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Careers Advice on side hustles, new career? A pep talk? I’m a mess

Heroes Inc.

Jul 20, 2022
Hey BL!
I am seeking some advice about a new career or what you all think I would be good at. So here is a little about me: I’ve been in orthopedic sales for the past 10 years. I’m considered one of the best reps in Northern California, but sadly some of personal/family issues really derailed my career. Also, the stress of the job caused a flare in my crohns disease (gastrointestinal), which lead to opioids. They do really help me get through the day, but I started abusing them. More on that later..

My wife’s brother passed away, my brother passed away, my wife’s dad is in prison, and I’ve been dealing with my dad getting old and his dementia. I’m looked at as the the father figure/voice of reason in my family… which I find flattering, but also funny because I don’t look at myself as a good person because of my drug use. (Honestly, I was in total control of my recreational drug use until my brother passed away in April. It really messed me up and I have been using to the point of becoming an addict.) But I’m fighting and it’s getting better..

My family (other than my wife) has no idea of my struggles with substance abuse. It has been difficult to understand and deal with. I feel like I only use to get away from the pain of life around me. (Opioids, Cocaine, a little alcohol, and recently benzodiazepines to deal with the sadness of my brother passing away).. the good news is, I’ve started taking suboxone, my doctor has me on Ritalin to substitute the coke, and I’ve pretty much stopped drinking. I’m cutting back on the benzos. I have a great doctor, with whom I have a totally open and honest relationship with regarding my drug use/life. I have been on 10mg Percocets (2 a day), but recently have been abusing them to numb my pain in life. Recently just switched to subs, and I feel much better. Also, I’m starting to get back in the gym and play golf again. I use to be professional golfer in my past life before working in orthopedics.

Oh, and to top it off, my wife has serious fertility issues and we have struggled to start a family. But, we have an incredible marriage. She’s my best friend and we are truthful about everything. I am so so lucky to have her.

I’d like advice about side hustles, online work, or even a new career.. something you all would think I would strive at. I don’t consider myself an arrogant person, but I truly am one of the best salespeople around.. my genuine and honest personality is my best sales trait when selling to doctors. They trust me to be their go to rep in the operating room. I think I could sell anything to anyone. Good news: I have been interviewing with a smaller orthopedic company and it looks like they are going to hire me for a regional role. But I will have a lot of free time to pursue other avenues of income.

I’m sick of being broke, and I want to tackle life more than ever right now. Sorry for rambling and trying to fit my life story in a few paragraphs but I would love to hear from the BL community to get some advice. This community has helped me out so much dealing with some of my substance issues. I’m very appreciative for everything you all have given me and hopefully will continue to give.

Anyways, thanks for listening.. the dude abides.
Get trained and certified/licensed in HVAC, Plumbing, and maybe electricity too, because there's always more work than time in those fields, they pay well, and you can advertise on local handyman websites then accept jobs when you have free time, or if you take it further you can start your own business and make it an actual career
Get trained and certified/licensed in HVAC, Plumbing, and maybe electricity too, because there's always more work than time in those fields, they pay well, and you can advertise on local handyman websites then accept jobs when you have free time, or if you take it further you can start your own business and make it an actual career
That’s great advice. There will always be a need for skilled workers. I’m going to look into getting licensed. My uncle started his own plumbing company.. he was so good and his reputation was so flawless that he has made millions in his career.. I wound venture to guess close to 15 million.
Yeah it's also good to have even if you don't use it right away because you'll have useful skills to fall back on in case of hard times in the future
I noticed some people are making a lot of money as social media managers and affiliate marketers. I dabbled in affiliate marketing around the year 2010 for online poker rooms but didn’t make any money from it. I am halfway through a children’s book about an obese duck who goes on an epic journey; I’ll let you know if I sell any copies.

If I had a clean driving record I would drive for Uber. You could make an extra 20k+ a year working part time in some places.
I noticed some people are making a lot of money as social media managers and affiliate marketers. I dabbled in affiliate marketing around the year 2010 for online poker rooms but didn’t make any money from it. I am halfway through a children’s book about an obese duck who goes on an epic journey; I’ll let you know if I sell any copies.

If I had a clean driving record I would drive for Uber. You could make an extra 20k+ a year working part time in some places.
Sounds like a sweet book.. I could go for an adventure right now.

My Tesla is paid off.. I was thinking of selling it for some much needed cash but driving for Uber might be a better idea.
I do a lot of research studies for extra cash. Generally i go for fairly invasive things as they tend to be quick and lucrative so I can schedule them alongside my regular duties.

I personally avoid doing first in man trials for drugs (IE phase 1 for a novel drug), as those trials are where people have died historically.
back in my days, when GTX 260 was a supernatural dimension collide there was this sort of time frame where MMPORG video games were allocated company backshop funds which is black market nowadays then wasn't. So you could sell a 3 euro item for 10.. sort of TVA.

a warcraft account was sold for 200.000euro, 2009

phuuuu... but imagine the sweat owner invested when government theorized he's suspicious with a offshore debit. Ahahaha
That’s great advice. There will always be a need for skilled workers. I’m going to look into getting licensed. My uncle started his own plumbing company.. he was so good and his reputation was so flawless that he has made millions in his career.. I wound venture to guess close to 15 million.

I’ve seen plumbers that live next to surgeons.

I say don’t do the trades, I got it taken care of ;) Lol. Seriously though skilled trades desperately need more people, and each year the pay goes up. My pricing has literally doubled in the last 2yrs. Obviously inflation but inflation hasn’t double costs…

Plumbers and electricians make the big bucks but expect to be bitch boy/apprentice for quite a few years. I think plumbers take a class every Tues night on top of working M-F.

I knew a guy that made 250k a year (6-7yrs ago) just installing shower pans, the mud pack before the tile goes in. Just that!!

Also many construction outfits needs competent salespeople, you can make good money doing that as well. Imagine commission when someone buys 20-30k in materials??

I say this… Whatever you do, chose a niche. Something other people aren’t doing, that’s how you make good money. Carpenters are a dime a dozen and that’s why you don’t ever see them living luxurious like a plumber will.

Also, I’m starting to get back in the gym and play golf again. I use to be professional golfer in my past life before working in orthopedics.

Used to be a pro golfer and now in sales? You could probably come up with a product/service that would be perfect for golfers, then team up with someone who can implement your idea and handle the sales end yourself.

I work in tech and you have no idea how many of us engineering types would give our left nut to have a sales guy on call (no pun intended) to get the ball rolling on revenue.

If you went to software meetups in any major city you would surely meet some people with ideas and the skills to implement those ideas in dire need of a sales guy to just sell the product! Fish in a barrel, no shit.

IIRC, @alasdairm works in tech sales, maybe he has some tips?
^ hey.

i work in support- mostly technical but some sales - but i've done a lot of different things for technology companies. happy to answer any questions.
