Venting Alcohol WD


Jan 27, 2009
You or some of you already know about my troubles with Alcohol.

No dr ever helped me with but i am quit-in for good. By myself. If these Flunitrazolam pellets are legit. otherwise i am in real shit. Now i have all these people on my back like a nurse that wanted to visit me on my first day of of my switch/ taper.

A grand ma that say's : "if you are in the aisle with Booze just look the other way. I got extremely agitated by that last one as it actually makes you wanna do what they are advising not to. Not the kinda thing you wanna do or hear when on your first day of the switch to a Benzo taper.

I am not crazy right. Don't have a clue why but that remark about the supermarket was a really bad remark. Imo a trigger to use. I am going on stealth modus and sweat it out.

Any feedback is appreciated. But basickly its just a vent. As i am quitin for good and never go back.
How much have you been drinking daily and for how long?

Grandma's say stuff like that because they love us and they don't have an alcohol addiction. My Mom triggered me all the time when I used. By saying loving ( but stupid ) stuff. Benzos will be your friend if taken correctly and monitored carefully but you have to figure out WHY you were drinking so much in the first place before you can wrap your mind around quitting it for good.

What are you going to do when cravings hit hard? The benzo will help you physically but how are you going to treat your mind? I still crave 3 years later and I haven't relapsed yet but it isn't for the faint of heart. Prepare for a mental battle and arm yourself accordingly.
Yeah, I mean, ya can't get more useless than "just look the other way".

I don't think you're crazy for thinking that's bullshit lol, because that's a pretty silly line of thought. Is this your first time quitting or have you gone through it before?
The amount was significant. Lets keep it at that. That and my Epilepsy, i think i would def have a seizure.

The Flunitrazolam is wearing of and my whole arm was a few min ago trembling. And disappeared . During grocery's a short but extreme bout of the sweats hit me But at least the pellets were legit an 1/2 would probably be sufficient and then the Ashton Manual. That seems my most logical way out of this mess i got myself into.

The effects of Alcohol aren't really what i like. So that will help for craving's and working on my psychological problem's and sleeping disorder. Will also help. But this time i am determent to succeed. My earlier attempt's were questionable. Regarding my determination.
The amount was significant. Lets keep it at that. That and my Epilepsy, i think i would def have a seizure.

The Flunitrazolam is wearing of and my whole arm was a few min ago trembling. And disappeared . During grocery's a short but extreme bout of the sweats hit me But at least the pellets were legit an 1/2 would probably be sufficient and then the Ashton Manual. That seems my most logical way out of this mess i got myself into.

The effects of Alcohol aren't really what i like. So that will help for craving's and working on my psychological problem's and sleeping disorder. Will also help. But this time i am determent to succeed. My earlier attempt's were questionable. Regarding my determination.
You can absolutely get through it. I believe in you ❤️🙏

If there's anything I can do to help you along the way, don't hesitate to reach out.
The amount was significant. Lets keep it at that. That and my Epilepsy, i think i would def have a seizure.

The Flunitrazolam is wearing of and my whole arm was a few min ago trembling. And disappeared . During grocery's a short but extreme bout of the sweats hit me But at least the pellets were legit an 1/2 would probably be sufficient and then the Ashton Manual. That seems my most logical way out of this mess i got myself into.

The effects of Alcohol aren't really what i like. So that will help for craving's and working on my psychological problem's and sleeping disorder. Will also help. But this time i am determent to succeed. My earlier attempt's were questionable. Regarding my determination.
if you have epilepsy, are already getting tremors and hallucinations and sweats as fluni wears off : YOU NEED A HOSPITAL. don't listen to these jokers. get to the ER and tell em you're an epileptic with an ethanol habit. they'll understand the gravity.
Maybe I didn't view this thread with the seriousness I should have from the get. Mostly I just wanted to swing through and show you some positivity.

But, as the above poster has stated, if you are epileptic and going through alcohol withdrawal, you should seriously consider just going to the ER or to a detox. It might be difficult to tackle this one all on your own.

Wishing you and your family the best this holiday, I hope you get the help you need ❤️
if you have epilepsy, are already getting tremors and hallucinations and sweats as fluni wears off : YOU NEED A HOSPITAL. don't listen to these jokers. get to the ER and tell em you're an epileptic with an ethanol habit. they'll understand the gravity.
The tremor was also caused by a activity, holding a pan. Not one with no external cause.

No hallucination's btw. Today only one Flunitrazolam. But more important i feel overal better today then yesterday. Which wasn't so bad either except that thingy with my granny . If that was that day.

Important thing's like the symptoms/ occurrence and the benzo taper i write down. That is an absolute necessity btw.
Still getting better day by day. So glad it worked.

Imagine I spoke to my Psychiater a while ago. He said to just taper with alcohol. And a ssychiatric nurse who believed the best was that i would reduce my intake and limit myself to 2 time a week 4/ 5 unit's.

F7ck them.
... they're talking in your best interest. if you keep slamming your gaba systems w ethanol and benzos, you are going to put yourself in a position of having to be on 24/7 phenobarb. but you do you. PErsonally aggravating seizure disorders seems like the worst way to go.
Hang in there man. I always dread going to the grocery store for this exact reason.

For me, it helps a lot if I mentally prepare myself for the triggers. Because if I don't, it's always those random sudden urges that get me.

Still getting better day by day. So glad it worked.
u got this man, the cravings and triggers get so much less intense after 12-14 days
... they're talking in your best interest. if you keep slamming your gaba systems w ethanol and benzos, you are going to put yourself in a position of having to be on 24/7 phenobarb. but you do you. PErsonally aggravating seizure disorders seems like the worst way to go.
In patient detox you get 7 day's of 3 times a day Lorazepam. And I know i am replacing one problem with another. I been swinging from drug to drug for quite a while.

It was just impossible to taper Alcohol, and i kept relapsing. So might this not work in patient is the other option i have. But Then they keep you so sedated its seems like a breeze but after 7 day's you still have to do the rest yourself.

And most certainly my Epilepsy and trauma's don't help. With quitting substance abuse altogether. Both me me feel like shit.

Phenobarb is actually a good option, its an good sedating old school anti-epileptic still in use. Unlike Meprobamate and Clomethiazole which have been removed.
And its hard to imagine the side effect's could be worse then Valproic Acid an Levetiracetam. Which cause irritability, sleepless night's and a inability to cum without surpressing my desire. To name a few.
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Hang in there man. I always dread going to the grocery store for this exact reason.

For me, it helps a lot if I mentally prepare myself for the triggers. Because if I don't, it's always those random sudden urges that get me.

u got this man, the cravings and triggers get so much less intense after 12-14 days
Thanks everyone for the support <3 atm the 7 day mark is my 1st goal I will make 14 day's the second.
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6 day's and going.

Regarding the in patient detox. After some research I 'll rephrase myself.

You get 3 x a day 1 up to 2.5 mg Lorazepam and they taper you off before you leave. So around day 4 i guess.
So I am not overdoing it, but I am freewheeling i'll admit. DIY. In the beginning i was more conservative on my dosage. But yesterday I took about that amount. And that worked well as I slept, which is a wonder in itself.

Spending new year at my granny 's place. Could be the last year she is here, so I am not stopping until new year. With the Benzo's, so i can do a slow taper.
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To bad they don't do this out patient.

In patient means a lot of stress. Out of my own environment, not comforting when you have trauma's, who's gonna take care of my cat that sort of shit.

But who know's I'll may end up there after all for a benzo addiction, just kidding ;)
Yeah dude, just give it a try again. You can do it. As long as you have distanced yourself from drinking daily you are making progress.
Sobered up . again. but its just that the people around me. my loving relatives. And my two kid's that live with my witch bitch that make it even more important i stay away from that poisonous fluid for ever.

The reason I have no contact with those last two is because my ex did two false accusation's. So actually she called the cop's and accused me of DUI and stalking.

I don't even have a car or driving license or stalked her. But I guess what she said way's more heavy then the truth. So I am officially not allowed to see my kid's without supervision. And labeled an alcoholic while she never even saw me tipsy. Sad but through.