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Kratom 7-OH-Mitragynine and Mitragynine Pseudoindoxyl


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jul 22, 2018
So recently, both of these compounds have become available in the US. At least the 7OH is very easy to synthesize assuming you have pure mitragynine. I won't go into details about it, but I've done it.

The Psuedoindoxyl which is supposedly several times more potent than the 7-OH i am a little skeptical about because there is no actual standard that exists for it. Still, I got a few pressed pills labeled R, G, and W. One is 7-OH, one is supposedly the pseudoindoxyl and one is supposedly a mix. They are all strong as fuck.

So, what I can say about at least the 7-OH is it is extremely strong, and its quite a bit longer lasting then mitragynine. The effects are quite similar to MIT which is actually quite different than eating the plant. I took 19mg of 53% 7-OH and that was way overkill. I'm not sure how dangerous these are but I imagine they can be abused.

I actually expect it to become illegal in the next few years.

Anyway, discuss and share your experiences here!
Yea I’ve taken some 7-OH tablets, they were strong for sure. I ordered them from 2 different vendors … the tabs from one were pretty strong & definitely helped my pain issues. The tabs from the other vendor had me staying up all night, I felt kind of speedy
I personally feel like the W's (supposedly 7-hydroxymitragynine) are quite abit stronger than the R's (mitragynine pseudoindoxyl).

Both feel very different than any normal kratom extract (like OPMS). They feel far more drug like, are able to pin my pupils to a far greater degree than extracts, and don't produce that horrible dizziness that happens when consuming large amounts of extracts (I drank 3 OPMS black shots at one time and felt like I wanted to die, the dizziness was unbearable, I just sat in a chair immobile, waiting for it to wear off. Thus the high was limited by the side effects.

These other products, particularly these supposed isolates of one potent, minorly occuring alkaloid (if occuring at all in some cases) don't cause the same kind of intense dizziness when you bump it up, so you can actually get increasingly high on these. The most I've taken of the W pills at once is 4, which while definitely making me feel very woozy and nauseated, it felt like the woozy feeling from high doses of traditional opioids, like a high dose of hydrocodone. Much different from the poisoned feeling that makes normal kratom extracts hard to abuse.
How would you compare the high of any of those to something like hydrocodone?

I would say there's some parallels to hydrocodone. But not as euphoric, more stimulating. In absolute terms I'd say hydrocodone is definitely stronger at high enough doses. On a mg to mg basis though, I'd say 7-hydroxymitragynine is stronger.

Also, I now partially take back this statement:
I personally feel like the W's (supposedly 7-hydroxymitragynine) are quite abit stronger than the R's (mitragynine pseudoindoxyl).

I took 2.5 tablets of the R tablets (mitragynine pseudoindoxyl) about 2 hour ago, and despite having taken 40mg of dextroamphetamine, I'm I'm a having a hard time keeping my eyes open. In fact I'm writing this post with one eye closed, and feel like I could take a nap. Definitely feels more sedating than the 7-hydroxymitragynine mitragynine tablets. Still, I prefer the effect of 7-hydroxymitragynine tablets over these R (mit pseudoindoxyl) tablets, are more enjoyable imo.

I do like how these don't possess the same sickening vertigo that would inevitably occur to reach this level with plain leaf or normal extracts. For instance, if I took enough OPMS black or gold extract, or a full spectrum extract to reach the levek of narcosis im feeling from these pseudoindoxyl tablets, I would be unbearably nauseated right now. But I was actually able to eat breakfast right now. Of course, if I were currently in the backseat of a car on a winding road, i wouldn't feel so great probably. But taking enough normal extracts (or god forbid, plain leaf) to reach this effect feels like being in the backseat of a car on a winding road while sitting stationary in a chair.