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Science Nano plastics and bottled water


Dec 10, 2022
So, I may be late to this, but I just read that Columbia University did a study that found an extremely high amount of nanoplastics in bottled water from three supposedly “top” brands.

I couldn’t find the study yet. I googled it and got a ton of “news” links. And then found one from the university that did the study so I’ll link that at least.

What does that mean if anything in your opinion? So much fear mongering out there but I feel like this can be a serious thing.

Or is it a secret plot so that the government can taint our water with something that makes us more idk submissive and docile lol. I know far fetched. Had to put a spin on it.

I wasn’t really sure where to put this, because I was hoping for someone to be able to give feedback that has knowledge in it.
Certain varieties of plastic are better than others as far as preventing contamination, like high-density polyethylene (HDPE).

Unfortunately the real explanation is far less interesting and far more depressing than the comic-book narratives we’re all forced to endure in this stupid modern era, involving some evil people in the gov’t rubbing their hands together and concocting evil plans to screw people. Plastic had some real benefits…it could be mass produced, molded into all kinds of fun shapes and if it broke who cares, it’s f’n plastic. But unfortunately, as with other things that seem too good to be true, there were unforeseen and unintended consequences. A lot of people nowadays have a real problem with the concept of an “unintended consequences” but yeah.

We’re aware of the problems now but often people dither and drag their feet when it comes to making difficult but necessary choices. The plastic industry represents a lot of money…wherever you are, just take a look around and notice everything that is either made of plastic or contains some kind of plastic component, it’s everywhere. So many problems in modern life come down to factors which could not be any more (tragically) human and banal, like greed and indecisiveness, but people prefer to ascribe out-there conspiratorial notions of extreme malice and sociopathy which are more akin to narratives from comic books than real life.
There really is no use for plastic water bottles tho. Plenty of alternatives, from kelp-derived bioplastics to good ol glass (no shortage of sand in the world after all)

Certain varieties of plastic are better than others as far as preventing contamination, like high-density polyethylene (HDPE).

Unfortunately the real explanation is far less interesting and far more depressing than the comic-book narratives we’re all forced to endure in this stupid modern era, involving some evil people in the gov’t rubbing their hands together and concocting evil plans to screw people. Plastic had some real benefits…it could be mass produced, molded into all kinds of fun shapes and if it broke who cares, it’s f’n plastic. But unfortunately, as with other things that seem too good to be true, there were unforeseen and unintended consequences. A lot of people nowadays have a real problem with the concept of an “unintended consequences” but yeah.

We’re aware of the problems now but often people dither and drag their feet when it comes to making difficult but necessary choices. The plastic industry represents a lot of money…wherever you are, just take a look around and notice everything that is either made of plastic or contains some kind of plastic component, it’s everywhere. So many problems in modern life come down to factors which could not be any more (tragically) human and banal, like greed and indecisiveness, but people prefer to ascribe out-there conspiratorial notions of extreme malice and sociopathy which are more akin to narratives from comic books than real life.
I agree that what I said was bs regarding the conspiracy but I’m sure you caught I was joking so I guess I just wanted to clarify.

I guess what I’m saying is do you really think it’s that dangerous or we just do t have any real way of knowing yet? I thought it could be hypothesized, but I do not have a great understanding of these kind of things.
i've tasted some bottled water that is just bad. doesn't happen very often and there was only one time that wasn't when i left the water in a hot car or on my front porch which gets pretty hot which i noticed water taste bad, one time one of my local grocery stores gallons of water were just terrible plastic tasting for like months. i remember getting some of them and telling my father to never get those again. i went to try the same brands water a couple months later and it still tasted bad.

usually bottled water is really refreshing though. i feel like a person should be able to taste if there is enough plastic to bother them so it's not really too much of a problem. i used to drink a lot of bottled water. if i drink as much tap water as i do spring my stomach feels kind of gross. there is a lot of chlorine and other stuff in my city's water supply. i actually like the taste of it, but once i started drinking a lot of water, i mostly stay away from it. i feel like the bottled water is healthier.
Well I definitely don’t think it’s good. It’s pollution after all. As far as exactly how harmful it is, I’m not sure

A lot of bottled water is just tap water they put in a bottle and sold lol. They label it like “glacial elkfuck mountain spring agua” or something but it’s sourced from a municipal water supply in Trenton New Jersey or something

I agree that what I said was bs regarding the conspiracy but I’m sure you caught I was joking so I guess I just wanted to clarify.

I guess what I’m saying is do you really think it’s that dangerous or we just do t have any real way of knowing yet? I thought it could be hypothesized, but I do not have a great understanding of these kind of things.
now that you mentioned it, i was in a psychward outside of boston mass usa and their water was actually pretty much impossible to tell the difference between "spring water"... there is so much chlorine and i think flouride in the water supply i have access to that i can only drink so much of it so i have to drink bottled water... i didn't read his article so i wasn't even thinking about the environment. i was reading an article off of my computer's homepage about how they are making a liquid that melts plastic which should help manage waste in dumps some how. i dunno.. i'm sure i've researched where plastic comes from but i can't remember, so i can't really say much about it. i really know nothing about plastic other than it's probably what effected the taste of the water that i thought was bad.... some one on reddit posted "there is xylene in my cities water supply" just the other day. also i have no idea if that's real or not.
There really is no use for plastic water bottles tho. Plenty of alternatives, from kelp-derived bioplastics to good ol glass (no shortage of sand in the world after all)

Indeed. Convenience though is very compelling for humans. I use a metal water bottle but damned if cleaning it periodically isn't highly demotivating. 😒

Slightly ot but in Aus, the government recently banned plastic drinking straws. They're all now paper. Such a typical feel good but essentially drop in the ocean type of action from a modern progressive govt
I'm not sure that plastic water bottles are any bigger of a problem than the massive amount of plastic packaging we use in our food.

I really think we should tax the hell out of meat, clothing, and gas powered cars, as these are the most significant contributors to the microplastics that are now circulating through our global water systems.

It's in the GODDAMN RAIN for fuck's sake. It's in OUR ORGANS.

Eventually it will start seriously fucking with the plankton in our oceans that produce 50% of the oxygen on our little rock. We don't even know how it's going to fuck with them, but their populations are moving, and the types of plankton showing up in plankton blooms is fluctuating. Some plankton are eating the microplastics and not getting any nutrients from it and starving to death.