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Opioids Will I Become Physically Dependant Again If I Only Use Every OTHER Day?


Apr 29, 2018
Recently got cut off from my opioids for 9 days. While it was HELL, I had obviously come out on the other end of the acute withdrawal by the time I got them back again.
And I have severe chronic pain so I do NEED to be on opioids and also I just don't want to give them up.

I got them back on Friday so took them then. I took nothing at all on Saturday and I've used them again today and plan to have none tomorrow.

If I try and stick to this will it prevent me from developing a physical dependency again? If not will it at least slow down it's development?
If I try and stick to this will it prevent me from developing a physical dependency again? If not will it at least slow down it's development?
In theory, maybe. It wouldn't work for me, though. I've tried every trick you can think of (and a few you probably haven't) to try to outsmart, trick, cheat, overpower, or otherwise attempt to defeat the addictive properties of various drugs. Addiction won every time. YMMV.

But if you have chronic pain and a script for painkillers, you may just have to accept a lifelong dependency unless you can find another method of pain relief.
In theory, maybe. It wouldn't work for me, though. I've tried every trick you can think of (and a few you probably haven't) to try to outsmart, trick, cheat, overpower, or otherwise attempt to defeat the addictive properties of various drugs. Addiction won every time. YMMV.

But if you have chronic pain and a script for painkillers, you may just have to accept a lifelong dependency unless you can find another method of pain relief.

What is "YMMV"?

Yeah, I hate that the pain means I really need opioids. But it's so stressful when I'm running out and I just went through over a week of hell.
I just wanna be in a place where I'm not CONSTANTLY pre-occupied with my next dose and trying to make them last and trying to devise plans in case I run out early etc.
Try ususing less on let's sat once a week or every 5 days and try to use less on many days but if the pain is so severe, then deal with it. Other wise try not to run out.Device a way that if it is bad, you will have them, but use as little when pain is low.
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Try ususing less on let's sat once a week or every 5 days and try to use less on many days but if the pain is so severe, then deal with it. Other wise try not to run out.Device a way that if it is bad, you will have them, but use as little when pain is low.

Yeah, I'm trying to force myself not to get high, just to be well and not in too much pain. It's very difficult, though.
I have split my 14 day prescriptions (for the Codeine, Morphine and Gabapentin) into two separate half's and WILL NOT touch the second half until they are "due" this Friday.
Yeah, I'm trying to force myself not to get high, just to be well and not in too much pain. It's very difficult, though.
It's what I should do with my benzos, but I guess for the moment it's not going to be possible. Even though my "pain" isn't chronic.

Hope you're doing well otherwise, and good luck with your plan.
I also have chronic pain and in my experience you won't be able to use them every other day without becoming dependent. Once you've been addicted to them you always have to pay the piper, no free rides after that. I can take any opiate or kratom for one day and have mild wd the next day.
Every other day? No way lol. Try once a week, that will keep most of the physical dependency at bay but I doubt you'll stick to it.
What is "YMMV"?

Yeah, I hate that the pain means I really need opioids. But it's so stressful when I'm running out and I just went through over a week of hell.
I just wanna be in a place where I'm not CONSTANTLY pre-occupied with my next dose and trying to make them last and trying to devise plans in case I run out early etc.
Your mileage may vary,is the meaning of YMMV,basically saying you may have different results then I…
What is "YMMV"?
Your Mileage May Vary.
It means that everybody is different. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. I can only speak from my own experience-- what I say might help you and it might not.

I agree with Jnowhere's advice. The best you can do is never take any more than you really need. You may want to keep a written record of how much you take & when. Gotta make that script last. I've always said: Drugs aren't the problem. It's running out that's the problem.
fellow chronic pain person here! hey so - what ive come to is, i dont use them when i do not have pain (mine is sporadic, due to severe clinical ptsd, soft tissue/spasm/rigidity issues) - When i do take opioids, i use black seed oil, and ultra low dose naltrexone in order to prevent tolerance/addiction processes, potentiate the medication and use as little as i can for a run, and then come off them again in a slow taper (so im not doing repeat cold turkeys) that's been the best ive been able to do. I do log every single dose of anything i put into me
opioids every other day?