NASADD Social v. Ohline's got no gun and it's Welderman's fucking birthday

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Sorry to hear about that ohline. I know I've offered in the past, but PMz for my AIM if you ever want to drop a line and chat. My grandfather is currently in really, really bad condition, and my other grandfather has already passed. I see the same fate for both my grandparents and it is both sad and depressing to watch someone slip away, especially in the way I've seen. I'm sorry you are going through such a shitty situation, and I hope that things progress in the best way they can :/

Ha, this is 100% true. Who believes an oppie head/dealer when they say they're quitting oppies? Nobody.

thanks, man. you should go ahead and PM your AIM. i figured tonight was as good as any to get pissy-drunk so i probably won't even remember this. i don't use AIM as much as i used to, but it'd be nice that when i do, have someone who gets it. i've been reaching out (or trying to) lately. my family is falling apart and i have no fucking clue how to deal with it. i'm so sorry you know the feeling. i wish we could say that it gets better. i haven't felt this suicidal in quite a while.

and if you're trying to sober up from opiates, turn your fucking phone off. your "friends" will never help you. that monster takes all kinds and is unforgiving.. their disease comes far before yours..
seriously, TRM.

look out for yourself. no one else gives a fuck. unless it provides them with free drugs.. that shit's worthless.

turn that phone off and suffer in silence. i handled that shit in a jail-cell by my lonesome. one of the best things to ever happen to me. get gangster with it.
and if you're trying to sober up from opiates, turn your fucking phone off. your "friends" will never help you.

Best often-overlooked advice you can get... The flip side of this is when you do get clean and fight through w/ds, you gotta ditch your user-friends. At least for a while.

i ran like a motherfucker. they don't play in florida, though.

Contempt, not a shocker... Running? Baffled.

ps: PM'd. also, just got run off AIM by porn-spamming fembots.
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my fear of dealing with WDs propelled me in all sorts of directions.

"awayfromthatfuckingcourthouse" just happened to be one of them.

and PM responded.

my fear of dealing with WDs propelled me in all sorts of directions.

"awayfromthatfuckingcourthouse" just happened to be one of them.

and PM responded.

i never understood why people skip out on court, unless its the sentencing phase. like if you are going for deposition, at any stage, you should just show up. i mean, if you flodge on the courts its a guaranteed bench warrant. i had a friend that got hit with a possession charge and he didnt even show up to his first deposition for the "do you have a lawyer/need time for a lawyer" deposition. what a fucking idiot. bench warrant signed that day, arrested AT HIS HOUSE 2 days later and had to sit in jail his entire court process because after he didnt show up for the initial deposition the judge considered him a flight risk and revoked his bond.
out of my....ummmmm 12 maybe 13 court cases i have not missed one fucking court date, WDs or not.

moral of my story: stop being a pussy and go to court, its not scary, its just fucking annoying.
i knew i was going to be doing jail time (failed to do my community service). i had gone to court the first couple of times.

when they caught me i only did about a month so it wasn't so bad.
i knew i was going to be doing jail time (failed to do my community service). i had gone to court the first couple of times.

when they caught me i only did about a month so it wasn't so bad.

ohline, chances are if you had shown up and just talked to the judge and gave him some bullshit story about why you couldnt finish he would have GIVEN you another month to get it done.


i mean, if you skip, its a guarantee. if you show up its 50/50. AND THEY WILL CATCH YOUR ASS SOONER OR LATER WHEN YOU DONT SHOW UP
i had already given my bullshit excuses twice.

my public defender told me straight up i was going to jail. dude wasn't even going to attempt to fight it.

and lol @ "learn from your mistakes".. i was a 19 year old junkie. going to jail was a far lesser mistake than just about every other thing i had done that year. i had a solid 8 months of running around on the outskirts being a misfit. it's funny though, i had a $500 bounty on my ass and was in the "gotcha!" magazine... because of a fucking traffic incident. florida just straight up doesn't give a fuck.
wah wah wah wah wah wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah wah wah wah wah wah wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *tear* wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :::excuse::: Wahhhhhhh public defender blah blah blah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

quit being so lame.

you used to make me laugh and shit. wtf happened

my shit is so together.

i'm not the one who gave TRM my personal info.

It's like watching a sassy old couple fighting.

Yes... yes... entertain me...

edit: required cat meme
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