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Heroin GFs first H habit

axe battler

Moderator: SLR, EADD
Staff member
Aug 4, 2009
So my gf started doing CWEs àlmost daily at around 250 mg codeine about 6 weeks ago.
Sadly she moved to smoking #3 H about 4-5 weeks ago. The first 2 weeks were 2-3 times a week then the last 2-3 weeks have been daily. 2-6 bags smoked a day but usually 2-4.
Before anyone starts I was discouraging her all the way, but did any of us listen??

She's decided to quit while it won't be too difficult, and I've recommended trying to get some pregabalin (difficult due to cash rn,) loperamide, benzos and hot baths, lots of water/isotonic drinks, vit C and keeping busy.

I doubt this is gonna be too bad and told her she may get lucky and feel next to nothing, but she says she's feeling a bit rough 15 hours after her last bag.

Can anyone provide her with any more advice or assurances?.

Thanks!! AxeyB
Why not go on subs? 15 hours is enough time and you can get it over the phone
Do NOT go on subs…the absolute best thing for her is to go through hell and HOPEFULLY she will decide she never wants to be in that position again

Yeah that is best if possible, considering she only had a 6 week habit. If anyone has a chance of escaping a life long opioid habit it would be someone in this kind of situation.

I'd go with a loperamide taper starting at perhaps 20 2mg pills a day, dropping one tablet every other day until she gets to zero.
When she is in the middle of WD tell her she has a life decision to make, either tough it out and stop now, or be afraid of going into wd for the rest her life scraping for cash
So my gf started doing CWEs àlmost daily at around 250 mg codeine about 6 weeks ago.
Sadly she moved to smoking #3 H about 4-5 weeks ago. The first 2 weeks were 2-3 times a week then the last 2-3 weeks have been daily. 2-6 bags smoked a day but usually 2-4.
Before anyone starts I was discouraging her all the way, but did any of us listen??

She's decided to quit while it won't be too difficult, and I've recommended trying to get some pregabalin (difficult due to cash rn,) loperamide, benzos and hot baths, lots of water/isotonic drinks, vit C and keeping busy.

I doubt this is gonna be too bad and told her she may get lucky and feel next to nothing, but she says she's feeling a bit rough 15 hours after her last bag.

Can anyone provide her with any more advice or assurances?.

Thanks!! AxeyB
You already know the drill, everything u typed in is ok.
Do NOT go on subs…the absolute best thing for her is to go through hell and HOPEFULLY she will decide she never wants to be in that position again
I strongly agree with this.

Only thing I wouldn’t say she’ll definitely go trough hell, with comfort meds such relatively short habit can be stopped without horrible WD.

And as for subs, imho they are only, potentially, good for people who are on H for ages and see no other way out nor intend to really stop opiods, for those who are in places where fent is a thing and last but no least for people who are seriously addicted and will use them to stop opiods in a very short time. Last case is in fact how bupes were originally intended to be used, stabilizing on them and following it with a fast tapper, sadly they are mostly used just for maintenance these days.
I've never done H, I just want to say I'm so sorry you're going through this, you can do anything you set your mind to, and I hope you and your GF are OK. She will be fine without maintenance therapy since she just started, I believe.

Keep us updated.
Also don’t try and use subs to detox as they have a longer half life and will only prolong whatever withdrawal she MAY experience.
I strongly agree with this.

Only thing I wouldn’t say she’ll definitely go trough hell, with comfort meds such relatively short habit can be stopped without horrible WD.

And as for subs, imho they are only, potentially, good for people who are on H for ages and see no other way out nor intend to really stop opiods, for those who are in places where fent is a thing and last but no least for people who are seriously addicted and will use them to stop opiods in a very short time. Last case is in fact how bupes were originally intended to be used, stabilizing on them and following it with a fast tapper, sadly they are mostly used just for maintenance these days.
I used subs to get off fake m30's and now im off subs.... complete success story for me and I never touched H or IV anything.... so it worked for me
Also this person in the matter of WEEKS went fro hydros to HERION... you think cold turkey is gonna work LOL yea OK.... did you CT?
Also don’t try and use subs to detox as they have a longer half life and will only prolong whatever withdrawal she MAY experience.
it will not prolong physical withdrawals but may increase PAWS.......
I am speaking from PERSONAL experience. I don't know many people that jump to H so fast... sorry but I don't think CT is a good long term plan, she's tasted H and now will have that itch for the rest of her life
it will not prolong physical withdrawals but may increase PAWS.......
I am speaking from PERSONAL experience. I don't know many people that jump to H so fast... sorry but I don't think CT is a good long term plan, she's tasted H and now will have that itch for the rest of her life

We can agree to disagree. Subs you have to wait the period to avoid precipitated withdrawal. So you are already in withdrawal.. we will say two days in.. or even one day in. Then in order to detox an opiate you need to have it pretty much completely out of your system and then it takes about three and a half days to reset. The half life of bupe is quite a bit longer than the very short one of heroine or rather morphine. So you take the day to avoid the precip and add it to the longer half life (5 times a half life for elimination) and then about three and a half days. That’s compared to 5 times the short half life of morphine plus three and a half days.

On Bluelight, especially when I moded tds, I’ve participated in 1000’s of detox threads. I got a pretty good handle on this.

Personally, given her short daily use and intermittent lead up, I think she could cold turkey off with no meds and very little if any symptoms.

That’s now.. if she continues to use daily she will end up fucked hook line and sinker like everyone does.
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So it's been about 48 hours now and she seems absolutely fine. We're watching battle royale with some BDO and having a giggle. She's kind of mocking the severity of opiate addiction and withdrawal... It'd be funny if in 3 hours or so she's got her head in the toilet whilst shitting herself and crying...lol
We can agree to disagree. Subs you have to weight the period to avoid precipitated withdrawal. So you are already in withdrawal.. we will say two days in.. or even one day in. Then in order to detox an opiate you need to have it pretty much completely out of your system and then it takes about three and a half days to reset. The half life of bupe is quite a bit longer than the very short one of heroine or rather morphine. So you take the day to avoid the precip and add it to the longer half life (5 times a half life for elimination) and then about three and a half days. That’s compared to 5 times the short half life of morphine plus three and a half days.

On Bluelight, especially when I moded tds, I’ve participated in 1000’s of detox threads. I got a pretty good handle on this.

Personally, given her short daily use and intermittent lead up, I think she could cold turkey off with no meds and very little if any symptoms.

That’s now.. if she continues to use daily she will end up fucked hook line and sinker like everyone does.
Like you said, you have WAY MORE experience in this then me, all I can contribute is what worked for ME which obviously from what you have said is against the norm.
So it's been about 48 hours now and she seems absolutely fine. We're watching battle royale with some BDO and having a giggle. She's kind of mocking the severity of opiate addiction and withdrawal... It'd be funny if in 3 hours or so she's got her head in the toilet whilst shitting herself and crying...lol
Please give her a heads up that no ones hooked Until they ARE.. and continued daily use will end up with very different results. I still remember where I was when I finally realized I was caged.
So it's been about 48 hours now and she seems absolutely fine. We're watching battle royale with some BDO and having a giggle. She's kind of mocking the severity of opiate addiction and withdrawal... It'd be funny if in 3 hours or so she's got her head in the toilet whilst shitting herself and crying...lol

That's sounding pretty encouraging mate, but you've got to stress to her that if she starts down that route again, it won't be as easy next time. My first rattle was 10 days of misery, but I still managed to go to work every day and it did eventually end. That's when my addict brain kicked in and said "that wasn't as bad as I was expecting, I reckon I could handle that again". So I went and scored. Never lasted longer than three days after that.

Is she still messing with codeine?
Super sad to hear she is mocking opiate addiction, that coupled with the fact she clearly likes opiates has me less than optimistic…you have to stress to her she is at a cross roads in her life and needs to really think about how this will play out if she decides she can handle using “every now and then”