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Interesting [VOTING CLOSED] Bluelight Poetry Competition (The Revelation™)

Which poem is your favorite?

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Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
Theme is "Revelation". Vote for your favorite poem! Authors will be announced in a follow up thread, the book of poems. Sorry this took so long to get out.

- Sorry this took so long to get out, been busy (and healthy :D)

Which poem sings to your heart, little one?

1. "Midnight Parlor"
Looking in my side room parlor
Gaze upon my midnight squalor
Once I found a terror stricken
Dance with all new moves enhanced
Two stepping out of time
Wellsprings out from this new rhyme
Time will be my only friend
It echos out from this new end
A penny for your lonely thoughts
Is worth it if it's paid and bought
How long can I sway this way?
The answer fills my only day

2. "Untitled"

He fell off a tree
And busted his knee
Dumb ditty dumb

3. "Pieces of Jesus ------- Revelations dealio..."

They say there's a chosen one, that God sent down only one son.
Shining bright as the sun, he will lead us to salvation.
Destroying man-made creations, but I'm thinking different information.
My aspiration is not to preach, yet my vision seems unique.

There's a piece of Jesus in each us that has walked on water.
By helping another, without causing a wave, or splash,
Without being bothered, they are brave, and just asked,
"How can I assist?" ... and aids with that task.
So small, but such a miraculous act.
When this world seems pure dark black.

There's a piece of Jesus in each us who have felt betrayal.
Who believed in trust, though it failed.
Abandoned, because somebody bailed,
Feeling alone, as if they were jailed.

There's a piece of Jesus in each us that reaches into the dark,
to ignite a spark inside their fallen friends hearts.
Reminding them they are smart, and pain is only a part,
of this life, this piece of art, when people love to tell you what you are.

There's a piece of Jesus in each us that has worn a crown of thorns.
Torn by people's insensitive words, causing an invisible pain that hurts.
Discouraged by many, but still treat others gently,
knowing how that heavy feeling is deadly.

There's a piece of Jesus in each us that teach us to care.
That help you save yourself from despair, and seek to be fair.
Where people dare to be bold, they just span a hand to hold.
Warm you up when you're feeling cold.
Because there are some things "You'd rather not know"

There's a piece of Jesus in each us that endure starvation,
because their nation, caters to the leaves more than the roots,
With the way the dictators use taxation, for the tree of society's fruits.
Disputes through law, no matter what the truth saw. Someone had to be wrong.

There's a piece of Jesus in each us that sees there's a reason to the rhyme.
Who tries not- to define, but to understand your mind,
Seeking to find, what and why, when you try to describe,
perfection in your eyes, and the borders you decide to divide.

There's a piece of Jesus in each us that's carried a metaphorical cross,
for someone who has treated them like they are their historical boss.
Who falls, but won't take a small loss, or stop from thrown rocks,
and makes it to their destination at all costs.

There's a piece of Jesus in each us who paid a price of sacrifice,
losing bits of their life, because of what others deem to be right.
Who gave heartfelt advice, and did their best to make you feel nice.
Added the laughter spice, accepted your vice without a price,
and adds light to the night with caring insight.

There's a piece of Jesus in each of us humans.
When we seek to forgive and make amends.
When the means justifies the ends.
When we do our best to be true friends.
When we let our heart speak through our hands
and use our mind to enhance our heart's plans
or our voice to speak a thoughtful stance.

Since the Bible's creation,
Our interpretation of Revelations, has been the return of Jesus.
Back to lead us to salvation.
I cant help but feel the sensation, he burns inside of each us,
when we embrace him.


Just to let y'all know
That I am not shit
Sometimes I have paranoia
Sometimes I get confused
Sometimes I think that buildings have changed shape and size
And that the burrough I live in has been 'stolen'
Hoping to end up in France
I admit
Scotland itself
But I am not

Sometimes I pick on sexy, online women
Hoping to get a date, or maybe
Score? Score
And, not get stabbed
This time
But I am definitely not
Shitness Itself
I aim to please

To clear one thing up
SCP does exist
Stuff like that
I am intelligent
Just that
As well..
YOU are shit
Yeah, you.
Fuck you!

5. "Only dream is real"

From yesterday to today locked
Walking repeatedly the way that's blocked
Trying to find way out
Of my mind which is not

Mine but constructed by all
A labyrinth wall
Going in spiraling circles
Looking all the same yet 10 feet tall

How to get out?
How to find words that are mine
I speak repeated alien languages
Every time I open my mouth

Are we prisoners of thinking?
Lost in nightmare of translation
No matter the name or nation
Is it all the same creation?

Made by past that tries to last
Echoing itself through time
By repeating the mantra
Created by spell of spelling

Constantly repeated through telling
The same story with different twist
But having the same gist
This is not the way to exist

So I tried to sleep without me
Without I that speaks
Went beyond thinking
This is what the sleep was revealing:

Where am I? Asked the Son,
Who are you? Replied The Sun,
What is this? pondered Mom,
Real answers had no one

We are lost within our terms
Took them all on base of trust
Hoping others knew this parts
When we wake up - the trouble starts

To know a thing is really hard
Broken first with doubt of doubt
Precondition for all that's new
Not knowing is the start

Ignorance is the mother of knowledge
Darkness where the light is born
Truth is twisted upside out
Between lies we are torn

In the contrasts the same is found
We are equal to infinity
Everybody wonders - how?
There are no 2 things with comparable similarity

There lies the answer for the Son
You are equal, you are one
2 lines will never merge
From where does Space To Be emerge?

Sameness in different ways expressed
Echoes of others yet not the less
Original was never found
All copies standing on the same ground

Sound, colour, touch or smell
Deciphering one echother very well
You will never truly know the other
Be yourself and just don't bother

Only thing that we can know
Is the difference in every row
Infinite are the scales
Walk you ways all the ways

Case presented in a simple way
Complications made to enjoy the game
But when all is said and done
There is no Mother, Son or Sun


From that sleep the I woke
Knowing deeply that nothings broke
Whatever exists is really fine
There is nothing yours or mine

6. "flows"

Knowing there would be some way

to continue. Breathways:

the many forms, the many stations

of the breath. A door

waving in the wind, without closing.


A breath can only bring

change. Confidence

in uniqueness. Probing the words,

to find out what they want.

This too is the breathwork.


And to sift the finer grains;

glints of the not-yet settle. Bonding

in the spiralling. Let the breath itself

do the breathing. Particles gather,

recombine, improvise a ‘yes’.


Time may enter or be entered …

as flows. Tending toward multiplicity,

multiple vectors, multiple selves. The two of us

will breathe this differently. A close reading

of breath, a dissolving into …


Unbounded breath; no beginning,

no endpoint of. No bounded

system. A house of breath

is built and built … Mind

is part of the air.

7. "One Day"

“One day my sore foot,
Will be less sore,
There’ll be money in my bank,
And I won’t be so poor,
Future, past and present, all accessible by door,
And David Seaman, playing for England,
With a header, will score.
And Fish won’t swim,
And Ducks won’t quack
No sleet nor snow, lands on my back.

Then breaking even, through the Gales,
Pinocchio, inside of Whales.
With wooden Limbs, and Timber arms,
Works on Plancton, with all his Charms.

The marble Eagle,
The gold Alarm
The sound of ferrets, by the farm.
Thunder claps, raindrops tapping,
Lizards freak, Forrest’s creak,
While Monkeys swing Gracefully, from the tree’s peaks.

This is the Land of forever more,
Ashes to splashes, Dust to lust.”

8. "Alone with the Gods"

even a lowly dying pauper
must try themself proper
when Gods giveth and taketh
their first and last offer
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Tis not your first language? I had no idea.

Nope I speak Croatian (Slavic). Have lost of writing in Croatian that I don't know how to translate in English so it stays true to its core. I translated my signature from a longer piece I wrote:

Putnici u jeci

Mi smo putnici izgubljeni u jeci
Stvarnosti što ne postoji
Osim u sada što prošlo je
I kroz jeku sebe sjeća se
Putnici kroz prostore prostorom pobrisane
Oni jedini stvarni što niti ne postoje
Jer kada ih znate već su sjećanje
Na njih se ovi stihovi odnose
Vječito novi za sjećanje
Od kojih su sadašnjosti istkane
Njihove su stvarnosti prostorom pobrisane
Za sve putnike kroz jeku - neka se ponovo sretnemo u odjeku!

Sorry for a bunch of words that don't compute, but it is a shame that I can't translate all my texts.
Nope I speak Croatian (Slavic). Have lost of writing in Croatian that I don't know how to translate in English so it stays true to its core. I translated my signature from a longer piece I wrote:

Putnici u jeci

Mi smo putnici izgubljeni u jeci
Stvarnosti što ne postoji
Osim u sada što prošlo je
I kroz jeku sebe sjeća se
Putnici kroz prostore prostorom pobrisane
Oni jedini stvarni što niti ne postoje
Jer kada ih znate već su sjećanje
Na njih se ovi stihovi odnose
Vječito novi za sjećanje
Od kojih su sadašnjosti istkane
Njihove su stvarnosti prostorom pobrisane
Za sve putnike kroz jeku - neka se ponovo sretnemo u odjeku!

Sorry for a bunch of words that don't compute, but it is a shame that I can't translate all my texts.
Your English is perfect and casual, I had no idea you weren't a native speaker. Impressive!

Then again there were several European countries who technically spoke English more properly than my dumb American ass 😂
*update* due to more interest in this than I was expecting I will be announcing the Writing prompt/topic TOMORROW instead of Saturday. No changes other than that.
I love Croatian. It's a beautiful language.
Not to derail a thread, but do you speak it? Its technically Serbian, or Serbo-Croat, but since the war there are "some" tensions and new words created to create more distinction.
Not to derail a thread, but do you speak it? Its technically Serbian, or Serbo-Croat, but since the war there are "some" tensions and new words created to create more distinction.
Unfortunately not. I would love to learn it though. I speak a bit of Scandoromani, which contains a few words that have origins in Slavic languages.
I can imagine the war had an impact :confused: I've heard it from friends growing up, and when I was in Croatia, in Trogir.
Anyway, didn't want to derail the thread either, just wanted to say it's a beautiful language. :)
Unfortunately not. I would love to learn it though. I speak a bit of Scandoromani, which contains a few words that have origins in Slavic languages.
If you live in Scandinavia, no matter what country, bring me up and you will have a family of 3 that will teach you Croatian in no time. Scandinavia and Iceland are my dream come true areas to live in. :)
If you live in Scandinavia, no matter what country, bring me up and you will have a family of 3 that will teach you Croatian in no time. Scandinavia and Iceland are my dream come true areas to live in. :)
Sir, your a gentlemen and a scholar. Lemme get my housing situation in order, and we'll see what we can do! 😄
I just want to move from this IKEA-refrigerator to some place where it's warm. Like a desert.
But that won't happen for a while.
*side note my name has 3 x's @Snafu of the Forest :)<3


my bad I fixXxed it :)

(sorry couldn't help myself >_<)
@schizopath @deficiT @FixXxer @Sunyecho @relex_author @Blueberry_87 @tubgirl.jpg


Something you knew always existed, but have never seen until now. Something you have read of, heard of, smelled, or felt... but never seen. Something of ethereal theoretical dust... before it suddenly became real before your eyes. Something that you doubted or questioned if it existed - until it was proven to be real.


Take this topic as literal as vague as you want. There are no rules rule.

Put in your best effort! Deadline is Saturday, July 24th


I want to keep it all a surprise and release it as a "book" :)

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