Bad news in London last night...

Mr Superbad

Oct 28, 1999
Police have issued a warning about a suspected bad batch of ecstasy after a 28-year-old man died and two became ill.
The man who died collapsed in the Astoria nightclub on Charing Cross Road, London, in the early hours and died about an hour later in University College Hospital.
A 23-year-old man also went to University College Hospital after feeling ill at the nightclub. His condition is now stable.
And a third man who was found collapsed in nearby Falconberg Mews was later discharged from the hospital.
Detective Chief Inspector Michael Taylor said: "We are concerned that these three incidents may be linked and there may be 'bad drugs' in circulation in the West End."
He urged anyone who may have bought or taken ecstasy in the area of the Astoria nightclub recently to contact police.
"If there are bad drugs in circulation in the West End our primary concern is that nobody else becomes ill from consuming them. If anyone does feel they have been adversely affected they should seek medical advice immediately.
Hey Steve.. how are you doing?? Email or icq me!!
Interesting report Mr Superbad. But I do wish they would give more detail in reports like this. What did the person die of? What sort of symptoms should people in London be watching for? And what sort of pills should we stay away from? These type of reports with such little information are just trying to scare people into not taking the drugs in the first place. This of course won't happen, and those people who do take the pills but want to try and be responsible about it are denied the information that would really help them.
I'd be interested to hear anything more that may be printed about this Mr Superbad.
miss apple
[This message has been edited by miss apple (edited 14 November 1999).]
nasty stuff...why cant they be more specific?I went to Cream last night in liverpool and got K'd out of my head i didnt know the differece between reality and dreamworld for about an was very very scary, but i managed to get a grip on it and i was OK. We got the mitsies up there and they had a very different mitsy logo to the usual ones, the diamonds were really thin and the pills were fat and well pressed, keep an eye out mate, bad thing was they tassted like a good old mitsy, but had a very scary effect, i didnt think itwas that possible to be so out of it, but ive learnt now...
keep us updated, ill ask around too!
PS alright Amy! ill mail u soon
Miss Apple - I agree this wasn't as detailed as might have been, but this was all I could find about it online and it was basically the same as reported on the local radio yesterday too - just thought I'd put it up here for interest without comment. I've heard or seen nothing more today either, but if I do find out more I'll post it as soon as.
Will email you soon Amy - hope all's well.
Glad to hear you're OK Jono - all the best.
Mr S