12th Issue Heroin Discussion v. livin' on the run for so long I gotta go collect

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You mean how many units? I use a 1cc rig, that's 1 ml. 1cc=1ml. Heroin is super water soluble, so you can dissolve a shit ton of heroin in just 50 units of water. Bigger shots, like 8 bags or so, I normally use between 50-80 units. So, I don't know what you mean when you said you usually use 8ml's per bag.. I'm assuming you meant units.. so if that'e the case, then you should have no trouble because 8 units of water is not a lot at all.. you can fit a lot of heroin into 100 units, or 1ml or water.

Smok3ys bags are like almost double the size on NY bags, so like triple the size of north NJ bags, so the amount of water you use per bag is going to be less than he needs for the same number of Camden bags. You can check out the size of his bags in the picture he posted here. I get some bags that are completely filled to the first fold, but they are considered fat, and most of the time they are filled 3/4 of the way up the bottom fold.
This happened a couple times to a me a while back but could find anything on google or here and just recently happened to my friend.
Usually the d i get is white to a beige color and when mixed with water turns either a ginger ale color or shit brown color but there is d that i have gotten a few times that turned red in the needle.
Ive read and been told it might have been morphine.
The high wasnt paticularly good but it wasnt shitty either.
If some one knows what this could be or if it happened to them, please say something.

And i know no one could tell me about the dope IM getting but im asking just cause im curious if it has happened to any one else.

I merged your thread in here because you might get some better help. The thing is though that no one can really tell you w what you have just from reading your post but, someone might have an idea.
Not sure why someone would think that it was morphine making it turn red. The only reason I could see someone thinking that is because the 30mg MSContin pills are maroon, but that's only the outside coating, and they are white on the inside. They gel up in water though, so you would know if it was that.
My condolences for the loss of your friend. Was it drug related if you don't mind me asking?

nope. he only smoked weed and drank. he had a preexisting heart condition that took him in his sleep.
Smok3ys bags are like almost double the size on NY bags, so like triple the size of north NJ bags, so the amount of water you use per bag is going to be less than he needs for the same number of Camden bags. You can check out the size of his bags in the picture he posted here. I get some bags that are completely filled to the first fold, but they are considered fat, and most of the time they are filled 3/4 of the way up the bottom fold.

Jesus..hah. That is definitely a massive bag. But still, he was referring to ml's when he meant units. I have gotten bags that fat on occasion, but not recently. When I did get them though, it was pretty low quality. I'd rather get smaller bags that are purer. H is still very water soluble, so 1cc would dissolve plenty of dope even with bags that size.
^ Is a 'CC' a 'mL' as well? And then would the amount in a 'unit' vary by the total amount of mL's, or are they universal?

I agree that smaller bags with a higher purity are better than fatter bags with more cut. I actually commented on that picture saying that if those bags were as pure as the stuff I get, I would only need 1-2 bags to get wrecked. I think SMOK3Y said he was doing 6 bags or so to get high, but with the size of those bags that would be like 12-18 bags here depending on if they are the wider stamped bags that are filled to the first fold or just below, or the skinny blank (no stamp) bags that IME are like halfway filled to the first fold.

My friends with big habits that IV usually top out at 6 bag shots if its good, or sometimes 8 bags if it's shitty. Nobody is loading 12-18 bags into a shot though, even these friends of mine that are on 1 year binges of using daily.
So Kayla, are you in Detroit? A long time ago I was on tour with a band and they played in Hamtramak (sp?). It was a really cute part of town - was told at the time it was an "oasis in the middle of the city' full of art galleries, cafes, rock clubs and hipster/college student types. If that place still exists you should check it out? Be safe, sister!
Years ago hamtramak was mostly polish and had awesome food but sadly I think most are gone and now the middle easterners have taken over. I haven't been there in a while though. There still is some cool bars.
^ Is a 'CC' a 'mL' as well? And then would the amount in a 'unit' vary by the total amount of mL's, or are they universal?

I agree that smaller bags with a higher purity are better than fatter bags with more cut. I actually commented on that picture saying that if those bags were as pure as the stuff I get, I would only need 1-2 bags to get wrecked. I think SMOK3Y said he was doing 6 bags or so to get high, but with the size of those bags that would be like 12-18 bags here depending on if they are the wider stamped bags that are filled to the first fold or just below, or the skinny blank (no stamp) bags that IME are like halfway filled to the first fold.

My friends with big habits that IV usually top out at 6 bag shots if its good, or sometimes 8 bags if it's shitty. Nobody is loading 12-18 bags into a shot though, even these friends of mine that are on 1 year binges of using daily.

Yeah, 1 cc is equal to 1ml. So I use a full cc rig, which is 1 full ml. The half cc's are a half ml. The "units" are a form of measurement that make up a CC. It's something used for syringes to measure out sub milliliter doses. So he said 8ml's was what he needed per bag.. but that would mean 8 full rigs of water..hah. That's crazy. He must have meant 8 units for a bag. But, yeah those bags are huge so 6 of those would be like 12 of the shit I get. But still, like I said, powder dope breaks down in water really easily. I could probably fit 5 bundles in a 1cc rig, maybe more. So he should have no trouble dissolving 6 of those fat bags in even just 50 units of water.
^ What I meant by asking if the units are a universal amount is would a 1cc rig have 10 units, and a 1/2 cc rig have 5 units, making the amount in a unit equal? Or would both rigs have 10 units for example, making the units in the smaller rig have less volume than each unit in the bigger rig, considering the both are marked with the same number of units?

Edit: As for solubility, I read that 500mg of heroin is soluble in 1mL of water. That's probably a conservative measurement, and considering that heroin isn't pure you could easily fit 6 bags into your rig if each bag was actually .1, but since they are less these days you should be able to fit like 8 or so pretty easily.
Yeah it is universal. A half cc is only 50 units, where as a 1cc is 100 units.

Depending on the dope and what it's cut with, you can sometimes fit a shit ton of dope into a shot. Purer stuff that breaks down cleaner, or that just has water soluble cuts..you can easily fit a couple grams into a shot. Another batch of dope I get from Manhattan is a little bit lesser quality so I have to do more, and with that particular batch.. I need to shoot a full gram and that usually takes up about 80 units of water. The shit I get from NJ is super clean. I could probably fit three times that amount in the same bit of water.
^ An actual gram or a bundle? Back in the day 1 gram bundles were more common, but now the bags seem to weigh 70mg or so, although there are still some bags that weigh +/- 100mg.

Swain weighs his bags out, and I think he said that the Paterson bags usually weigh only like 30-40mg, and the NY bags are at least 60mg, but usually between 70-100mg.
The guy I get it from in Manhattan, the dope I was talking about, he doesn't sell bundles or bags. He literally sells it by grams in ziplock, lets you weigh everything when you buy it. Most dealers who sell plain old stamp bags..they are way less than .1's.
^ Yea my friends connect was selling both buns and grams for the same price, but when he realized how much more he was making from selling buns since they were like 80mg he kept on upping the gram price until my friend stopped buying them.
hey chink i know you like rap have you seen that video of the game and 40 glock?

haha yeah veinlite does sound like that ha www.veinlite.com its a handheld device that helps find veins and keeps them from rolling and what not!
yeah i saw that video..that is somebullshit between a wack rapper no one has ever cared ablout and aa rapper who is just about washed up..persoanlly im not a fan of either of their music so to me its just some pointless bullshit

chink i followed the guidelines i am not trying to sell anything to anyone on here you can post the Pm i sent you tooi just told you that what your looking for may be making its way to the city i don't ha e anything to hide i wouldn't sell anyone on here anything if they offered me triple get off your high horse dope fiend narc bluelight wannabe moderator

obviously you didnt follow the guidelines if the mods went and erased your post and you call me an wannabe mod, what do you know aboiut me? sure i might be on a high horse but thats on;y to people like you who try and be slick while breaking the rules and then get caught doing it..ive never wanted to be a mod, its too much hassle and bullshit and not being able to tell dumb fucks like you off..to be a mod you have to be PC with everything and thats not how i do things..i speak the truth and oyu can talk shit and call me a douche but its funny if you keep reading after that post of yours, i havbe people that agree and that back me up, yet there was not a single person that backed you or or your post up..so go ahead and try abnd be slick, but dont be making poasts about stepping on the raw you get so you can actually make some money..

you broke loser, get your money up so you dont have to worry aboutyour connect drying up before you can make a few bucks by steppin on your product and selling it
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^ Chinky, why don't you tell the story of why you don't want to be mod again? ;)
ok so this one time we had this mod who...

ehh forget it...these new people who think they know everything that goes on with this site and everything that has happened in the past, arent worht the energy if they cant evfen be original... i swear when they get mad, they all use the same comebacks thinking they are smart and slick and the first one to use it..whem they are lame and just repeating what other losers have said to me

im suprised he didnt try and say someshit about..nvm i dont want to give them any more "ammo" to come at me with, i want them to think they thought about it all by themselves like a big boy would
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Wow, so I had my first shot in a long ass time (for me anyways) had pretty much no tolerance so I shot up a .1 of tar (equiv to 1 of your #4 bags) and it was some decent shit, no huge rush but definitely felt good. So I got another .1 from a new batch later that night and dude says it was "the kill" which he always says, but still, being at such a low tolerance I decided to be safer than sorry. I did a 0.08 and only pushed maybe 60-70% in then waited for the rush, never happened so I pushed the rest down.

Then about 10mins later I fuckin fell out for 15mins or so. I guess you could say I " OD'd " it just wasn't fatal. I was still breathing fine and heart rate was fine, I was just hard to keep awake. Apparently I just kept saying I wanted to go to sleep. I know some ppl think unless they stop breathing or their heart stops they didn't OD. Well, I'm pretty sure "medically" an OD is just overdosing what your body can take, like not being able to stay awake or keep your eyes open. So thats why I say I OD'd.

After I came back to they told me all about it and apparently to my surprise they actually had narcan! (this is the same guy i was talking about earlier that was a dumbass and never kept it around) well guess what? He thought in order to preserve it you had to keep it in the freezer so he went and got it and was like uhhh..how do i load the syringe with a solid?? What an IDIOT!! So they slapped me a few times and threw water on my face and I came back. Again, I was still breathing the entire time and my heart rate/pulse was pretty normal.

I was fucking pissed when I came to, I was like WTF I was careful! Started with 0.05-0.06 (half to 1/3rd normal chipping dose, 1/5 of dose when tolerance) then pushed the remainder after about 3 minutes making sure I was alright.

Then I discovered what happened..One of my really good friends cooked up the shot since I have a sprained wrist. She didn't know I had been clean this past month, she thought I had been using in eastern WA and I always give her free shit so she said she threw in another half a point thinking she was being nice since i only had a tiny bit AND she (can't believe this part) used her spoon which had two cottons she had been using the past couple days and she never rinses them or cooks them to get the stuck dope out. So I not only got double the dose I also got all the leftovers in the cottons.

So even tho I wasn't the one who put that much in, I STILL blame myself 100% I should have been paying more attention to what she was doing and I should have told her I had been clean and had a low tolerance (just in case) She had never just randomly added shit in before in the 5yrs knowing her..I guess since I 've helped her out more times than I can count she thought I was short on cash and wanted to make sure I had a "good shot" -- So even tho she did that part to be nice, I still think its kinda fucked up..she shouldn't just be adding random amounts of dope to my shit..or using her same spoon/cottons. But once when I was insanely desperate I used one of her needles (yes, I know, stupidest decision in the world, I would never advise ANYone to do this no matter how sick and desperate they get) I guess she thought since I already did it once out of desperation that this couldnt hurt..

Sorry for the novel, I just wanted to get the point across that yes, she shouldn't have done that, but i still take responsibility for it.

Here is a pic of the shit I get = http://s18.postimage.org/5o262hv8o/0711121211_00.jpg - I'd do NSFW tags but its a big ass picture so just the link.

PS for you opiate newbies..in the light of harm reduction, always cook your own shots. If I would have cooked it myself this situation would have NEVER happened. She has cooked up for me literally 100+ times and never had an issue, but all it takes is that ONE time! Its not worth it!

Damn that bitch for "helping me out" and adding shit (her excuse was she wanted to help me out cause she thought i was in a rut and she knew i wouldnt take any handouts) and damn her for using her same spoon/cottons. I don't care if I've had to ONCE 3 years ago when I was desperate, doesn't mean I want to risk it again! So double damn her for that, but triple damn on me for ignoring harm reduction 101 and simply preparing the shot myself.
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Dangerous business letting somebody else make your shot.. I don't even let best friends who know everything there is to know about my habit do that shit. You're just asking for trouble.
Good idea about driving with the doors locked its so disturbing to know we really have to do that wtf :(

Are you from a farm or something? Your acting like having to lock your doors while driving is the end of the world or something!
I always lock my door no matter what
not trying to be a dick js
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