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Op-Ed Will overdose deaths force an end to the US ‘war on drugs’?


Staff member
Aug 16, 2019

Will overdose deaths force an end to the US ‘war on drugs’?​

Jamie Smyth, Caitlin Gilbert, and Christine Murray
Financial Times
04 Jan 2021

Rosalind Pichardo didn’t just get her nickname “Mama Sunshine” because of her cheery disposition. For several hundred drug users in Kensington, a rundown neighbourhood in Philadelphia, she has been their lifeline: bringing each of them back from the edge of death after they overdosed.

“I revived a guy who OD’ed on the street this morning on my way to work,” says Pichardo, speaking matter of factly outside her workplace — Prevention Point — one of the largest needle exchange sites in the US. “Unfortunately, overdoses happen everyday in this neighbourhood.”

Read the full story here (paywalled).
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I saw an article that NY will now have a needle exchange. NEEDLE EXCHANGE???? It amazes me how ignorant any of our lawmakers and authorities are. I blame all of them for every fentanyl OD for causing it and for being just outright dumb. We are way beyond a needle exchange. We need heroin houses to were a person can get a fix. A new needle is no where near enough all that will do is have a cleaner way to inject fentanyl and OD. Idiots.

I notice people saying only the US has a fentanyl problem and all other countries have actual heroin. Please people, no matter where you are fentanyl is an issue. I have some relatives in Europe I was told you still have to test as fentanyl shows up everywhere now. I have also heard that heroin can be had in all countries USA and Europe, but fentany has made it everywhere.

I can not see a solution until we stop arresting street drug users and treat this as a medical issue and not a criminal issue. Right now we need a place where a person can see a doctor for free and get some opiate for that day and some form of program just by walking in. The fentanyl issue is so bad I had heard some doctors in the US are recommending kratom to some of their patients that need something. Right now kratom is all over the US and most batches I get are very good. Kratom is helping people. Shooting fentanyl is a dangerous game and that needs to change. I understand fentanyl kicks up tolerance too. If a person can then stick to kratom or poppy products until all of us have enough integrity to not stoop and buy fentanyl products.

Funny enough the two classes of drugs that got much better and have much more quality is Cannabis and Psychedelics. At least there is that. Now the stimulant/opiate guys need to demand better.
Well people's views are starting to change; I've even heard some people on Fox say they should just make heroin legal. Really glad I stopped using street drugs long before the market went to hell.
Right now we need a place where a person can see a doctor for free and get some opiate for that day and some form of program just by walking in
Why do you think they should have to talk to a doctor? I would agree that some sort of medical professional should be at these ‘opioid dispensaries’ (probably a pharmacist-doctor team is best). But where you lose me is the requirement for engaging with this healthcare person(s). They certainly should be there to answer questions and offer recovery options if the individual chooses to do so but imo we need to respect the autonomy of the individual in their own treatment. Idk if only people ‘seeking recovery’ deserve a safe supply. Just my 2 cents, I’m curious your thoughts ?

Now the stimulant/opiate guys need to demand better.
Surprisingly, the US meth supply is actually at all time highs for purity and potency (at least according to sampled DEA seizures). Not so much for cocaine though, unfortunately
Why do you think they should have to talk to a doctor? I would agree that some sort of medical professional should be at these ‘opioid dispensaries’ (probably a pharmacist-doctor team is best). But where you lose me is the requirement for engaging with this healthcare person(s). They certainly should be there to answer questions and offer recovery options if the individual chooses to do so but imo we need to respect the autonomy of the individual in their own treatment. Idk if only people ‘seeking recovery’ deserve a safe supply. Just my 2 cents, I’m curious your thoughts ?

Surprisingly, the US meth supply is actually at all time highs for purity and potency (at least according to sampled DEA seizures). Not so much for cocaine though, unfortunately
Yeah I just threw out some structure. I would prefer to not deal with a doctor unless they are totally on board with this and know the position. But a place where someone can get real opiates quickly for sure without scrutiny whether recovering or not.. If it were up to me I would just have some form of proressional there. But I get it they are sort of part of the current problem too unless we get a different mind set. But someone has to give out the opiates and maybe a compassionate pharmacist-doctor team could do that.

I don't know about meth I just see the posts here at BL of people complaining it is different and not working like it did. Then again some others come in and say even with pure meth some of the same scenarios would happen. So I can't comment on meth beyond what I see posted here. But it does warm my hear knowing there is quality out there. That is my whole gripe. :)
Yeah I just threw out some structure. I would prefer to not deal with a doctor unless they are totally on board with this and know the position. But a place where someone can get real opiates quickly for sure without scrutiny whether recovering or not.. If it were up to me I would just have some form of proressional there. But I get it they are sort of part of the current problem too unless we get a different mind set. But someone has to give out the opiates and maybe a compassionate pharmacist-doctor team could do that.
Yeah I think Vancouver tried something with vending machines to dispense bupre and methadone. I definitely get the idea of wanting people to have access at all hours of the day. But on the other hand there probably should be someone there to answer questions about drug combos, complications with preexisting conditions, etc.

The details of drug legalization (for lack of a better word) are always the most difficult part to think about. I’m just always interested in other people’s ideas about drug policy things, hence my probing on your post.

just see the posts here at BL of people complaining it is different and not working like it did.
I chalk that up to old heads being salty that they burned themselves out too young and the drugs just don’t feel the same anymore :) And of course, bluelight is a global platform. I tend to get in the bad habit of being too US-centric when thinking about the drug supply (as you noted Europe has now been hit harder with fentanyl which I was unaware of). But I do know US meth tends to be of high quality. Can’t speak to other countries/continents though
Possession of fentanyl test strips, for instance, remains illegal in as many as 30 states, where existing laws ban drug paraphernalia which includes controlled substances testing.
I don't see how such laws are Constitutional? That just doesn't seem right?