• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Art burning man


Moderator: S&T
Staff member
Jul 22, 2002

the subject of burning man has come up in a couple of places recently so here's a single thread to collect burning man pictures, stories, opinions and other discussion.

what is burning man? ask 100 people and get 100 different answers. but this is a good starting point: what is burning man?

i've been to burning man 7 times (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2016, 2022, 2023) and had a blast every time.

my road there is a story: the story of magicglasses

a few pics of our camp as it evolved...

a view through our first tunnel in 1999 - as seen with magicglasses :)


our second tunnel in 2000 was a little longer and our friend jamie made us a sign for camp


in 2001 we built, from scratch, a geodesic dome with a custom cover (for dancing in at night and for shade during the day)


and, of course, the tunnel was back (this is my favourite picture of our tunnel with the dome peeking out in the background)


Wasn't it called 'drowning man' this year?

They thought that was bad, but it's par for the course at Glastonbury...

Hardship is when humanity and love shines the brightest.

The Burning Man journey was and always is so beautiful. Allow it to inspire an inner dawn and to realize how to feel motivated to do better.
Best muddy festival ever with the greatest positive attitudes ! Weird and magical. And they sure did ride out a storm. Amazing.

From flooding, to waterlogged man to muddy festival to the Double Rainbow Burning Man Edition. Very profound and able to make the best of a situation.

And hopefully the climate change protesters that thought they meant so well can stay away now with their Hex's and ill will !!

A wondrous place.
Where Like minded individuals gather out on the playa.
They subscribe to a whole new set of ideas.
They represent a new found society where creativity flows
And parameters are as wide as the open terrain.
That place. That wondrous place is called... Burningman!

Hey are you going to burning man bury your toes in the desert sand. Aint no man forth gonna tell you how to be...
Come on down with me to burning man. I got a recipe for cosmic flan. Strip off your clothes and set your aura free...
There's a place I know called Black Rock City where we're about to get down to the nitty gritty. We're all children of the stars above searching for answers and feasting on... Love!

Hey are ya going to burning man? I got a big ol slab of veggie ham.
Come to camp Disorient and bring some soy cheese...
Free thinking people at burning man, Amazing Lily's got the master plan. It's all about just letting myself be me...
There's a gal I know called Moon Stone Annie she blows flames right out her fanny. You ought'a see her walking on the tight wire, juggling bananas while her hair is on... Fire!

Come on down with me to burning man.
It's a fabulous place.
A Fabulous Land.
Oooh Yeah!
Art love, love and art, love for art, art for love.
It's all about just letting myself be me...

Hey are you going to burn a man?
Wasn't it called 'drowning man' this year?

yeah, maybe.

it was extremely wet and the problem is that the black rock desert is an alkali flat so even a relatively small amount of rainfall turns it into a giant, sticky puddle.

i read some of the media coverage when i got home and much of it was inaccurate and hyperbolic. burning man attendees are generally well-prepared, adaptable and resourceful so, while the conditions did put a damper on things - for example, riding my main mode of transport, my bike, around became impossible - people were making the most of it and still having fun.


But the rain stirred things up a bit !

What a crazy experience !!!

Treasure these memories.

The biggest non disaster ever reported. It was a weird burn, but awesome !


Were you there this year @kiely ?


Light swallows up darkness in the end. Shine.
Hi. Hey Ali - Thanks for everything.