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Flower 40% THC weed??

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
Stopped by vape shop to buy some "THCa flower" ;), where they usually have typical 20-29% stuff.

They had some weed that tested at 39.7% THC. Huh? I haven't lived in a legal state for almost 10 years. I had no idea weed above 30% even existed. There was a QR code for the analysis certificate, but was in a hurry so didn't bother.

The strain is Cheetah Piss. I've had cat piss strain before which I love. The internet says Cheetah Piss should only be 20% on average. Hmm...

Honestly it doesn't look any better than typical good weed. The buds are extremely dense and sticky, but again not unusually more than weed I've had before. Visible crystals aren't that impressive either.

I haven't smoked it yet, will try it later.

Anyways I'm just surprised anything could go much higher than 30%... there must be an upper limit to THC content, right? At a certain point the structure of the plant must not work if it's all THC?
Did they have the lab tests available? I personally love harassing budtenders about labs, they have the ones I'm looking for like 25% of the time and sometimes there are typos on their website in the percentages so you never know
It's great weed, but not some record breaking stuff:

Did they have the lab tests available? I personally love harassing budtenders about labs, they have the ones I'm looking for like 25% of the time and sometimes there are typos on their website in the percentages so you never know
yeah about the typos, one dispensary i go to constantly mixes up the TAC with the THC amount on the website, so the TAC is usually a few points higher than the actual thc amount, but you should be able to see on the package what it really tested at. the website of this one dispensary i go to i find mix stuff up a lot.

the highest THC i found listed in my state is 35% .... i usually get a better buzz from stuff that is above 30% but stuff around 20% and i've even had 15% that will do the trick... i've had stuff at like 29%thc that didn't really work too well for me though. it was "sun grown", i don't know. usually the outdoors i smoked were always good. i guess sun grown means green house or something... i find certain brands to be better than others despite the amounts of chemicals in the bud listed. don't know if it's my imagination or what, but i feel like the listings aren't always accurate. then again with some brands, it seems to be accurate. i wonder if different testing locations work differently. like i saw one testing video and it looked like they only used like .1 of a gram or so to do the test, i was thinking sometimes the chunk they use is a little bigger or smaller so they get different results. seems like they would be smarter testing than that though, but who knows.
It would make sense if the 39% result included all cannabinoids and/or terpenes, and not just THC.
yeah about the typos, one dispensary i go to constantly mixes up the TAC with the THC amount on the website, so the TAC is usually a few points higher than the actual thc amount, but you should be able to see on the package what it really tested at. the website of this one dispensary i go to i find mix stuff up a lot.

the highest THC i found listed in my state is 35% .... i usually get a better buzz from stuff that is above 30% but stuff around 20% and i've even had 15% that will do the trick... i've had stuff at like 29%thc that didn't really work too well for me though. it was "sun grown", i don't know. usually the outdoors i smoked were always good. i guess sun grown means green house or something... i find certain brands to be better than others despite the amounts of chemicals in the bud listed. don't know if it's my imagination or what, but i feel like the listings aren't always accurate. then again with some brands, it seems to be accurate. i wonder if different testing locations work differently. like i saw one testing video and it looked like they only used like .1 of a gram or so to do the test, i was thinking sometimes the chunk they use is a little bigger or smaller so they get different results. seems like they would be smarter testing than that though, but who knows.
Yeah it's funny that isn't it ?

Both Mrs Kat and myself have noted that one particular strain that is tested at 19% total cannabinoids hits harder and faster than many do that are tested at approaching 30% (and sometimes higher percentages)

I am no chemist but think that there are other factors such as terpenes, etc that are in play but I have never seen quantitive measurement of them in any assay provided, even if I could have come to some conclusion if it had been provided.
Yeah it's funny that isn't it ?

Both Mrs Kat and myself have noted that one particular strain that is tested at 19% total cannabinoids hits harder and faster than many do that are tested at approaching 30% (and sometimes higher percentages)

I am no chemist but think that there are other factors such as terpenes, etc that are in play.
Same phenomenon with kratom. The "high end" stuff tests around 2% mitragynine, but I consistently get much better effects from stuff around 1.5%, which novice kratom people would consider mediocre stuff.

I attribute this to the various other minor alkaloids. I believe kratom also has an "entourage effect".
Never did Kratom (quit opioids in 1978 ;)) but I believe you about observations.
Yeah it's funny that isn't it ?

Both Mrs Kat and myself have noted that one particular strain that is tested at 19% total cannabinoids hits harder and faster than many do that are tested at approaching 30% (and sometimes higher percentages)

I am no chemist but think that there are other factors such as terpenes, etc that are in play but I have never seen quantitive measurement of them in any assay provided, even if I could have come to some conclusion if it had been provided.
I agree, I've found a lot of ones around 20% have a more desirable effect for me personally. I don't think its terpenes though, those aren't really active. My guess is its differences in the levels of other minor cannabinoids
So have to remember the way in which cannabis is analyzed in some states varies.. I know some states they will take the nicest nugget on the plant and use that which will give a false read on the entire plant or batch. Other states require the entire plant be analyzed.

When I see stupid high labs I usually guess it’s because of this.

The terpenes definitely do alter the effect though and while the minor cannabinoids do too, it all works together.

A perfect example is one of my favorite strains, Forbidden Fruit. Averages around 15% THC, I’ve seen as low as 12-13% and as high as 18%. It’s definitely two hot weed but the terpenes create such an exquisite effect. An interesting relaxing euphoria that makes for a perfect relax after work munching on some good cheese and maybe glass of wine. The terpenes have a mix of tropical fruit like pineapple and passion fruit combined with a stinky cheese/garlic type odor that no strain I’ve had comes close to. The unique terpene profile makes a totally unique high.

I always say judge a strain by your nose, I can tell how a strain will feel just by smelling it cuz it will bring me back to another time I had something similar and how that high felt.

1) thc isn't everything and isn't the only thing that constitutes a high. Plus you're talking about thca.
2)what are the testing standards/who tested it? It is common practice to dry the flower as much as possible before testing, especially during batch testing, and also alot of labs are corrupt as fuck and will allow you to buy whatever percentage you want on the test
3) in the ny med system the 2 highest I have seen is 32.84 and 34.something percent. I trust state testing, especially since batch testing is no lo get allowed, but do not doubt that it was dry-tested
1. Usually, at least where I live there is a +- 10% from the label, you can assume minus.
2. I know labs are pressured into using various methods such as said drying method to boost THC results and don't get return orders if the #'s aren't marketable.
3. I remember when matanuska alaskan thunderfuck held the record at 23% and that was the highest it ever tested, sure growers have got better but 40 I dont know. I find it tough to believe kief is 40 tbh.
4. If you are in canada you have more accurate #'s than the US.
40% is apparently the maximum of THC or else the trichomes solidify or something, Idk I'm just going off what someone told me on reddit awhile back when I made a post about 40% weed, no one bought it. I can tell you one thing though, it is DANGEROUSLY potent. I do think the likelihood of it being 40% is pretty high, the least high 30s. I'm in MA and have seen dispensaries with stuff from 35-38%. Percentage isn't everything though, he brought back 30% Pineapple Express as well and that stuff messes me up so bad it doesn't even feel like weed, it's like a different drug entirely.

I'm good with 15-20% lol
A local smokeshop has been selling "THCA buds" and I have purchased a few times. My favorite that they have is "Sex Panther". I don't make it a habit since street weed is cheaper and as good. It's a novelty to walk into a store and buy weed for me.

As to all the entourage effects. The "THCA bud" feels stronger and better than pure THCA distillate which I have put on swag. Taking CBD with the swag-THCA mix makes it noticeably better, but still not the level of the "THCA bud". So, CBD definitely modifies the effects but it's not the only thing.

THCA is THC if you smoke it. I found out that the owner of the shop was just refilling his "THCA bud" jar with street weed when it got low and he was waiting for a "THCA bud" order to come in.
^ that is some classic small shop shit.

when I googled MA marijuana potency a bunch of labs that analyze cannabis were the first links. Tells me it is a competitive market and they probably have to up the #'s a bit; but again conjecture.

Read the label, in MI it is plus minus 10% which would put it at 30 and I could believe 30 I think. Think, still be tough. The highest I have seen was 27%, labeled 30 at a different store. (same brand and strain, different batch, maybe). They put there kief at 53% and bubble hash infused joints at 40%......Kief doesn't crystalize or do anything funny; I must believe if pot can hit 30 kief can hit 40?

Yea alot more going on than THC and CBD. Flower for a good rounded buzz and concentrates to douse receptors. Shit im spoiled in the mj dept. (only have further to fall not a brag)