtube for free to put in one playlist, and have your mind catapulted to the top of lysergic space together with Leonard Pickard!

Speaking of which, "The Rose of Paracelsus" deserves to have made a movie about it too, don't y'all think?
Hmmm? Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas has always been a sure hit as well as "where the buffalo roam" is another anything Hunter S. Thompson related.
Trainspotting 1 & 2
Another day in Paradise
Drugstore Cowboy ;)
:Layer Cake
_One flew over the cuckoo's nest
But mainly Fear & Loathing and or "Where The Buffalo Roam"
Holy Mountain and Pink Floyd the wall are both great but possibly a lot to throw at people not experienced.
Also El Topo, House (japan), the trip (1967) Roger Corman tired lsd, Suspiria, Tommy, yellow submarine, fantastic planet, 200 motels, fellini satyricon (Fellini tried Lsd), barbarella, Mandy, performance (1970),
I couldn't watch anything because everything looks so ridiculous and material, "plastic and unreal", people look like idiots and they talk like idiots 🤭😅 I usually enjoy watching movies but on psychedelics TV and movies is The least interesting thing, only music is ok..
Just watched Memoria, it is stupidly good. Slow-paced, lots of space to breathe and wonder.