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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy 2C-B Thread - Stage 2

I'm pretty confident there's a death associated with the insufflation of ~100mg of 2C-E. 2C-E, 2C-P and 2C-TFM all seem specifically unforgiving in their dose response curve, so please be careful if you do go hard with the 2C-E. Miprocin and DMT are beautiful though and I've pushed miprocin quite hard. 25mg of 2C-B, 25mg of DOM and 40mg of miprocin made up a favorite trip for me once, all mixed up into one big line and insufflated.
Yeah, I had an accidental overdose on 2c-c. ended up having 2 seizures and 8-10 hours in utter complete hell. That and my OD on 2ce and 5meo-dmt were some of the most traumatic things i've endured and I have had other serious traumas, but those experiences were so mentally torturous, they Indubitably surpass the real life traumatic events. I've never been the same after those episodes, i mean i was broken for quite some time.

Yeah, i've done a high dose of miprocin before and it was one of the best trips i've had. I can't wait to add a breakthrough of dmt with it. Finally got past my fear of dmt (after the 5-meo event) and it's the exact opposite of its 5-meo derivative. I finally got the courage to smoke past that stage before the breakthrough and it's actually less anxiety inducing than smaller doses. Once you blast through reality and are flying through different realms, my anxiety fades away in the presence of such awe and beauty.
Yeah, I had an accidental overdose on 2c-c. ended up having 2 seizures and 8-10 hours in utter complete hell. That and my OD on 2ce and 5meo-dmt were some of the most traumatic things i've endured and I have had other serious traumas, but those experiences were so mentally torturous, they Indubitably surpass the real life traumatic events. I've never been the same after those episodes, i mean i was broken for quite some time.

Yeah, i've done a high dose of miprocin before and it was one of the best trips i've had. I can't wait to add a breakthrough of dmt with it. Finally got past my fear of dmt (after the 5-meo event) and it's the exact opposite of its 5-meo derivative. I finally got the courage to smoke past that stage before the breakthrough and it's actually less anxiety inducing than smaller doses. Once you blast through reality and are flying through different realms, my anxiety fades away in the presence of such awe and beauty.
I'm glad you've found comfort in the light of DMT, it's odd how it's everything. Just all of it, at once. Beauty that's so difficult to put into words.

I'm sorry to hear about your overdoses, are you able to recall what doses led to that occurring? I have a friend who's eaten a gram of 2C-B over 5 days and seemed relatively alright, but he was 260-280 pounds.
I'm glad you've found comfort in the light of DMT, it's odd how it's everything. Just all of it, at once. Beauty that's so difficult to put into words.

I'm sorry to hear about your overdoses, are you able to recall what doses led to that occurring? I have a friend who's eaten a gram of 2C-B over 5 days and seemed relatively alright, but he was 260-280 pounds.
2c-B seems to be one of the safer phenyls. Yeah DMT is most anxiolytic psych there is for sure. Just beauty and love. saddest part is coming down. thinking of making changa to prolong the experience
2c-B seems to be one of the safer phenyls. Yeah DMT is most anxiolytic psych there is for sure. Just beauty and love. saddest part is coming down. thinking of making changa to prolong the experience

I notice opinions on DMT and 5-Meo-DMT vary a lot. I have not smoked DMT but have gone "all the way there and back" on ayahuasca+DMT and while it was indeed breathtakingly beautiful and loving it also took me through periods of overwhelming fear. I found notes of my first trip on aya+DMT, and I spent a considerable portion of the trip fearing that I had stopped time for myself and would be stuck forever because of it. When I came back down, after only 2 hours of intense tripping, I felt like I'd literally been away for a month.

I will say that 5-Meo-DMT feels like poison to me. I have another report to post of ~1.5 mg which wasn't especially trippy but left me very hyperstimulated for 7 or 8 hours after. I also once took ~5 mg 5-MeoDMT orally in the wake of a failed aya+DMT trip. The MAOI was still active. The psychedelea was modest but my body felt literally on the edge of death. It was absolutely terrible---my worst drug experience ever.

Anyway, I agree 2C-B has a lot overdose reports and no deaths (to my knowledge) yet, but in general, I don't believe anyone should ever assume safety with any drug at very higher doses because there just aren't nearly as many reports as for "regular" doses. I mean, someone did die from snorting ~150 mg (?) of 2C-E, but so far I only know of one person several others doing stupid things like that. These drugs interact at a few different receptors for which people may exhibit a wide variety of genetic variations. Idiosyncratic reactions can happen with just about any drug, at any dose. The key is to look at the numbers. Lots and lots of people have taken 2C-B at up to 30 mg many times, probably millions, and no one has died, which means that the drug probably is quite safe in that range. Much fewer have taken over 100 mg though and only then maybe only once or twice. Let's say it was 500 people. (I don't know how many it actually is, it could be 5000 and the argument would still apply.) Well, what if the risk death from 200 mg from person to person are around 1 in 500? Maybe no one's died *yet*, but in that case it probably will happen eventually.

So I guess my bigger point is that safety is typically not a certain matter (unless you do something real stupid like MAOI+SSRI) but one about minimizing risks, and given the huge unknowns, the risks of using uncommonly higher doses are by definition much greater, just as they are much greater when using any relatively untested chemical versus things with solid history of human use.
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I notice opinions on DMT and 5-Meo-DMT vary a lot. I have not smoked DMT but have gone "all the way there and back" on ayahuasca+DMT and while it was indeed breathtakingly beautiful and loving it also took me through periods of overwhelming fear. I found notes of my first trip on aya+DMT, and I spent a considerable portion of the trip fearing that I had stopped time for myself and would be stuck forever because of it. When I came back down, after only 2 hours of intense tripping, I felt like I'd literally been away for a month.

I will say that 5-Meo-DMT feels like poison to me. I have another report to post of ~1.5 mg which wasn't especially trippy but left me very hyperstimulated for 7 or 8 hours after. I also once took ~5 mg 5-MeoDMT orally in the wake of a failed aya+DMT trip. The MAOI was still active. The psychedelea was modest but my body felt literally on the edge of death. It was absolutely terrible---my worst drug experience ever.

Anyway, I agree 2C-B has a lot overdose reports and no deaths (to my knowledge) yet, but in general, I don't believe anyone should ever assume safety with any drug at very higher doses because there just aren't nearly as many reports as for "regular" doses. I mean, someone did die from snorting ~150 mg (?) of 2C-E, but so far I only know of one person several others doing stupid things like that. These drugs interact at a few different receptors for which people may exhibit a wide variety of genetic variations. Idiosyncratic reactions can happen with just about any drug, at any dose. The key is to look at the numbers. Lots and lots of people have taken 2C-B at up to 30 mg many times, probably millions, and no one has died, which means that the drug probably is quite safe in that range. Much fewer have taken over 100 mg though and only then maybe only once or twice. Let's say it was 500 people. (I don't know how many it actually is, it could be 5000 and the argument would still apply.) Well, what if the risk death from 200 mg from person to person are around 1 in 500? Maybe no one's died *yet*, but in that case it probably will happen eventually.

So I guess my bigger point is that safety is typically not a certain matter (unless you do something real stupid like MAOI+SSRI) but one about minimizing risks, and given the huge unknowns, the risks of using uncommonly higher doses are by definition much greater, just as they are much greater when using any relatively untested chemical versus things with solid history of human use.
Just found a 20mg 2cb pill i thought i had lost in SF china town. I took 2 and went to china town with my girl. it was quite fun, but very mild. stopped by the famous chinese bar that serve anthony bourdains favorite mai tais. I was coming up when we sat at the bar so that famous mai tai helped smooth things out a lot. My vendor shipped 200ng of 2cb powder a couple days ago and he just informed me my dmt, miprocin, and 5-apb are coming as well.

Apparently many vendors selling.6-apb hcl actually have 5-apb hcl. This literally just happened to me. Thought it wad odd that their 5-mapb cost more than the 6-apb. I honestly didn't mind because I had never tried 5-apb, plus it's more potent. I plugged 100 mg last week and was blasted. really like it. It's a lot cleaner than 6-apb and more rolly/stimmy, but lacks that psychedelic edge. i have MDA so i don't need that anyways. I also liked that 5-apb had no bad comedown or after effects. I actually had a glow the next day.

I'm guessing DMT, miprocin, and 5-apb will get along together quite well.
That is very different from my experience. N2O pretty much just disconnects me from my body for a few moments. It's kind of fun and strangely addictive, but if I do too much in one session, I get a very eerie and icky after-effect in which I felt slightly insane and lasting some hours. I actually had this problem after the dentist when I was young. Actually, the last time I had N2O at the dentist, I actually had a "hole" experience, in which I went flying through outer space toward heaven. I was 18 at the time, and I sat in my car in the parking lot for about half an hour afterwards because it took me that long to feel like my survival instinct was properly intact. This experience was a big inspiration for me to seek out psychedelic drugs, starting with DMT, but I never experienced anything else like it nor have I really sought out dissociatives.

I think I can understand what you're talking about with this, but I only ever found these feelings enjoyable. I've only ever used it while safe alone at home, so I never had to worry about being able to drive home or being in public around "normies" or anything.

I will say that one of the reasons I don't really use nitrous oxide or other dissociatives anymore is because I'm afraid of them pushing me into an episode. I have had some past experiences like that where in retrospect I can say that nitrous oxide at the time didn't really seem to... help.

I only ever use nitrous oxide at what you could call a "hole" level though. If I don't go completely into that place, I generally just consider it an unsuccessful usage attempt. I basically never would have less than eight chargers in my balloon, although again it's been years since I actually used it regularly now, and mostly at all. I do consider it to have been a meaningful stepping stone on my path to being where I am now, both with drugs and otherwise....

Dissociatives in general I think are some of the most phenomenologically interesting drugs, although for what it's worth, almost any time someone describes something that reminds me of things I have experienced while insane without drugs, it's from a dissociative experience. Make of that what you will.

Mmm. Back when I used to eat onion, garlic, and large amounts of chile pepper, I would happily eat it all the time. Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Indian, African and Ethiopian, etc. all found their way to my palette while on psychedelics, in addition to plenty of late night diner visits. Sadly I can't eat much of that anymore because my IBS got so bad. Onion or garlic, even in small amounts, became reliable triggers of horrid symptoms.

The good news is that my GI system seems to be doing fine with psychedelics. In fact, I think they are helping to treat it as with my myriad of other functional / auto-immune problems. I'm trying to not get my hopes up and focus on long-term healing, but if I can heal my GI system, I may be able to eat onion, garlic, and larger amounts of chile again. Yum yum yum! I'll still probably be COVID shy, but that's what take out is for. And then I don't worry about offending anyone if I appear to orgasm from tasting a curry.

That is unfortunate, but I hope you're able to get that GI healing as well. :) I've been worried about similar problems lately as well, I stopped eating that much spicy food for a while and I think I need to start reintroducing it to my system to build up my tolerance again. Perhaps taking more psychedelics would help me with that as well....

I do have a thing about garlic that has scared me away from it for a long time. One night after eating a bunch of garlic parmesan chicken wings I discovered this.... It literally felt like I was going to black out from the stomach pain and I couldn't touch any other food for the rest of the night despite my friend taking me to a new restaurant he wanted me to try. I even feel weird trying cannabis strains with 'garlic' in their name now, lol. That's how much I've become instinctively wired to avoid it. Perhaps one day I can heal this for myself too though.

I was only half serious, but you have given me a lot to think about. I could discuss this in much more depth but that would not really be on-topic here. At times, I have not been at all shy to express my pleasure. I mean, I don't really do quiet sex, so if a window is open or I'm in a tent, then everyone around is going to know what me and my partner are up to. This is most especially so if my partner and I are tripping, in which it can go on for hours. At times, I've felt it to be my duty to raise awareness of what's possible in terms of ecstatic pleasure. Few people realize their true potential to experience pleasure, so they don't know what to strive for. They need inspiration! Of course I doubt most of the others saw it that way, but I really didn't care at the time.

Understandable lol. Well, now you've got a new way to share the news. :p I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm human too and I understand feeling embarrassed to be suddenly caught supposedly enjoying yourself too much by someone's standards in public or something. But in general, I don't hold back my having a good time if I can avoid it, especially not for something as simple yet special as enjoying a meal. Why not enjoy every single moment of every single day we have on this planet to the fullest extent we can possibly achieve?

In reference to the previous quote of yours here that I have responded, I have actually gotten an 'orgasm-like' level of enjoyment out of food before too, heh. Kind of a... head-wavey, lost-in-pleasure, "Mm... Mmmm... MMMM!!" Made me realize that some people aren't just being expressive when they react to food that way lol. Sometimes things really just do taste that damn good, and again, why not enjoy it when they do? 😁 That happened to me once too when smelling a strain of cannabis, haha. I could literally see flower imagery floating out of me from the pure, orgasmic release of how fucking good it smelled. Then I spent the next couple of weeks smelling every strain like a freak trying to make it happen again, sadly it didn't. I was hoping it was going to permanently open up my neural pathways and make smelling cannabis like human catnip for me. I guess sometimes cannabis just really can smell that good.

For what it's worth, this is actually one of the reasons I just kind of instinctively run with my natural altered states a lot of the time.... Well, more learned than instinctive, but it's become like second nature. I just love experiencing life too much, and my episodes take me to heights that nothing else does, and then afterwards I feel like I'm more easily able to reach similar heights from other stimuli in my life than I was able to otherwise, which is also part of the reason I started liking psychedelics and such in the first place as they do something similar for me too, although not to quite the same level (although to the highest level I had experienced back when I first started using them, hence why I fell in love with them). The more I can learn to let go, the better.

*cough* Not that I think people should necessarily take my advice on how to handle things like manic psychosis. But that's definitely how they've gone for me and is a big part of why they're so addictive to me now. There's something to be said about being able to go all the way without fear and express your ecstasy regardless of how you achieve it.

Perhaps the deleriant-like effect arises from the stimulant action. Maybe it induces a state close to stimulant psychosis together with the 5ht2a psychedelic aspect. Perhaps?

Anyway I won't take your suggestion. In fact, I doubt I'll take MDMA again. Even a "normal" dose feels toxic to me in the days following.

I definitely do think it feels like that is happening even if there's even more to the explanation than that too. It's an incredibly unique and fascinating state, but yeah, probably best avoided by people who are actually trying to use drugs in safe and healthy way. Just something I managed to get a glimpse into in my more reckless days.
I've used 25C-NBOMe, 25I-NBOH and 25B-NBOH, and all three easily outpace any combination of agonist and releaser I have ever tried. They're truly magical, I just wish they were more easily accessible.

I've mixed an eyeballed 30-50mg of 2C-B, ~160mg of MDA, 10mg of DOM and 5x20mg 3-MeO-PCP dippers for Valentine's Day and it was fantastic, though my next day was ruined by food poisoning from bad salmon so I can't speak much to any potential afterglow.

How does one survive thoses dosage? it is 4 different drugs all dosed in the heavy effect range according to psychonautwiki?
I am just curious is it tolerance? very big experience with touching the limits? reckless usage?
How does one survive thoses dosage? it is 4 different drugs all dosed in the heavy effect range according to psychonautwiki?
I am just curious is it tolerance? very big experience with touching the limits? reckless usage?
My boyfriend and I call it "being irondomed". I have done a somewhat comical amount of 2C-B in the past couple of years, the highest rate being my boyfriend and I putting a gram down in about six weeks. DOM is something we took to using as a "launching pad". By that, I mean usually a DOx, LSD or an N-benzylated phenethylamine as a base for other drugs to be applied from, like seasonings on a curry.

We've used all of these on their own and in smaller crosses before, but quickly found that 2C-B + DOM has a special synergy to it, as does 3-MeO-PCP and MDA, so we decided to see if those two synergies would synergize, if that makes sense.

They sure did. It was easily one of the most magical experiences of my life. Could've added LSD, salvia or nitrous but I think that can be added to any experience essentially just to make it better. It should always be assumed in any drug use I mention too that I'm smoking obscene amounts of cannabis alongside whatever I'm dosing. This specific Valentine's Day experience everything was dosed at the same time except 1/3 of the MDA and 2/3 of the PCP which were done progressively in lines, iirc.

I think that exploring the intersections of these compounds is just as important as exploring them on their own, as far as harm reduction goes. I can certainly vouch for a novel and unique form of mania from PCP use while on MDXX drugs, for example leading me to video call random friends at late hours of the night feeling like that Basquiat painting 'Dustheads'.

While I don't ever want to broadcast the message of "everybody should match me for dose on this shit", as very often that's not the right move for people, all I can really do is accurately report on my own use of these things in the way that I've found the most useful, I suppose.
How does one survive thoses dosage? it is 4 different drugs all dosed in the heavy effect range according to psychonautwiki?
I am just curious is it tolerance? very big experience with touching the limits? reckless usage?
Anyway, I agree 2C-B has a lot overdose reports and no deaths (to my knowledge) yet, but in general, I don't believe anyone should ever assume safety with any drug at very higher doses because there just aren't nearly as many reports as for "regular" doses

While I don't ever want to broadcast the message of "everybody should match me for dose on this shit", as very often that's not the right move for people, all I can really do is accurately report on my own use of these things in the way that I've found the most useful, I suppose

Seeing as we're on the subject of safety profiles, for data sake I might as well report that I once took 885mg of 2cb over an 18 hour period. Most of that was in the last 6 hours and I'd taken 2 tabs of acid 8 hours earlier so there was a tolerance from that. A lot of synergy too. Beautiful explosive colourful fractal imagery and a euphoric near orgasmic body high throughout. Exceptional ++++ experience.

On another occasion I took somewhere in the 500mg ball park over the span of a couple of hours (didn't keep notes that time so don't remember extact dosing schedule, but the final dose was 200mg). It was 3 days after I'd tripped on something else so I had a tolerance. Unpleasant dysporic experience. It wasn't a feeling of toxicity exactly, no pain/nausea/fever/delirium or anything else one would consider typical signs of an overdose. It was more like the body high you typically get from 2cb had reached its peak and then overshot and crossed over into physical dysphoria. My body just felt wrong, like I was inhabiting a corpse. After laying on my back like a dead fish for about an hour I started coming down and felt fine afterwards.

. @iom's right that we can't assume anything and there is a lot more data on low doses than high doses, but it's also true that 2cb has been in the public domain for the better part of 40 years without a single documented fatal overdose, and what evidence there is points to a potential lethal dose being closer to a gram than a mg and orders of magnitude higher than a typical recreational dose. Hopefully we never do hear of a fatal overdose. Stranger things have happened.
Seeing as we're on the subject of safety profiles, for data sake I might as well report that I once took 885mg of 2cb over an 18 hour period. Most of that was in the last 6 hours and I'd taken 2 tabs of acid 8 hours earlier so there was a tolerance from that. A lot of synergy too. Beautiful explosive colourful fractal imagery and a euphoric near orgasmic body high throughout. Exceptional ++++ experience.

On another occasion I took somewhere in the 500mg ball park over the span of a couple of hours (didn't keep notes that time so don't remember extact dosing schedule, but the final dose was 200mg). It was 3 days after I'd tripped on something else so I had a tolerance. Unpleasant dysporic experience. It wasn't a feeling of toxicity exactly, no pain/nausea/fever/delirium or anything else one would consider typical signs of an overdose. It was more like the body high you typically get from 2cb had reached its peak and then overshot and crossed over into physical dysphoria. My body just felt wrong, like I was inhabiting a corpse. After laying on my back like a dead fish for about an hour I started coming down and felt fine afterwards.

. @iom's right that we can't assume anything and there is a lot more data on low doses than high doses, but it's also true that 2cb has been in the public domain for the better part of 40 years without a single documented fatal overdose, and what evidence there is points to a potential lethal dose being closer to a gram than a mg and orders of magnitude higher than a typical recreational dose. Hopefully we never do hear of a fatal overdose. Stranger things have happened.
A friend of mine similarly ate a gram in 150-250mg intervals over 5 days and was totally fine, but he's also notoriously capable of tanking psychoactives and never really has bad trips.
Likely taking this for the first time on Saturday. In pill form so unsure of the strength.

My current plan is to break up the pill and maybe take like 2/3 of it.

Assuming I'm in control of things then 3 hours later take some (medium strength) mdma plus the remainder of the 2c-b pill.

Sound like a reasonable approach to more experienced heads on here? I'm looking for noticeable impact but nothing too crazy.

For context, I've been taking 6-apb a fair few times a year for several years as well as occasional hits of weed, mdma, pills and amt.
Likely taking this for the first time on Saturday. In pill form so unsure of the strength.

My current plan is to break up the pill and maybe take like 2/3 of it.

Assuming I'm in control of things then 3 hours later take some (medium strength) mdma plus the remainder of the 2c-b pill.

Sound like a reasonable approach to more experienced heads on here? I'm looking for noticeable impact but nothing too crazy.

For context, I've been taking 6-apb a fair few times a year for several years as well as occasional hits of weed, mdma, pills and amt.
You may be better off taking the whole pill at once and skipping the MDMA until you know what 2cb is like on its own. Pills are usually dosed around 15mg give or take which is on the lower end of a typical recreational dose.

If you're set on mixing it with MDMA I would still take the whole pill and about 3 hours after the MDMA for a proper nexus flip.
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Sound like a reasonable approach to more experienced heads on here?
IME if you stack the peaks it can be quite intense. I've seen someone take 2 full doses of 2C-B and MDMA stacking the peaks (somewhat unknowingly) and they had too intense of an experience and writhed around in bed for hours before saying they would never take 2C-B again (sadly).

My most rewarding 2C-B/MDMA combos have been ala Shulgin. That is taking the MDMA first, and the moment your peak passes take a reasonable dose of 2C-B. 15mg has been enough for me personally.
There's no comedown from the MDMA and the 2C-B allows you to introspect.

I've taken the combo many times in many different orders, and that really has been the best for me. Stacking the peaks is intense, even for me, even when taking half doses of each. It also seems to stress my heart a bit. 2C-B then MDMA was less intense, still rewarding, but I definitely experienced the MDMA crash part.
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Thanks for the replies. I’m just concerned that doing the full pill straight off runs the risk of me finding the whole thing too intense

I do agree the pill is likely not high dose though… so may go for the @Shinji Ikari approach and only go for the flip if I’m very in control.
Thanks for the replies. I’m just concerned that doing the full pill straight off runs the risk of me finding the whole thing too intense

Have you taken other psychedelics before? If not, maybe try to find a sitter who has some experience with psychedelics. That way, if the whole tablet is too much, you'll have someone to help you through it. Usually I would recommend your cautious approach, but if you only take 2/3rds of the tablet, it's likely that the experience will be lacking. That's ok if you don't mind being patient and can get more tablets, but if you only have one tablet and don't expect to be able to get more, you may want to take the small risk of taking the whole thing and being a bit overwhelmed. Hence, I suggest a sitter if you are inexperienced with heavy trips.

I also don't trying to take the other 1/3rd after 3 hours. It likely won't do much of anything at that point. Instead, save it for a small "day-enhancing" dose or save it to combine with tablets you get in the future. Good luck!