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Relapse 19 days clean but having trouble understanding my body???


Mar 25, 2018
The cravings havent been too bad, however, today theyre really bad. I also will have days where my energy seems to come back to normal then drop, seems to be fluctuating my body temperature seems to be fluctuating too, some days i feel normal, other days im freeeeezing cold...,still having the dope sick sneeze attacks and sick yawns which i dont understand?? almost 20 days clean why hasnt this stopped yet!? Also curious how long its going to take for my body to be able to go to sleep again normally, without some kinda something to help me zzzz.

SN: heavy heroin IV user for 7 years, talking minimum 600 $ spending a day....if that helps anyone calculate my situation better.
I'm sorry but nobody can give you a timeline of when your brain/body will reach homeostasis.

I'm not sure what 600 bucks a day worth of dope in your area is - My IV habit got to about 1-1.5g of raw daily and it took FOREVER for me to feel "normal" again.

For me, my sleeping patterns never fully returned back to normal. It was about a year for me before I stopped needing ambien or thorazine to fall asleep. As far as the other stuff, the body temp, aches, and the sniffles should be gone within another week or two. Again, there is no definitive timeline. All of our brains and bodies are different and it'd be really difficult even if I knew about all of your variables.

Bottom line, for me it took a good year before I felt OK. I hope this isn't the case with you but you never know. Gotta have your helmet ready for a bumpy ride.

IMO, you're already through the worst of the wds so it wouldn't make sense to start taking Kratom and potentially pick up a new habit. If you really feel like you're white knuckling the whole way, you can pick up some Red Bali Kratom and see if that helps. Restless legs are a little more complicated. I have RLS anyway so it's hard to discern what is wd and what is just my regular CNS. You can see if a very low dose of a benzo will help. I have 2mg xanax (which I never take, it's just nice to know I have it in case of a panic attack) and a quarter of a bar will slow me down just enough to be able to fall asleep.

Good luck. I know it sounds like a lot of bullshit to go through and it is. It is worth it though. It's still better than waking up sick everyday wondering where the fuck I'm gonna get enough money to get high or shooting up all of my profits while taking all the risks and eating stress for breakfast serving people. I'm fuckin' tired.
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The cravings havent been too bad, however, today theyre really bad. I also will have days where my energy seems to come back to normal then drop, seems to be fluctuating my body temperature seems to be fluctuating too, some days i feel normal, other days im freeeeezing cold...,still having the dope sick sneeze attacks and sick yawns which i dont understand?? almost 20 days clean why hasnt this stopped yet!? Also curious how long its going to take for my body to be able to go to sleep again normally, without some kinda something to help me zzzz.

SN: heavy heroin IV user for 7 years, talking minimum 600 $ spending a day....if that helps anyone calculate my situation better.

I had a high volume use history as well. Something that helped me get over the "why the hell ain't I feeling better yet?" thought process was breaking it down in the following way. 7*365.25 = 2,556.75 days. So you used for 2,557 days. I remember a moment of exhilarating freedom at 2 months where I wanted to pull my car over, jump out, and scream, "omg I have never felt so free." Hang in there it will get better. Be compassionate with yourself. Would you judge so harshly a friend who had been chemically sickened for 7 years when they were still suffering at 0.1% of that time removed from the chemicals?