Apartment Leases


Aug 7, 2001
I live with 2 other roommates. I am also going to join the air force soon. I was wondering if there was any way to get out of the Lease. My room mates won't sign me out, so I can not get out that way. I know you can get out of a lease due to military obligations, but does that only work days before you have to ship out or can it work now? I want to move out back into my parents place so I have no bills before I ship out. Is there any way for me to get out? I live in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Depends on whether or not you care about the consequences. Most places can only keep your deposit and put a collection on your credit report. This will stay on it for seven years and drop your credit score (usually means higher interest rates if you get a new loan). It happened to me, but I didn't care and they had to take the collection off because they sold the property. A lease IS a contract, but shit happens. Checkoutnolo.com's web page on tenancy for more information. The laws vary greatly from state to state.
[ 12 September 2002: Message edited by: Exx_head ]
I do care about the consequences. My Parents co-signed so that will also hurt thier credit rating, witch is bad. What about the rules with military obligations?
The soldiers and Sailors relief act protects you from collection activity and relieves you from SOME contract obligations while on ACTIVE duty. This isn't going to help you break a lease, especially before you join. I'm not aware of any other laws reguarding military service and contracts and don't think there are any that apply to your situation.
Have you tried negotiating with your apartment management? People are in a patriotic mood lately, they might offer you a solution. Perhaps you could find somebody else to fill your spot, another roomate?
Sorry there isn't much else you can do, a lease is a contract and you signed it, you're expected to fulfill your end of the bargain or face the consequences.
Good Luck
[ 12 September 2002: Message edited by: DrGonzoESQ ]
Yeh, if nothing would work out, I was just going to have to find another roomate to fill my spot. My apartment complex is more than willing to do this.
If you have signed any agreement, and wanting to break your part of that lease, then you are generally required to pay your part of the rent up until the time your lease expires, then i suppose you could do as you please!
Thats how it would work in australia, but im not too sure if you have to give any notice of your vacation!