Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

counting down the days until i end it all....
Dont kill yourself. Your soul will end up in worse agony then now. Thats what all religions and mystics are saying. God put us on this path on injections for a reason. Please keep believing
Dont kill yourself. Your soul will end up in worse agony then now. Thats what all religions and mystics are saying. God put us on this path on injections for a reason. Please keep believing
God didn't put us on this path but arrogant doctors, and we are victims. Those doctors should end up in hell, not the victims.
So it’s been 14 months since my last injection …. I am maybe 3 percent better …. The only thing that has changed is that I can watch Netflix but I don’t enjoy it at all … I am still completely dead inside , no emotions , no interests , no desires to do anything at all other than lay in my bed … I recently spent 5 days in hospital because my inactivity has lead to my bowel becoming inflamed …. I can barely walk now … I am a 23 year old man that before the injections I was leaping over 10 foot fences to do graffiti missions with a heavy backpack full of paint…. I was strong and very healthy …. These injections destroyed me beyond anything you can imagine …. I have nothing now , no friends no job , no hobbies , no interests …. Nothing …. I am dead …. I will wait another year and then if nothing has improved I will kill my self …. I hope others have more luck than me …. Peace
Oh, Yeah, psychiatrists are dangerous ignorants and that's God's Will. All murderers, god's Will...
Im into deeper side of it... Meaning its all karma. Gods plan. Nothing happens without a reason they say and there are no accidents in the universe supposedly. Just keep you faith in God strong and believe one day it will all end! Love yall
There's many success stories, maybe it gonna take more time to heal. You have made it this far, dont give up now. You got this. Take care.
What is brain burn?
Do you have it? It seems like it appears in several rare cases. It seems in my case that it is attached to my anhedonia because both times my anhedonia has gotten smaller it has gotten smaller along with it. For others they have it in different time periods like first few months.
Do you have it? It seems like it appears in several rare cases. It seems in my case that it is attached to my anhedonia because both times my anhedonia has gotten smaller it has gotten smaller along with it. For others they have it in different time periods like first few months.
My brain feels something like a headache but it's not a headache. Feels like brain shrinks and then expands every couple seconds. It gives me weird feelings. And it does seem to happen same time I get worse anhedonia, so it happens usually in the late afternoon But my windows are getting longer and the akathisia has calmed down abit. I take L theanine and magnesium gycinate at bedtime, seems to help.
What have you guys tried in terms of medicine/supplements? I’ve tried:

Bowen therapy

I didn’t feel any difference after any of it unfortunately. The bioresonance said there was no blood flow to the brain, maybe the bodies way of protecting itself? I don’t know. Because my thoughts never left after the injection.

Walking around town buying snacks and drinks has been the biggest help, it gets my mind off things, then I can think about what I saw when I was out instead of this stupid injection all the time.